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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Actually thought about getting one myself. Still might. All the 2000w & 1000w models basically have the same specs, for that motor, just styling a bit different. Sylla is OK, Super Ace, a bit more masculine, and Max 1, damn sporty for the 2000s.
  2. I think my scooter cost ฿5 to top up from 10%, if remembering the promo correctly ???? Which in ICE cost, would be ~2 L @ ฿60 now. Wow, free beer with every top up Kopper ฿55 @ 7-11 ????????????
  3. Save a bunk for me. As if have sex with 16-17 yr is a crime when 18-19-20, then I'm in deep sh!t also. And none were virgins. When I was 18, a damn 12 yrs old wanting to have sex with me. And no I didn't, as her father, and mine, would have damn near killed me. Way too big an age gap. Her much older sisters were fun to hang out with. The whole family, all girls were a bit promiscuous. I don't think the 12 yr old made to 14 as a virgin, and no, wasn't me. Growing up in the hippie dippy era was excellent, and probably lots of things considered illegal now, well, parts of it. Anal sex was illegal in probably half the states back then. Unmarried sex was still illegal in Virginia, USA, till 2005. Many states didn't revise their 'same sex' laws until after 2010. Still a few loopholes in the law in the USA, that could get one in trouble, if push came to shove. "As of October 1, 2020, 15 states either have not yet formally repealed their laws against sexual activity among consenting adults or have not revised them to accurately reflect their true scope in the aftermath of Lawrence v. Texas. Eleven states' statutes purport to ban all forms of sodomy, some including oral intercourse, regardless of the participants' genders: Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma and South Carolina. Three states specifically target their statutes at same-sex relations only: Kansas, Kentucky, and Texas. Maryland voted to repeal its sodomy law on March 18, 2020. The bill became law in May 2020 without the signature of Governor Larry Hogan. While the original text of the bill intended to repeal both the state's sodomy law and unnatural or perverted sexual practice law, amendments from the Maryland Senate urged to solely repeal the sodomy law."
  4. Netherland ... 3.8 per 100k ... ???? Thailand ... ~10.1 ... per 100k (32.7 - 73% = 10.1) ???? USA ... 12 per 100k ???? Luxemburg ... 8.7 I did say western countries, not which one, USA - the motherland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate Back on Topic ... how many killed in / on EVs ... I'm feeling lucky ????
  5. All things are not equal. I replied to a Thai / Western country comparison. USA for example, motorcycle riders are rare in comparison to 4 wheel vehicles. Take the 73 ish % off the 30+ per 100k for Thailand, and brings it down to the same ballpark area of 10ish per 100k of the USA.
  6. UN-Scientifically disproven by me ... as I stated, if being airborne was much of a threat, I'd be infected by now. Personal experience means more to me than; 'the science / study / survey'
  7. More details on DECO brand. I have the SUSU model, and specs are fairly accurate, distance, maybe 100 kms if driving very conservative. Rest of specs are spot on, charging 35 ish to 100% about 1.5 hrs (<2 hrs). Use everyday, couple short trips (100 kg load), under 60 kph, and charge every 3rd day, why I wanted the larger battery, just lazy, one less thing to do. Top speed so far 87 kph, rated 80-90. https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/th/product-deco/electric-motorcycles
  8. If wanting a full size e-scooter, all styles; fino / scoopy, wave or sporty look, then DECO has a full line. I have one, not in photo, bit better specs, higher price, and TBO, unnecessary to buy for most. Entry level at 36,900, inc VAT, and the 1000w model have removable batteries for the condo / apt dwellers. Perfect for knocking around town or daily commute.
  9. Wife's 45 and her parents crapped out when she was 5 ish yrs old. None of the her 8 siblings have an issue.
  10. I'm from the states, and seen and done some pretty 'crazy stunts' myself, and don't find Thais much different. Vans and delivery truck (P/Us) do top the list though. I put a lot of kms on the car, and quite happy with the 4 wheeler, and most professionals here. Do a stat comparison, taking the 73 ish % of scooters out, and per capita road deaths, fit in with most western countries. https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/road-traffic-accidents/by-country/
  11. Yes, usually takes both parents to pass it down for one to be symptomatic. Also mis-diagnosed, without actually blood / gene test, and rarely done, suspect expensive. Wife was diagnosed with that, and unknown, doubtful both parents had it, if even one. Simple diet adjustment, exercise, supplements recommended by 'me' ... brought her blood counts back to normal range. A couple docs diagnosed it with no tests ... nuff said.
