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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. From the link: "A democratic and liberal government, and it is debatable whether we live under one right now, should not mandate or force people to receive something as personal as an intravenous injection." Also from the link, although name calling, you just lost any little credibility you may have had: "Show them for what they really are, a anti-science, anti-community group of selfish nitwits."
  2. I must just be lucky, as I completely ignored their 'get vccinated' advise. Absolutely nothing changed in my life. And my opinion of "just do it, because they told you to"
  3. Not a reality yet, unlike the headliner, just thinking about it, but it's a start. They're not exactly going big with the incentives either. Actually looks a lot like last time simply cutting the 8% 'excise tax', and maybe some import tax. Headliner and amount they are bouncing around, and I'm guessing, it is the 8% excise tax. As if applied to the MG ZS EV, 8% off the current ฿1.2m price tag, drops it only ฿100k. Bit of a pittance actually, compared to the last excise tax promo, took off the same ฿100k, but off our ฿530k Mazda2, for an over 20% incentive. ???? Need to up that to 20% for me to buy in. https://www.reuters.com/technology/thailand-approves-incentives-promote-ev-shift-2022-02-15/ "Thailand approves incentives to promote EV shift" "Thanakorn did not give further details on the incentives, which he said would need to be worked out with the energy ministry. According to earlier media reports, the package will help reduce the price of each EV by between 70,000 baht ($2,165) and 150,000 baht " Same info in BkkPost, which can't quote on AN Bloomberg, floating around a few more numbers: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-14/thailand-mulls-tax-cuts-subsidies-to-spur-electric-car-adoption ... "Subsidies to range between 70,000 baht and 150,000 baht for cars and trucks ... EV motorcycles to get 18,000 baht subsidy ... Proposal would cut excise tax to 2% from 8% for cars ... Waive excise tax for trucks ... Reduce import duty by as much as 40% for completely built cars during 2022-2023 ... Waive import duty for key parts of completely knocked down vehicles including battery and traction motors ... Cars priced below 2 million baht set to get the most benefits"
  4. Unless Ukrainian or Russian, or operate import / export to and or from, not sure how anything about that region would effect Thailand or expats here.
  5. Don't know about the success of the Vietnam model of round them up & eat them. Did seem to help here, before the 'bucket trucks' stopped operating. USA model works quite well, though a waste of 'food', and should at least be used for dog food ???? though it does sound a bit weird. The model of round 'em up, nobody claims, kill them, seems to solve the 'too many' strays in the USA. With the Thai mindset on soi dogs ... no solution here.
  6. You have to be a very special kind of idiot to fall off a balcony. Thrown or jump off, oh well ... comes down to choice. Just try not to land on anyone. That's would be just rude.
  7. Yep ... does it matter, me or the gov't ? As long as it doesn't end up in the seas, I'm happy. Not a big fan of landfills, as it eventually makes it down to the water table. Unfortunately, me burning, is simply the lesser of the 3 evils. Anyone got a better solution, I'm all ears/eyes.
  8. https://aseannow.com/topic/1251078-foreign-ex-pat-riding-a-bicycle-dies-after-being-hit-by-a-pickup-truck-driver-in-the-pattaya-area/page/2/#comment-17203893
  9. Just when practical and economical alternatives to the noisy, smelly, polluting ICEs are starting to show up, lets ban them, because of a few idiot tourist & an easy money grab. Great, now the idiots will simply rent a real motorcycle, and be even more of a danger. Be cruising at 100 kph instead of 25 kph.
  10. What we as consumers do with the trash, isn't as much the problem, as most trust giving it to the gov't to handle, who apparently dumps it in the seas. Why I burn as much as possible myself at home, and don't give them the opportunity. I'm pretty sure they are simply going to burn it or dump in the sea anyway. What they need is trash to energy plants, and to actually recycle what recyclables the do collect. Makes no sense to seperate, and drop off at recycling places, if all they do is place in landfill, burn it or dump in the seas. If not recycling, burn for energy, as the plastics, since an oil byproduct, burn excellently for energy.
  11. Last time I went the Ranong route, hwy #4, (Chumphon/Ranong/Phuket) 16 March 2021, it was quite nice, excellent road, and no problems or issues.
