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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I just don't put much faith when man & $$$ is involved. That has worked perfectly for me in the past, so I'll probably remain free thinking the rest o my days. Don't need strangers telling me how to live. I believe 100% in probability. I probably don't need something, IF I don't put myself in harm's way. I'll probably make a sh!t load of money if I research before investing. That has worked throughout my adult life, with a few learning speed bumps, so all is probably good in my future, since I learn from my mistakes.
  2. New build has air vents lower & higher (side wall) and in a couple month, I'll let you know how that worked ????. Steel roof has thickest insulation available, along with +37/38 ceiling insulation. Steel roof will be partially shaded with solar panels also. Not expecting any heat problem and practical precautions taken, though again, solar AC, so don't care.
  3. 2nd house we used Q/K- insulated block stuff (various names), with shaded, and that alone was more than enough to keep the house cool. Built east to west, 9mm tinted window (glass front) was good, with 95+ UV & heat blocking. All other exterior walls were shaded most of the day. House was very cool, even on the hottest days. In our 2nd build, more insulation (walls) or double glazed windows wouldn't have helped much. Our present build will have one east sun exposed surface, mostly glass for a few morning hours, but don't care, as solar powered AC, so shouldn't be any issue cooling, if a bit of heat is transferred via glass sliding doors. Insulation & windows are inexpensive, so a wee bit more for better never hurts, and a small percentage of final costs. Shaded concrete roof, and insulated ceiling is a bit though, and I wouldn't bother.
  4. I believe scientific research, whatever that is, was used in most of the examples I posted, and yet .... If it involves man & $$$, I find most things are corrupt. I've been around long enough, and that thought (man & $$$) has been proven over & over again. UP2U to see and believe things as you wish. But 'new science' always seems to prove 'old science' wrong. Or was it, is it, really science to begin with. Maybe just re-defined to fit an agenda, who knows, who cares. Have faith ... GOD will provide.
  5. For every study for something, there's usually one against it, or my observation over the years, and time studied usually effect the 'final' study, if any are to be believed. Pick one: Eggs bad for you, eggs good for you Fats, butter / oil ... holy Buddha, good luck with that Smoking, no link to cancer, smoking causes cancer Alcohol bad, small amounts OK, now all amounts bad. The new wonder drugs / vaccines (1 ex; AZT) ... now withdrawn from market, along with so many others. Breast implants (old silicone) safe, now if having, recommended to remove Housing insulation, lead paint ... safe, now, must remove. What to believe, who to believe, who financed the study, who profiting if the study agrees with their marketing plan ??? Good Luck with all that. I'll just put my faith in GOD, he / she / it has always protected me.
  6. Depends if you are a stockholder, making huge ROI, or a person who can't afford their overpriced life saving medication ???? I personally would not invest in defense contractors, though did well with oil stocks, so not exactly morally pure ???? but damn profitable after bush 2 was elected and I retired, at the same time. Also when I left the USA, as damn embarrassing to be a Yank in 2021, or being any NATO member country citizen. Killing for $$$, it's not just Big Pharma.
  7. Depends, location location location. Now, a buyer's market everywhere. 1st house sold, 2008 at Udon Thani sold 1 day before even listing, via local forum, as posted and talked about a few months before listing. No bites, so 'listed' at realtor, and before he actually put it on his site, someone (retired farang) offered to buy. 2nd house, sold Aug 2020, did take a while, 3 yrs, but, bit further out of town, and as photo above, unique design, on 2 rai, so not exactly cheap, and, main kicker, across from a wat w/crematorium, so Thai superstitions didn't help. Since out of town, only a retired person would buy it anyway. Definitely a hard sell.
  8. We used +37 & +38 for ceiling insulation on present build. Though think the insulation is overkill for you, since having flat concrete roof and steel roof covering that. Previous house had flat concrete roof, shaded by raised steel roof, which provide shade most of day, and good coverage, since rectangular house and built east to west lengthwise. Ceiling stayed cool all year, not radiating any ambient heat from the outside. Concrete roof was quite thick, not just slabs with thin concrete coating, but thick & waterproofed, since 'open', as designed for 2nd story if needed.
  9. On a good day, $12-13K = ฿400k if married, and $24-26k if not married, so his $20+ is fairly accurate. And you don't have to have or spend millions, as they don't care what you do with it. My Imm office allow ฿400k deposited + 40k a month for retirement, if wanting to go the deposit + dd route. So you don't even need high income. 40k or 65k a month, and seriously, if you don't have that, you probably shouldn't be living in a foreign country. All you have to do is prove; residence + income, and quite easy, + marriage if going that route. Neither stressful nor difficult. You operate a business here, and going to Imm once a year is stressful ????
  10. Ah, but so much cheaper to build than over/underpasses. Think they do realize their error. To be fair, most inter-province roads were designed way before the amount of vehicles now using them. They are getting around to constructing them (over/underpasses) and a slow work in progress. Calling them inter-province highways is a stretch, considering they pass through towns with cross traffic and traffic signals. Remember 20 yrs ago, I could do Udon Thani to Bangkok in just over 6 hrs, a mere 560 kms. Now it take about 9, and that's a good day. http://tiny.cc/dbqouz
  11. MG gives free servicing for all vehicles I believe. Free servicing = no labor charge, at least for us, and oil changes (pay for oil/filter) or whatever, for length of warranty. 5 yrs for us, though changed to 4 yrs, I believe. EV needing just about nil, ICE simply regular maintenance, oil and tune ups. 5yr / 120k kms, I think.
