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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Damn, stone's throw away. Drove by yesterday, to/from Imm.
  2. I could do it on 5k a month, non farm. Though that would be pretty basic. Actually all I would need for food, 150 a day, as would be my only mandatory bill. Amazing when you think about it.
  3. Well, it's not a dry heat. Non rainy season, expect at least 60-80% RH, all day, every day.
  4. Overnight temp range for Phuket. Only you know if that's too cool. Shading, or lack of during the day will make a difference. Along with size & depth of pool. Last year we were in the neighborhoods of Krabi & Phuket, and was a bit cool at first dip. Got used to it, then after awhile, guessing a degree or so of body temp cooling and that was enough.
  5. Here's all my worldly knowledge & experience with ears, mine. Childhood issues for years, and after literally years of testing, OK, few times a year, couple years on ... .. conclusions ... ears are small, hence small ear canal and ears to channel sound into. Like we needed a doctor or 3 to tell us that. Adulthood, and no real problems, until moving here actually. Probably because, lots of water sports before arriving. Here, dusty as hell, and riding the motorbike, with a different helmet, not full face (too hot), SO, lots of noise, wind from helmet & riding. Body & ear reaction too ... need more wax to protect. Add that to aged ears w/hair ... yea, say what, huh, ... so ... Did the 'wet vac' at the hosp. a few times, 2-300 baht for both, not ea. ear. Of course always told never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. Let the pros do & charge you for it. One year I let it go a bit too long, at hosp doc says, a wee bit too impacted. He's mineral oil, put a few drops in every day, come back next week. Sorry bud, off to Phuket, see you next month. Too long, just carefully, stick ear bud in, just after the inner opening, and wipe what ever is just on the other side. Then use warm water to flush. Well you shouldn't have shown my how to do that. Now I simply do the same every week or two, and have yet to need the 'wet vac', going on about 15 yrs now. What a scam.
  6. Sure RH driving countries have their own safety equivalent test. Same cars sold here as those, so shouldn't be too hard to find, especially since amount of available vehicles here is extremely small for now. Still scratching my head about what cars available here now, that don't have a safety rating from somewhere. Especially origin country, as surely China does safety test, unless an Anti China shopper, then it's all irrelevant anyway, as they won't be buying. Which case, no 'cheap' car here would be acceptable to anti China shoppers. This is what people are buying, from Sept's registries, and not much cheap there. Leaf for 2m, but why buy that when OGC & EP are available for way less, or ZS for 1/2 price:
  7. Is that different than any other country. Know when I got some paperwork behind me, without experience, I had to work in that industry, entry level, at damn near minimum wage, at my first job. Got my experience, and moved on, to 3 more companies, all with more responsibilities or pay/bennies or both. Everybody wants to start out at top position with top pay, but accept the reality, of crawling before walking, or stay unemployed, and think of excuses for your failures. 'Nobody hired me as CEO because I didn't have experience'
  8. Just those 2 alone make up almost 80% of the registered EVs in September. Again, which one do you plan on buying here, in Thailand ? Which ones are even available now in Thailand ? ... NETAs ? I think we can scratch the ones highlighted in red as not being cheap. MG ZS is still under 1 mill, barely. Cheap is relative, and 1 mill is silly for 4 wheel transport, IMHO. But, it is what it is. Leaves the < 600k baht vehicles, and as stated, don't think will get tested in western world. Maybe tested in China.
  9. Thanks ... ... they're squaring off. At this point, seems either one could have walked away, they chose to continue. Oh well, 1 wins, 1 loses
  10. Someone is making good money, because the EVs registered last month, between the MG EP & ZS aren't inexpensive (except Leaf).
  11. KhunLA


    Think I would have just ordered the real ones from Xiaomi, low end to high end price, with a few versions in between. Couldn't find the airdots on their site.
