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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, and agreeing with me As they say, 'no plan is a plan to fail' Simple google 'what country/state recognizes same sex unions'. Life isn't that hard. Why do people try to imply it is ?
  2. as are all the threads he/she started
  3. You do, if they appoint you decision maker for them in such an event. Only takes a notarized affidavit. Is planning for things really that hard. I believe any insurance carrier will even require that info to be noted on the policy. Stop creating situation that don't have to exist when using common sense. No different than having a will. Say what ... you don't even have a will drawn up and registered yet ... nuff said. Or even some info in your wallet ... in case not conscious after an oops, like contact ph #, and your blood type. What 1st responders look for, instead of just your ID and or insurance card, or cash in your wallet If you live in TH, you might want to have that in Thai script also. Just a thought. What, you don't have ... by the time they type your blood, you could be dead. And here I thought we were all intelligent, responsible for ourselves, mature adults. Simply common sense things ... not rocket science. Prepare and plan your life, or let fate take over ... UP2U
  4. Probably just mirrors their pre-retirement life. People have choices, make them, live with them. As others have stated, why did you stay at Patts after your first week, if bored ? Why I don't visit Patts, as not an alcoholic or sexpat. OK, sexpat when single, but not the P4P nightlife scene, as way too boring. Why I never visit Patts, nothing there for us. I certain don't need or want a 'work' routine, to pass time so I'm not bored. Just eating healthy is routine enough, as one has to shop for real whole food, learn how to prepare it, and then actually preparing, and it can be time consuming. If you look at my postings, you might think all I do is sit on the forum all day. Nah, and only morning coffee is constant internet use. Catching up w/forum, and the news, family and friends. Then off to the park and or surf for morning dog walk. Yesterday was stop at coffee shop, sample pastry. Day before was drive up to Sam Roi Yot, to make sure it's still there. You never know with these rising seas. Today I need to make bread, so that 2 hr I'll be in the house, on & off the internet. Mix the bread, then wait for 30 mins rise, , reshape, and another 30 mins rise, then pop in over, 13 mins at one, then adjust temp and rotate, for another 17 minutes. Pop into forum, or edit some photos or vids. Sit on veranda, watch the birds and squirrels, or like now, the wife trying to kill the snake she saw in the front bushes. Got the daily rotation of kefir and natto. Harvest and tend to garden/greenhouse. And it's only noon and first meal done. Think about dinner, take something out of freezer, hit the market for what you don't have. Another pastry & coffee while out, maybe. What to download to watch tonight. Dogs wants to go out again for a walk. Plan local O&A, hmm, never been there. Or overnight O&A ... why not, it's going to rain, no need to water anything for a few days. Don't need a work routine. Living is routine enough. This week, ain't doing nothing, and lets test out the new restaurants in 25-50 kms radius. Might find a winner. No doing dishes for a week. Or, can go sit in a bar and drink myself into a stupor everyday ... hmm, let me think. Choices ... make 'em & live with 'em.
  5. These 2 got me thinking, what makes living so different for alphabet folks vs non. Once you or anyone comes out, you pretty much know who your true friends and or accepting family members are. You avoid the rest. Why is there a need to even tell people your preferences ? Most will figure that out fairly easy. Do you only associate with alphabet folks, as that would limit ones living experiences. Not sure how being gay or bi would affect your healthcare, as docs simply don't care. Just find a different one if present is a bigot. If all you're doing is hanging out with folks who do nothing in life but talk and protest about the 'struggles' of being gay or bi, then what kind of life is that. All you're doing is annoying people and bringing attention to yourself. Besides banging your head against the wall, trying to educate or change their ignorant thinking. If your real life is anything like your posting life here, then I can understand your problem with socializing with new people, or moving out of your present comfort zone. I rant here when on topic or not, about gov't control, puppeteers, corruption, solar, ev, but I don't go into new folk's home that I meet or a business, hotel or service provider and ask them why they don't have solar, or the delivery MBs aren't electric. How is being gay or bi even known to other folks, unless you're cross dressing. Using common sense keeps people out of dangerous situations. You're over thinking and most people could care less, as long as you're not as annoying as you are here on the forum. Not trying to trigger you, just trying to get an idea or how things are. I dislike a lot of things, but don't go around and point them out in my daily life in hopes of changing people. I learned long ago that's hopeless. If on a constant crusade, you're never going to be happy or fell comfortable anywhere. Does mean being a bit anti social, but safer than being constantly confrontational. Just some thoughts, and hope in real life, you wind it back a bit.
  6. Yep ... couldn't tell people that mRNA vaccines weren't a good Idea if you were healthy, and spike proteins shouldn't be injected in you. Especially suggest keeping the borders shut until covid mutated itself down to something more manageable, as that's what virus do. Or masks are fairly useless. Buddha forbid in 2020, you suggested TH wouldn't open till maybe high season, 2022. If they do open, don't bother, as everything is shuttered. Seems everyone forgot the basics they were taught in school. Can't remind people what the definition of 'vaccine' use to be and what a PREP is, or VAERS #s are real. Might effect bookings if tell people to don't bother, or don't pay in advance, as refunds will be slow coming, if ever, if they file bankruptcy. Sometimes I hate being correct, ... oh well. Use to get msg from a couple, telling me, every time they reminded people I was correct, their posts got censored. TA was advertising tours that just weren't operating, and people were still booking stuff. Think a lot people lost a lot of money. Still have a username that works, but can't remember last time I read TA. Can't interact with people that ignorant or child like replies. The censoring is mind boggling. Why I ignore so much here on AN also. AN is a quick read now.
