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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Assumptions ... always the Thai's fault ... ... maybe the cyclist was at fault, it happens.
  2. I see you have struggled with the concept of a hypothetical reply ... Reading comprehension on your part would go a long way ... ... " if they should not get their agreed upon test"
  3. I'm kinda hoping they track down the OP, and deport them immediately, if they should not get their agreed upon test. And red stamp their PP for 10 year duration, if not permanently. What other rules & laws do they plan on violating while here. The few always screw it up for the rest.
  4. Not yet, as just submitted mine last week. Thank for the heads up though. I'm not due to pick it up till 18 March. If this is your 1st, last year and all prior, they were spot on, with the p/u dates.
  5. That shouldn't be a issue, as the USA, with Canada & Mexico next door would take years to explore properly. Thailand is one small a$$ country, my 1 con about the place. Texas alone is larger than Thailand ???? https://thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTU0NjgyMzU.Njk4MjQ3Mw*MzAxNjM0NDI(NTg4ODA1Mg~!TH*MA.MTgwMDAwMDA)Mw Though I still tend to find new things to explore, it is getting harder. Along with much being 'same same ... not very different'
  6. Yes, from personal experience & my PO Box, at PO building in town. Along with living rural, and notice at house to pick up.
  7. Agree, way OTT, especially with high kms What's the insured value ? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/112474645432594/search?query=2006 honda jazz
  8. Season 6 is the last 'scheduled' season anyway, and if it continues as is, don't expect much demand for a season 7.
  9. 21 ... that's an off day. ???? So 30 died 'with' covid, not necessarily from covid. Some could have easily died with common cold or seasonal flu, as the last straw. If they are going to post the daily death count, I'd like specifics, as most are very old and or had other health issues.
  10. Take your insured value, and add or subtract 10-20% depending on vehicle's condition & kms. Also see what your car is listed for elsewhere, and knock 10-20% off ???? https://www.one2car.com/en
  11. Crazy was why report them 'everyday' in the first place. That's nuts. Why isn't road deaths the headliner everyday, or cases of cancer and daily dead count (2019, 73,000 patients have died) a headliner everyday. 3X as many, and much higher mortality rate than covid ... and yet ... no daily, weekly, monthly press conference. The silliness has to end. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/number-one-cause-of-death-among-thais-is-cancer-related-diseases If posting thaiger link not allowed, apologies & please delete.
  12. If you want to know, simply ask. If having a wife, then she can read the list when given to her, and anything she doesn't understand, she can simply ask. Don't ask, then expect a surprise or 2 when submitting. After your first application, all is answered. It doesn't get any easier to stay in Thailand. Prove residence + income. Marriage if applicable, and that takes 5 mins, if that, at district office. Mind boggling that people can't seem to do the simplest things. Cooking a new dish, following a new receipt can be more complicated. How did some of you function before coming here.
  13. The title of the thread makes you realize, depending on one's mindset ... nothing is safe. I was jokingly going to suggest, if that worried, just walk or use a bicycle ... but it seems a few people doing that get killed everyday here. Walk, bike, scooter, car, bus, train, plane ... I think I'll stay in today. Good Luck
  14. oops ... my bad. Though NH sounds better. ???? NH in summer months, and FL when tired of the snow works well.
  15. Looking for a constipation app ...
  16. As with any machine, it's only as good as the operator. And it doesn't take much to tip a car on it's roof. Watch youtube 'idiots in cars' or any compilation of auto crashes and you'll be amazed how easy some flip at very low speeds.
  17. "mild cold symptoms" ... hmm ... I'll hold my thoughts. Speedy recovery to Mum ... ????
  18. I don't even enjoy half the stuff I own & use to listen to. Surprised I liked it, and wonder where my head was back then when I did. Some of it is timeless, and I still love it, but some, yikes, what was I thinking. I rarely listen to music anymore, and if do, it's instrumental as simply background music. Daughter has some good taste, and plays some nice stuff when in the car, bluetooth through the radio from her phone, so there is some good stuff out there. I can't be bothered though. Silence is golden, seems to fit me more. I'd rather hear the birds chirping or the rolling waves. One option I don't need to pay extra for when car shopping, an upgraded in media / sound system. Unless daughter is in the car, rare, it stays off.
  19. I also can't imagine that. Though they already have a residence in Hamptons & FL, so half the challenge over. Thought about it a few times, and seriously couldn't think of a place I'd like to live, or could afford to live a comfortable living. Here, I have more than I'll ever need, there, USA, I would have 'just enough', unless I got sick, then I'd be in deep sh!t. Best I could come up with, was playing tourist for a couple years, living in an RV. That would actually be fun, since the USA is so large, with Canada & Mexico next door, it would take a few years to enjoy everything. But then what ... and if it got old too fast, I'd wasted the wife & kid's inheritance, or have to start trading on the market again, and make no mistake, that is working, which ends my retirement. NO THANKS
  20. Telling the wife the same thing, as very nice air quality this month. A weekly rain every month, or once a week would be perfect. Also good for those that rely a bit on saving rainwater. Everything nice and green again, instead of ugly brown, dusty & crunchy.
  21. Other - Me I don't trust any insurance company to cover me when 'needed' ... all have failed in the past.
  22. Was one of my favorite 'eastern' beaches, 20 ish yrs ago ... oh well.
  23. Columns between the window are 5 meters apart. Main house was 8m wide, but, with support columns midway. So one half was 20 X 4 open, the other, same, but with 3 seperate 'rooms; bdrm/bath, kitchen, bdrm/bath. Column & beam, so no real support walls. So 4m concrete slabs were used for roof. Here's more than a few photos of the build, if having Google account, don't think you need to sign in to access: https://goo.gl/photos/69JVYh4LtQF8rixM6
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