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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Haven't a clue what EV check up/maintenance (฿2k / yr)would involve, besides just scam reason to make up loss of income from silly oil changes every 10k kms. Unless they run a capacity check on batteries, then excellent, and good to know. 2k is about the price of 1 oil change. We had 2 the first 6 months with the ZS, then 3rd recently, for 1.5 yrs of owning the ZS (ICE). I took the figure from MG site - ฿9k x 1.8 = ฿16.2k:
  2. Yes I did, and yes it did pencil out .... think this is it, and for us, scratch the 90k as most will be charged from solar. And also E85 is ฿37.24 now So that's while under warranty 1.4m vs 1m, 8yr/180 kms Double that for the next 8 yrs - 2.8m vs 2m Buy in + operating cost for 8 yrs / 180 kms
  3. I'm still a youngin', so going EV will be beneficial. Along with the wife, 20+ yrs junior, and probably her last car also. We ain't putting 400-800k kms on anything before we c r a p out. EV vs ICE is strictly financially motivated decision for us, and a few less trips to the dealer for maintenance never hurts either. Every 10k kms for oil change .... PLEASE ???? Probably in 5 yrs, our EVs battery tech will be considered ancient ... or not. I don't feel like waiting. As I don't see anything around the immediate corner worth waiting for, that will be mass produced and available to TH. AND that ฿240k incentive, was quite the incentive. ???? Thailand is so small, it would be pretty hard to run out of 'battery' before another top up station down the road. Since not many 'open' roads here, 4 hr is more than enough for me at one time behind the wheel, as I'll need a break anyway if going further. I had 2 Vios s, decent cars. ????
  4. TBH ... I really don't care. Agree, definitely better for air quality in metro area. I actually wouldn't buy a diesel just for that reason, and, I wouldn't have a clue how to fix one. Not that I'd actually work on my ICE anyway. I don't think my DIY drone knowledge is going to help with maintaining the EV, though no need to worry for 5 yrs. EV vs ICE is strictly financially motivated reason for us, and a few less trips to the dealer for maintenance.
  5. Fries are one thing I won't use it for, as just not as good as deep frying, which takes less than 10 minutes, with only 6 minute of that, actually cooking time for 10mm frozen fries. They have there pluses, and limitations.
  6. As with every product produced. Horse & buggy works. Better just make that horse, as the buggy production, may not be eco friendly. Then there's the ethics of 'beast of burden' .... Oh C r a p ... ????
  7. 3m back taxes ... I'm finding that really hard to believe. Must be one really expensive rental, with a really long lease. Rent would have to be over 55k a month, and lease for 30 yrs to get hit with a 3m tax bill @ 15%
  8. Without the batteries from China, along with so many other car components from China, you won't be owning an EV anytime soon. And you may want to consider getting rid of that ICE you have now with those Chinese parts in it. ????
  9. If they have a 'swap' program in place, the replacement becomes a mute subject.
  10. I believe the warranty is it won't degrade below 70% within those 8 yrs. And I'd be hard pressed to put 200k kms on a car in 20 yrs now. I won't be out & about as much, and I seemed to put 100-120k kms / 7 ish years on past cars. I read most EVs get 1500-2000 cycles out of their batteries. Using a very negative 1000 cycles for the MGs, and your looking at 400k kms before battery needs replacement. That's a very negative estimate. Use the 1500-2000 range and it's 600-800k kms. ..... nuff said
  11. I believe its a 5 minute alternative to a 30+ minute charging wait to top up. Pretty cool really. You simply pull in front of the station, and car auto parks itself into position. China once again, way ahead of the rest of the world... Rock on
  12. OP ... You are still pushing the theory, batteries are stuffed after the warranty, 8yr/180k kms has expired. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you accept that, a conversation can actually happen. Also need to accept the fact, that ICE & EV both depreciate, some faster than others, some not. Depends wholly on supply & demand, and nothing else. If going to push the same BS people do, did on the EV Thailand thread, and not use the ICE vs EV thread, then this will simply become another wasted thread mentioning EVs, and repeating ignorance or more opportunities to troll. My Mazda 2 depreciated to the point, I didn't bother selling, and was more value to me, to simply give it to my daughter. My MG (ICE) has depreciated more than I'd prefer, but since unneeded by myself or daughter, it would be silly to keep, when having an EV arrive. At the 8 yr mark, I wouldn't expect any EV or ICE to be worth much. Unless a unique vehicle in high demand, for whatever reason. But surely nothing I'd probably own, for the added cost at purchase. Keep or sell ... hmm... always nice to have a back up, or extra jingle in the pocket. Choice is yours. As you know, I'm an EV fan, so far, with no concerns what so ever, especially of the silly things people mention. I've ran the numbers, and everyday, it find it even more advantageous for us to own an EV vs future expense of owning an ICE. No need to repeat the whys and numbers, unless someone new to the forums asks. Hope my assessment of the future of this thread is wrong, but experience shows, I'll probably, sadly, be correct. I may be incorrect, some good thoughts while typing, and buy in cost can be an issue for some.
  13. Apparently it is to some people, 63+million abortions are pretty hard to explain...in my world anyway. Would appear many thought raising said child would be an 'inconvenience'. Of course others may read something else into those stats, and that is your choice.
  14. Read the not so fine print, when buying, as some condos do not allow renting short term. 'Short term' ... can be different at different complexes. How to pay on lease less than 3 yrs, I haven't a clue. Register a lease, and taxes will collected at that time.
  15. disagree with all of that, especially 'ban of movement'. All comes down to choices. Live with, or change. There are NO reasons not to, just excuses. Live with your choices, don't complain about them.
  16. Do you live in Patts now ? Make sure anything you buy, you are allowed to rent, short or long term. Short term is usually a bit iffy. Taxes, UP2U if you report / declare income. Any lease 3 yrs or more, has to be registered and taxes will be collected.
  17. Vote, accept, adapt or move to a place you'll be happier at ... that's everyone's right also. Done more than a few (moves) myself. Within a state, out of, and lastly, out of the country. Happier every time I did.
  18. They had a choice before the fact, and still have a choice after the fact. Though after the fact, they may not like the consequences of that choice. But everyone has a choice.
  19. Kill & eat, or die. Nature is a bittch sometimes, and if not near the top of the food chain.... oh well. Just be happy they scream out in pain when killed at a frequency we apparently can't hear ... ????
  20. Many (men & women) describe it as one of the best things, or worst things in their life. Along with somewhere in between for many others. I thought child raising was one of, if not the best thing in my life. 22 yrs of bliss, with a bit of worrying, and goes hand in hand. Best of all, the joy of, continues today, well after I'm not needed. Life would be completely different without my daughter, and quite a few less laughs & smiles. Child raising comes in a tie with actually saving a child's life, from drowning. 3 actually, hard to pick which is better, one short lived, probably more important, than the other, raising, but no long term rewards. The thoughts of ending a life, is inconceivable to me. Others apparently disagree. That's their right & their body.
  21. Don't mind ambulances, but something just drove by the house, and it rattled the windows. Morlam set up on the back of a truck, I suspect anyway. Judging by sound & speed past house, it was probably 100m down the road, and I could still here it, and too loud, maybe 500m now, and still hear it faintly. Mind boggling, and I'm running the AC, window closed
  22. Killing is killing. Ending a life is killing. Apply where you see fit. It is what it is. Justify in your mind anyway you wish, it doesn't change the reality of it. You stop something from growing, you killed it. Only in your mind is that reality different. UP2U
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