  12. Apparently Thais, and a few expats, have taking a liking to MG. When other makers are experiencing a sales slump (2021 vs 2019), MG is expanding. New dealership opening just a few kms from us now, so no need to go to Hua Hin (100 kms) for the oil change ???? "Brand-wise, this year the leader Toyota (+3.2%) gained 3.3% market share, followed by Honda (-12.2%), which lost 1.3% share. Mitsubishi lost 0.8% share, falling 12.5%. Mazda reached 4th place (-10%), followed by Nissan -down 1 spot- which fell 23.4%. Ford gained 8.4%, followed by MG which rose 13.9% and reported the best performance" https://www.focus2move.com/thailand-vehicles-market/
  13. Thung Wua Laen Beach, Chumphon, would make a good 'half way' stopover, if wanting to get away from the highway. about 10-15 kms from hwy #4. If ambitious the first day of driving, then Ban Krut or PKK municipality would also make good stop overs, adding 1 or 2 hrs, respectfully to the 1 day's trip. You can avoid hwy #41, whole or part way, by going via Ranong, and will add about 1 hour to your trip. That's a good road & alternate route all the way. Cutting through Surat Thani is very scenic though, PhangNga is no slouch either. More than a few scenic overviews along the way. #41 Surat Thani to Chumphon, as mention, does get its share of truck traffic.
  14. It's a nice & easy drive once on the mainland. 12 ish hours, so you may want to do 2 overnights, or more. I've done it numerous times, to/from Phuket, starting at Udon Thani, Krung Thep, and more recently from Prachuap KK. Roads are excellent, with a few rough patches and probably a few stretches of construction / maintenance along the way. Once above Chumphon, there aren't any alternative routes. Maintaining speed limit of 90-120 shouldn't be a problem. Inter-province roads do cut through municipalities, so you'll have cross traffic and traffic lights along, if not familiar with highway driving here. I prefer 4118 over 415, and timewise, about the same, as they run fairly parallel to each other. Allow more time if you can, as it really is a lovely drive, until you get pass Prachuap KK, municipality.
  15. "Police and emergency responders were notified of the accident on Number 331 Road (Sattahip – Korat) in the Huayyai sub-district" It seems Hwy # 331 / HuayYai is a 4 lane divided highway. Thai driver had every right to be passing in the right lane. http://tiny.cc/lptouz What was the cyclist doing way over there ?
  16. Not the 'Top 10' list you want to be in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_debris#Sources https://tdri.or.th/en/2021/06/disparity-worsens-ocean-pollution/
  17. NO ... are you having a problem reading my reply .... "IF they should not get their agreed upon test" https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=reading+glasses&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.login_signup.search.go.642461088VnUVX
  18. All my marriage extensions, and I've never had to do a 'follow up', just return to finalize the extension, on date in the PP. Usually 30 days +/-, after application submitted, which is stamped in your PP when submitted. Since 100 kms away, we always call first, to make sure the final paperwork is there. Highly advise doing so, calling ahead, as BKK Imm may be a bit backlogged, due to the 'situation'.
  19. Why I burn, if possible, most of my trash at home. Why give to the gov't to dump in the sea. Shameful. Vaccine vials ... nuff said.
  20. More so, pickups for Thais, are simply a practical choice when buying. Simply more on the road would account for their higher number of involved incidents. Along with 'multiple deaths / injuries' as headliners. You can't fit 10 people in a sedan. Quick G search, and for 2021, and guessing Ford's gain would mostly be their 'Ranger': "Brand-wise, this year the leader Toyota (+3.2%) gained 3.3% market share, followed by Honda (-12.2%), which lost 1.3% share. Mitsubishi lost 0.8% share, falling 12.5%. Mazda reached 4th place (-10%), followed by Nissan -down 1 spot- which fell 23.4%. Ford gained 8.4%, followed by MG which rose 13.9% and reported the best performance, and Suzuki which gained 1.5%. Closing the leaderboard we have BMW -up 1 spot- losing 6.1% this year and Mercedes -down 1 spot- losing 17.1%. The most sold vehicle this year remains the Isuzu D-Max (+14.5%) with 149,104 units sold, followed by the Toyota Hilux, which gained 4.6% registering 130,855 new sales this year. The Honda City (+40.6%) closes the podium by jumping 1 spot and reports 42,485 new units sold." https://www.focus2move.com/thailand-vehicles-market/
  21. I've made more than a few oops maneuvers on my bicycle, over the years, and thankfully others were paying more attention than myself. That's why they're called accidents.
  22. I'm not seeing H as a practical, alternative energy source for vehicles. Solar & better battery tech (size, weight, range) will be 'our' future, next 10 yrs at least. With solar now being affordable for most new homeowners, it's a no brainer. More an education thing, as many still think it's expensive to install. ROI can be as little as 5 yrs if you abuse the AC or have an EV.
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