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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I live in Thailand and know my VAT supports the administration. I never implied it didn't, or care that it does. I was replying to someone who lives in Thailand, being a bit hypocritical IMHO, on stating tourist should avoid, but apparently thinks his VAT / taxes don't support the Military Junta's administrations over the decades he's been living here.
  2. The self insured option if fine ... IF ... one has a nice bank balance to finance any oops. Since foreigner have a history of being untrustworthy, that would require proof of bank savings, and access to them by the gov't / hospital, which isn't going to happen.
  3. I never stated if I was infected, I couldn't pass it along to others, just as vax'd and masked up, can also still get and pass along to others. I simply stated I practice extreme social distancing, so it probably won't happen. And since those promoting being vax'd and masked up is the safe way to go, then you shouldn't need to worry about me.
  4. So you think Thailand is reporting fake 'death' count. Case count is simply confirmed / tested cases, and since Thais aren't test crazy or willing to pay for a low flu symptoms case, just to test if flu or covid, as don't care and why spend the money, case count is just a guess. If death count is accurate, and population is about 70 million, then the %, chance of dying from is very accurate, and very low. IF the deaths reported is fake, doubtful, then who's to say it isn't the other direction, meaning it's less severe. You can't have it both way, fake and agree with your spin.
  5. I worked for an airlines, and IAM, the union representing the workforce, provide pension check info at one of our meetings. Actually true numbers of monthly pay outs. Broken down by work classification and number of pension checks sent out. On average, total workforce, 18 checks sent. In my job classification, 11 sent. This is why pension funds are under funded, they know they won't need to send that many checks out. Some depressing numbers. Took mine early, at discount of course. Been collection for well over a decade, about 15 yrs, and if I live past 75, it wasn't a good decision, and I'll actually get less from total pay out. 10 yrs at full pension vs the 25+ yrs, about the same, at discounted pension received. So if I live longer than 75, I short changed myself.
  6. A question on PEA 'buyback' of excess. Do they actually pay in baht if sending more than used. Going solar hopefully before end of year, when house done, and hope I over estimated to system. To the point of not needing any PEA service and bill will be the 41 baht hook up charge. If sending PEA 100 or 200 units a month would they pay cash, or simply deduct from PEA use only, and if no use, obviously not deduct but can any cash payment be expected, or just a very silent, non existent thanks.
  7. Which I've stated (lack of testing) somewhere, which means of course, there's a lot more cases out there, and guessing the deaths from is fairly accurate, so more case, means chance of dying from, IF infected, is even lower then the silly 1.1%, so better than a 98.9% of surviving IF infected.
  8. Think some of y'all are confusing these 'looking for better pay' illegal immigrants, for the 'asylum / get shot on sight / karen' refugees. Big difference. And seriously, they have smartphones but are uneducated and don't know how to use them ... ... call me insensitive, but damn, that was a bit racist. They chose to break the 'immigration law' ... 1st mistake They chose to break the 'driving law', riding in the back of a pick up ... 2nd mistake Follow the laws designed to protect you, common sense, and they'd still be at home waiting for dinner. Instead, a few at the morgue, and few more in detention. Choices ... UP2U If it wasn't a 'dead migrant workers dumped rubber plantation' headliner, it wouldn't be news. Simply a MVA, w/ casualties. Happens every day here. Probably once a month with folks in back of a P/U. PEACE OUT ... again ????
  9. yea, what he said ... also not carrying any guilt complex around with me ... ... but I ain't giving up my AC for nobody.
  10. Nobody that is paying 1 or 2 months salary to a trafficker is going hungry in Myanmar. ฿7000 = K380813 / K5000 (min day wage) = 2+ months salary
  11. I'm guessing it was 'good intention' for taxi drivers, but they could have worded it better, just for that. It also, to my knowledge, is not enforced on families driving around. Sit here to be correct, but have not heard or read anything to the contrary, and driven past a few PoPo without masks on, when driving with the wife.
  12. Bored, didn't like the direction my home country (USA / 2000) was headed. 20+ yrs, and no regrets, and no thoughts of leaving or desire to. Livin' the Dream ... of retirement.
  13. And yet, you are in Thailand, supporting how many Military Junta administrations with your VAT. A bit hypocritical expecting only the tourist to boycott Thailand on morality. PEACE OUT
  14. In today's day & age of information, nobody is duped. Sorry, not buying. Poor choice is more like it. The only thing that went wrong is, they got in an accident. Or they'd just be more immigrants, keeping the wages low in Thailand. When news spreads back home of what happen, maybe that will deter others from the same, doubtful. Why do people try to justify, illegal immigration, OUTSIDE of their home country, when they are opposed to illegal immigration in the home country.
  15. I feel compassion when people die, get injured, get dealt a bad hand. Yes, it sucks they died, but there are better ways. They paid money ... so they weren't that down & out. The ones walking across the border, not using traffickers, I have more compassion for. They made choices, obviously this time, it turned out bad. This is one of the reason why the laws are there. To protect people from themselves, not just the legal workers who get paid less. Illegal immigration / human trafficking is high risk ... does anyone not know that ??? That uncommon common sense.
  16. How dare you ... ask Actually I haven't clue. The family is rich, and she's self funded now, a good thing. Rich kids trying to tell the rest of us how to live doesn't really resonate with me. Would think she has handlers and managers, she comes off so fake, actually annoying to watch, so I don't. IMHO I do what I can to protect the planet, as I was simply raised that way. Doesn't hurt the wallet either, in the process. win win, shame others don't just do the right thing. No perfect solution, balancing life, living the way you want and footprint on the planet, unless a subsistent farmer, and that's way too much work & boring. Besides, the planet will adapt to anything humans do, and if we fail to do the right thing, then the planet wins, and we'll all be dead anyway, and life goes on. Just without humans.
  17. Since started, it has yet to work for me, I gave up. Gives me a reason out of the house for a scooter ride. Luckily local office never crowded and only < 20 kms away.
  18. "Of course, there is no rush to formulate my plan, at the moment." or so you thought ???? oops, too late, you died today. Hope not, but advice given. Let someone you know what your wishes are. If not having anyone, then your driver seems a good candidate. Take a minute or hour, put it paper, and your done. 2 signing witnesses make it official. If that does work, as suggested, who cares, you're dead.
  19. I've had my share of 'down & out' times. Could easily went the illegal route, but weighed the risk. There plenty in Myanmar got dealt the same hand or worst, and excel without putting themselves at risk. That's world wide. Only difference is people work for it, instead of wallowing in their despair. I'm sure there's plenty of middle class in Myanmar, that started out dirt poor. Again, that's worldwide. Somehow they are smart enough, and raise money to do something illegal, but can't manage to use that same initiative to do something legally productive at home. Does make you wonder. Crossing over to Thailand, is no small feat.
  20. No, I'm a realist, probably over tax / charge the wife for scooping me up. I have no faith, and don't depend on the gov't for anything, or anyone for that matter. Gov'ts aren't there to take care of you (unless circumstances dictate), that you're job. Gov't are there to protect you, and why there are immigration laws. Also to protect the immigrants. Ignore them... ... well sh!t happens, unfortunately.
  21. And that's why Thais are stuck with < 350 baht a day salary. Illegal immigrants will do it for 100 or 200 a day.
  22. They knew they were doing something illegal, that always comes with risks. There is nobody to blame but themselves. Is there anyone who doesn't know the dangers of partaking in human trafficking / illegal immigration. You make your choices in life, you live with them. Is nothing to do with my compassion. All the boo hoo'ers, are you happy your country has immigration laws, and get mad when people ignore them. Same same, not different.
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