  7. I was getting ready to suggest Googling 'Thailand BRICS RT news', but noticed the linked blip in OP, is pinched from RT Does that mean we're allowed to post RT news links now ?
  8. 1st mistake was going to Patts, if not a drunk and or sextourist. 2nd mistake was staying there 7 weeks. Guessing you didn't come with a partner ? Should have negotiated a 6+ week 'partner rental' and got out of town. Krung Thep for a week, though you should have started there, and if new rental friend is working out, keep. Hop the train South (my preference), and spend a few days or more till bored at; Cha Am beach Hua Hin beach Pranburi surfside Sam Roi Yot beach KuiBuri PKK surfside Thap Sakae surfside Bang Saphans beach Ban Krut beach Thung Wua Laem beach Then pop over Cheow Lan Lake Down to Phang-nga (municipality) Over to Krabi town ... exit TH from there. WELCOME TO MY WORLD when we get bored at home While doing all that, it's also a 'recon' for when you do retired. See which spots tickle your fancy, or turn you off.
  9. Call this one an Asian Quesadilla; Roti, Chicken, hard boiled egg, spinach/garlic/ginger (usually a side dish, added on), sauted onion/schrooms/corn, w/Japanese roasted sesame dressing. There was 6 wedges, and me and dog polished them off. Don't think I'll need a snack later.
  10. They simply buy the rights to the book, to avoid being sued in the future. Bean counter probably figured out it's cheaper, especially if it's a box office hit.
  11. You mean .... the flock (and priesthood) is full of a bunch of hypocrites. Say it isn't so
  12. Week or so ago they were buzzing around here, all day (rare), though seemed to have calmed down now. Same with a larger prop plane, either Saab 340 or Basler BT-67. Noticed more parachute training also. We are near the Myanmar border, but away from any internal conflicts of Myanmar.
  13. It's a start. Careful he doesn't get cancelled for using the wrong terminology in today's snowflake society. That he even acknowledge the reality & existence of gays or bisexuals in the seminaries and or priesthood, is definitely a step forward. Instead of banning them, simply accept them for who they are. BUT ... add some extra training to stop the grooming & sexual assaults on the children they come in contact with. Might want change that celibate rule while you're at it also.
  14. Not that I take much stock in the MMCC, rising seas, but the hypocrites that do, and tell us all we are the problem, and how to reduce 'our' carbon footprint, are not going to stop traveling, or adjust their living to lower their carbon footprint. They will still continue their hypocrisy ... ... jetting internationally holiday ... use fossil fuel transport to holiday locally (jet/drive) ... renting and or using fossil fueled transportation when there ... staying at UN-Eco friendly accommodations ... driving fossil fuel vehicles in home country in everyday life ... not install solar ... not drive EVs ... not use E powered public trans, or an public trans ... not even do simple things like compost at home They'll just talk about MMCC, GW & rising seas. Same with all the politicians & gov't, who will impose taxes to solve the problem, but that money simply adds funds to their already failed policies & existence. Change is easy, just not profitable. Pretty obvious we all know which is more important.
  15. It's a good thing children get to decide on their medical treatment, as they know best for themselves What are docs & big pharma suppose to do, turn down money make opportunities ... I think not
  16. Care ... NO For some of us, haven't cared or worried about it, since it arrived in 2020. Just another bug, with very few exceptions, for the older & unhealthy folks to worry about. Far more serious things out there for us older, fairly healthy folks to be concerned about.
  17. No different then anywhere, I suspect. Simply find a doc that you like. I have a favorite at Bangkok, and one locally. Bangkok, not sure if he has private clinic hours, but has been available at the private hospital he works. Wife simply verifies he's on duty before I go there. Locally, doc has a clinic, in the evening, at the local hospital, which is great, as avoids the longer Qs, since govt hosp.
  18. In the USA, (only experiences I know) ... New Hope, PA ... not too expensive, a favorite, and visited frequently Rehoboth Beach, DE ... more expensive, also a favorite, and visited frequently The Keys, FL ... very expensive, probably too touristy now
  19. Agree, especially if dining out quite a bit. As sugar, salt, (salt, soi sauce, fish sauce) MSG are all flavor enhancers the restaurants go heavy on and why food tastes good. Along with higher fat dairy, and the inexpensive refined seed oils. I've adjusted some things, but I still eat my fair share carbs & pastry/ice cream. Surprised my #s are as good as they are. Last work up, Feb 2024, and all in the normal range. Even HbA1c, though on the higher end, but still within normal. No surprise with my sweet tooth. Not a rice fan, rare actually, but potatoes & bread makes up for that carb, a bit more nutritious, but high on the glucose charts.
  20. I'll wait till the SCOTUS makes their final rulings on any conviction that might happen. Is he guilty of something ... probably, who isn't. Especially the elite, as always trying to keep as much from the tax man as possible. I don't know anyone with some assets in the USA that hasn't committed tax fraud and mail fraud, since returns are mailed in. I know I surely have, and then some ...
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