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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. FedEx is ridiculously priced. Just received a CC in bubble pack via USPS, cost $16.45. https://www.usps.com/international/priority-mail-international.htm
  2. I personally don't enjoy driving at night, and a MB is something I would definitely avoid driving at night.
  3. Yes it is, and why my original reply had 'choices / adapt' in it. If not wanting to commit fraud. I try my best not to. Have to admit, some rules & laws, simply are wrong, in my mind, and didn't vote or agree to them, no matter how binding they are since passed. Violated more than a few, in every country & here. As I suspect most have, especially with respect to 2 of them. And I'm not even thinking about traffic laws, as I fit right in with the locals when it comes to driving here ???? So I never take the high road, unless it involves children.
  4. Then my reply and maybe the thread is irrelevant to you. If Brit, you obviously don't care about pension increase / NHS access, as I think that's what the thread was about. I was simply replying to the thought of 'no family in UK' so assuming no option to maintain address and pension increases/access. Surely everyone know someone, at least one friend, who wouldn't mind you using their address to maintain pension increases. More a rhetorical attempt at humour than actually replying, since a Yank. Serious side, even my anti-social self has a couple mates if asked would have no prob with using their address, I hope, though still have 3 brothers there. Though I do seem to be outliving most friends. I actually use my now SIL's house, since brother's recent marriage, and he sold the house I gave him, so had to change address recently for my USA brokerage / banking, as company/union pension can only be deposited in USA bank. Gov't pension / Soc Sec, I use Thai address / PO Box, since USA doesn't do the pension freezing thingy. Thankfully.
  5. Not at all ... unless of course, you've been to every Imm office recently. I 'personally know' people that have been issued CoR on a tourist visa and purchased MBs. One office I dealt with very early on, my first CoR was maybe 100 baht (22 yrs ago), issued as I sat there. Years later they then changed to 300 (no receipt) issued as you wait or 600 if wanting a receipt, come back and p/u. My experiences anyway. As always, any given office, officer on any given day ... your experience may differ. What they do now, I haven't a clue, and I simply get yellow books, easier & cheaper.
  6. Melcher being Doris Day's son ... as referenced above. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Melcher#Manson_Family https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wilson#Contact_with_Manson
  7. Most times, it's more about the food, that deserves or needs to be washed down with a Kopper Craft. Sausage definitely tops the list alongside pizza. Or if I make myself a nice Hoagie (sub for non Philly-ites), for a surfside munch. A good burger, almost dictates time for beer. If having a munch at surfside (we bring our table & chairs) on the promenade, then yea, usually a beer or 2, or Mochitos (lemon/lime ? Schweppes & Bacardi). Not a big drinker of alcohol, just to drink, and can't remember last time I got past 1 liter of beer. Water is my usual beverage of choice, unless doing the coffee / pastry shop thing.
  8. Didn't watch, but assuming yet another reality show, which all seem to be far from it. Money gets people to do and say anything.
  9. Being a nonconformist, I eat & drink, whatever, whenever I want. Whether 1st meal, main or last meal of the day. Might be a beer, wine, steak, shrimp, crab, lobster for 1st meal, or eggs, bacon or pancakes for last meal & black coffee for a nightcap. My world, there are no rules. Whatever I'm in the mood for.
  10. Just replying to 'grain's' post, as feels Thais are obsessed, and I simply find the opposite. Not trying to characterize anyone, or insult them with silly 'tin foil hat' references. Simply agreeing to disagree. You certainly can't deny most forum members are asking where can I get the next shot, whether have 2 or 3 already (how long do I have to wait for next), and you surely can NOT deny the prejudice (your replies / prime example) toward those who think different. Have a nice day.
  11. I obviously travel in different circles, as most I know, are skeptical and have avoided the vaccines. Expats seem to be (if forums are an example) obsessed with getting as many shots as possible, and showing extreme prejudice to those who think differently.
  12. If a Yank, then I believe any of the JP Morgan Chase or Charles Schwab financial institutions / subsidies, don't charge all the silly fees that others do. I use one of those.
  13. Thanks for making things so much harder for the rest of us who abide by the rules. Why I needed 108 pages to extend my visa yesterday.
  14. About an hour, and 108 pages, so actually fast. Again, no agent, so extra whatever fee they would have charged, for my 1 ish hour of time. 7-8-9-10k ... nah, don't think so. Now, what to buy myself. Had a nice sandwich, cake & coffee at a favorite place, and a bit of shopping for things not available where I live. Nice day out.
  15. I would avoid DeeStone, as I couldn't even get 20k kms out of them. Probably the worst tires I've ever bought. I've had tires from Maxxis, and they didn't hold up to the brand reputation and past experiences with same, and yes, read into that.
  16. Back to GWM ... up at Hua Hin today, and spotted their new showroom being built ... ???? North side of the Palace on hwy #4 / Phetkasem Rd. Give it a month or 2, and should be ready.
  17. Can't find the weight anywhere, but really can't be too much, as the whole scooter (Sally) only weighs 69 kgs. Did find a comparative spec'd Samsung battery, 60v20Ah and weight stated at 5.4 kgs. So surely <10kgs I would think.
  18. DECO ... the 1000w motor models, the battery is removable for in home / condo charging. E-bicycles, are just as handy, and even more convenient around congested communities, and all their batteries are removable. Good ones not cheap, but more versatile than scooters: https://www.bkkebike.com/e-bike-thailand?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3rKQBhCNARIsACUEW_bqTrB6Tw0pONGtiDoXdFimGMiDp1rQV2hzsAcoAj-6uQQ5hwru7XkaAubTEALw_wcB
  19. You'd be amazed what you can find, when you look. More than a few out there, and this is not an updated list: https://www.mgcars.com/th/innovation/ev/charging-station
  20. Already is one, although the anti EV & China folks seem to have too much time on the hands, along with accepting reality of the future of the industry. https://aseannow.com/topic/1235921-why-so-many-chinese-cars-mg-cars-do-people-only-care-to-buy-something-cheap-whatever-is-the-quality/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1233709-electric-vehicles-of-all-kinds/
  21. As will any and every country. As disgusting as that industry is, children are trafficked, so I would think animal skins aren't exactly on the top of most parents concerns. Kudos for arresting them, instead of accepting tea money.
  22. Maybe if met at the bus station when just arriving into town, which she wasn't. Had a job, and self supporting at the time of meeting her soon to be 'pimps'. When I was 16 / 17, and everyone I knew at that age, we all well aware of 'the world' around us. And this at a time with no internet or social media.
  23. She was a 17 yr old runaway, living on her own, far from a naive, ignorant teen some like to portray. IMHO, she probably knew exactly what she was doing. Along with being untrustworthy, a proven liar. Any wonder why prosecutors didn't take the case, if there was one.
  24. Thailand ... definitely a buyers market, and has been for couple years, and probably will be for a couple more. Can't remember a better time to buy ... IF ... you have a bit of RE experience. Trusting Thai partner helps of course, and knowing you live in your purchase for at least 5 yrs, or it will be a good rental if not reselling. First time buyer, of any RE, and if limited to just condos, then tread lightly. Deep research needed, and pick an experienced, long history, good rep'd developer, and there's a few out there.
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