  12. Stay away from congested areas of people where mozzies are about.
  13. Disagree ... ... daughter got offered, and turned down 28k before she even graduated. Marketing degree, and started own online shop. Did return and take the position, for 30k a month, as she found she had too much time on her hands. Plenty of jobs, for those looking. Covid is the great 'excuse', not the 'reason' to be unemployment. During Uni, she was one of only a few, who met the Uni's requirement to intern during last year, 2-4 weeks as part of the grade assessment. Since covid, they didn't enforce the requirement, and most after a day of looking, gave up. Daughter found 3 to chose from, all wanting her, and took the one she actually wanted to work for. She interned for 6 months ... talk about taking advantage of your unpaid interns. But it paid off for her, with a job offer before graduating. Others didn't bother, didn't search after, so didn't find work after graduating. Those that look, usually find. Apply yourself, and you get results. Her online shop generated 118k last month, 40% of that profit, and put back in to the business. Salary is base at 30k, w/OT, up to 48k a month. 2 years out of Uni, and she just closed on a 3m baht new townhouse as an investment, and still live in her rental condo. Her boyfriend just graduated, engineering, and he's holding out for about 50k a month job. Been offered a few for 30-40k range, but knows he's worth more. Lots of excuses, but no reasons for Uni grads not to be working, unless they simply didn't research prior and picked the wrong career path.
  14. You might want to specify what actual vehicle you are interested in buying, so others can assist in your search. "small, cheaper models which will make up the vast majority of sales" ... ... means which ones ? MG ZS/EP GWM OGC All have safety info available, being the 3 smaller, cheaper models most are buying. Or do you mean the < 600k baht vehicles available: Wuling POCCO iMio Takano Fomm 1
  15. The small local lake here at the park, I visit almost daily has breached 2X this year. Early on and this past wave of heavy rains. That's my local rain meter. In March, early April, it will be 1-2 meter down from full up, before the rains. Only the 2nd year out of 6 here, that it breached. Tells me everything I need to know locally.
  16. What's average ? You also can't judge by govt stats of medium income. Through the top 1-5-20% earnings in with the bottom 50% earners skews any results. Just like everywhere, minimum wage jobs and not careers, and should be stepping stones to bettering your financial position in the future. Flipping burgers or cashier at 7-11 aren't career moves unless going into management of. People's incomes are what the make of themselves.
  17. Yes, glad they are making great headway every year in controlling it .... .... in the headlines anyway, as it seem to be getting worse & worse every year.
  18. They look & sound pretty cool, though my opinion of them has changed over the years, to unnecessarily loud & annoying ???? I couldn't own one, or enjoy riding them. Borrowed a buddy's (1200, unbaffled) for the day way back when, and the noise would be just too annoying to ride all day, even though behind me. It was refreshing to get back on my Honda 900, quiet and smooth ride, and upgraded performance. They really are overpriced show pieces, and now, USA, quieted down to Honda level. Same buddy bought a new full dresser, and when started, he joked "W T F, you put a HD emblem on Honda", and for him, it took the joy out of riding.
  19. Best of luck dealing with it. No way could I live up there, or Hua Hin or above. 16 yrs in Udon Thani was bad enough, with some horrid pollution. It's already started this year, and too damn early. Here hitting AQI of 80. Breaking 100 already in parts of TH. My only true negatives of TH, air pollution, and litter, though the latter not too bad where we are.
  20. anyone got a link for the original, start to finish, as hate to come in on the middle of a conversation. Remember a Hua Hin incident, where all were negative about Thais during a punch up, but when whole vid was played, then obviously the farang tourists started it, the Thais simply finished it.
  21. Just a thrifty shopper. Vendor I used, sells TS & Gr Crack for ฿1400/100gr(฿14/gr) Just received 50g of 'red string' ? for ฿400/฿8gr, and sell 100g for ฿600, but I have too much already that I'll never be able to smoke in a few years. Just wanted to try since very good review, and 1/2 gr did the trip. Quite nice, and all 3 (RS / TS / GC) about the same. Red string being compressed about the only difference. Don't see the point of paying 5-10-20 times the amount for manicured buds of the same plant. It's a joint, not a beer, spirit or liquor, so not much difference in the smoking of. Not like it's a menthol cig vs regular.
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