  12. Truck in vid didn't get rear ended because HE stopped, but because other person simply wasn't paying attention, crosswalk or not. Curious how the pedestrian made it to the middle of the road, during a green light. I actually did it again, did not stop at crosswalk, though this time I probably should have, legally. Person was on opposite side, obviously waiting for me to pass, before actually stepping off curb. I, out of habit, developed since not knowing the law, simply drove through, at my surfside 25 km tourist speed, then again, it clicked, 'damn, I did it again'. Although, it still seems silly after the fact, for me to actually stop, since no other traffic, and the person crossing was waiting for me to pass. As most intelligent pedestrians do. Law or not. On flip side of that, at Hua Hin the other day, and a couple standing in between the lanes on Phetkasem, waiting to cross (no crosswalk), and I being the lead vehicle from traffic light, now 50m behind me, checked mirror, realizing nobody planning on zipping past me, I put my flashers on, and straddled both lanes, slowing to a momentary stop and waving them across. Knowing if I didn't, they'd be there for a long time. Cars behind didn't need to stop, but definitely had to ease off the accelerator. I actually do that often, when I can, as never in a hurry, usually ????
  13. "Just received " ... I picked it up at PO Box yesterday.
  14. https://postcalc.usps.com/Calculator/MailServices?country=10424&ccode=TH&omil=False&dmil=False&mdt=2%2F19%2F2022&mdz=16%3A59&m=12
  15. Not a guess, as know exactly what he paid for it, what it's worth, and what he is selling it for. 300k for a rai wherever is irrelevant, as location location location. The price of a rai where we are, vs 4 kms east, probably 50 million, vs 5 kms west, maybe half the price where we are now ???? East would be surfside if wondering why.
  16. Yes, I've done that myself, in residential suburbia USA, early morning on a Sunday, so nobody else about. It's actually very easy to do. Can't imagine doing it in Chinatown, unless a main open-ish road, as didn't view the vid.
  17. I went from Honda Sonic to Wave, to now DECO with 12" wheels, and was skeptical myself, but haven't noticed any difference. Don't do much highway driving though, but have done 87 kph, and again, didn't notice much difference, aside from the suspension isn't as good as the Hondas, but that's it. Handling is the about the same.
  18. 10 yr holiday & all is forgotten. Family probably regrets the compensation they paid, unless car was in company name.
  19. I don't know what idiots are maintaining these site, or they have a deal with phone servers for kickbacks from SMS charges, but they really are getting silly. Shopee has been silly every time I try to log on so, so I don't. Wouldn't be so bad, if their extra measures actually worked every time, but more times not, than it does. That's on my laptop, as I refuse to use their useless phone apps.
  20. Since private development, not sure if applicable, but at our house build, after we started building, a guy purchased the small lot next to us, and started raising chickens, and it stunk. Wife got puyaibon, district & pollution control involved, and he was shut down, had to clean up, and cover his lot with new dirt. Pretty obvious it was only a ploy to get us to buy him out at an overpriced, nice profit for him. Now he's stuck trying to sell at silly price, so we know we won't have any neighbors on that side of us for decades. As you can buy a rai elsewhere for what he wants to sell 60TW at ????
  21. I don't think any foreigner, or very few, who would spend Thai prices for these high end EV, would even be living in Thailand. If I had that much extra cash to waste of 4 wheels, I doubt if I would be here. 1.2 mill for the ZS would be about my max for 4 wheels, and that's pushing it. It really is just a machine to get from point A to B for me. 700k for the ICE version was a big leap for me, but for a mere 100k over what c r a p other dealers were offering in the 600k range, then the ZS was a bargain.
  22. To the OP, seems they're adding a bit if entry model, as price at 61.2K https://www.thaihonda.co.th/honda/motorcycle/automatic/new-click-150i For the others, yikes, , unlocked, start and drive away ???? I don't bother with my fob at all, as always pushing the wrong button. Which unless pushed just right, alarm goes off, and I'm apparently too old to figure out, remember the sequence. Without fob unlocked, can't be moved anyway, as wheel / motor (EV) auto locks. Would have to be carried away.
  23. yes, if meaning at the Post Office. EMS needs a signature (hand to hand delivery), so delivered at house, and not there, a notice is placed in/at mail box/house that EMS is at the PO itself to be picked up.
  24. Not just Thailand, as the 'online' industry, especially banking / CC will never admit how widespread the problem really is. I just got sent a new CC, as was informed my CC was 'compromised'. Actually I didn't even know it, as it's a card I don't use. I have 2 cards (debits) / seperate accounts at same broker, and was expecting both to be replaced, but only the 1 that I don't use was. So it wasn't my info or on my end use, that got hacked. The 1 card I use, for ATM withdrawals here, since fee free, wasn't the issue. Hmm ... does make you wonder. Also why many CC don't work with Asian vendors, as their encryption isn't up to snuff.
  25. Hence the issue with anything imported. I'm trying to justify to myself one of the ticker car EVs, as a 2nd knock around town car when it's raining ???? or simply just to have since EV and we'll have excess with the solar. And they are only ฿3-4-500k (iMIO - Wuling - Pocco), which sadly is 2X probably what they sell in China for. Or simply upgrade our present MG ZS, for an additional ฿6-700k, if getting 6 or 500k when selling. The new house build, including land, wall & solar comes in at about half the EQS (UK price) ????
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