  12. Good luck with that. 76 province with the possibility of 76 different sets of rules, and all dependent on facilities in the local area of detected infection.
  13. To be expected, as most countries consider 18 (not Thailand, '20' for here) as the age of an adult, some, as the USA, need to be that old just to work later at night, depending what state you live in. And only 1 state / province in USA has legalized prostitution. The rest of the country still considers it uncivilized ???? Lower than 18 yrs, for age of consent, IMHO, are to protect minors from criminal prosecution for having sex, if consensual.
  14. I do, if any of the virus version was as 'airborne' as people are saying, there'd be a lot more cases, including myself. Social distancing and my immune system will only get me so far, and we were out & about quite a bit, with plenty of unavoidable constant, customer service folks contact, physically / arms reach, so if airborne, yea, me, no mask, no goggles, I'd been sick long ago.
  15. Take scooters out of the equation, and roads here are as safe as any western country. As with every country, no need for any vehicle to have a top speed much over 125 kph, and get there in less than 10 seconds. Voted yes / wave of the future ... how ever far away that will be. Not in my life, unless the prices come way down, or the tinker toy cars become fashionable like in China. About the only thing most can afford, and if going to charge the same ICE entry level car prices, need to bring the specs way up.
  16. Praise Buddha ... don't think I could hold it any longer ... ????
  17. Yes, word of mouth, that's how I heard about Thailand, from co-workers (airlines) that routinely visited. Though most conversations started with sextourism, before getting to the parts that interested me for retirement. Enough that I had to take a peek for myself. Completely ignorant of any tourism promotion by any agency. Few friend's opinion I respect suggest I check it out. So simply wrote a ticket and went, little to no research prior. ????
  18. You'll get the same result from both groups: Grumpy expat ... sucks here and wonders why he/she stays Rosy glassed expat ... best place in the world Scammed tourist ... avoid at all cost Rosy glassed tourist ... OMG ... stayed there for a month, so beautiful and only spent $5
  19. Good luck with that ... been out of control for months, since reopened, don't think another team is going to help much.
  20. Agree with all, except what's above. Why would a tourist care how expats are treated, or the reverse, unless expat manages a business catering to. Who bases their holiday decisions of that. Nobody would ever travel, if people considered how any one segment of a population in any country was treated.
  21. Might want to check out youtube, and filter this week or even today. One showing food & beer, from the 26th on samet @ 17:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TnfJQO07h4 What last week or today is like, may or may not be what tomorrow will be like. BYO to be on the safe side ????
  22. Get the impression, that was just a career mistake. Not a major policy or act that cost lives or embarrassed a nation. Can't see Bush or Blair admitting no WMD and the Gulf / Afgan invasions were a mistake, let alone a farce. Or Johnson for extending Vietnam war, though to his credit, so embarrassed with doing so, he refused to run again. For the pandemic, it's tough to say which decision was right. My opinion, and the no tourist thing seemed to work, granted, international catering businesses suffered. But if stayed closed, as only 100 deaths before opening, and cases easy to track. After opening, original & Delta took its toll. If staying closed till they passed, as the virus mutates itself out, omicron or next version, not so scary or deadly, then open back up. Economy would still be in the same state, but less deaths. Glad the decision wasn't mine to make, as in the beginning, I thought shutting down was a silly idea. Or, could of rolled the dice from the beginning, and economy not affected, but death count would be a big question mark. Not sure which would have been better. Covid policy for me & mine, and friends seemed to work. As nobody infected, well, maybe daughter, (untested), though we apparently practice good social distancing. Actually benefited from the shut downs.
  23. What politician or official has ever admitted he was wrong, anywhere, anytime. Kennedy after Bay of Pigs ... can't think of any other off hand.
  24. Looks same on Chrome, and ... I already have a Rocket
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