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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Seems the news is finally being allowed on YT again. Not censoring people questioning things again. Hopefully all platforms will allow free speech once again.
  2. So reading comprehension isn't you strong point. What I posted stated 20, try reading t again, slower. The fonts are large enough, so you don't even need glasses, and even highlighted the second time.
  3. Wonder why our Deye 8kW got skipped over. As they did add the 10kW to 1 phase & 12kW to 3 phase. Previous list: Previous listed contained 262 Present list contains only 220 Some additions, but more than a few taken off the list.
  4. In TH, an 18 year old IS a minor. Anyone, especially a 40 yr old that needs to ask the age of consent, when thinking about having sex with a 'minor', someone, that could easily be the same age as his daughter, if having, needs a morality check. IMHO OP should try dating adults ... oh wait, they probably wouldn't have anything to do with him ... IMHO
  5. Pfizer (BNT162b2) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine caused pulmonary arterial hypertension in previously healthy adult males occurred within three weeks of receiving the second dose of the Pfizer (BNT162b2) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine Pfizer buys Arena Pharmaceuticals ... and .. the company's most advanced investigational clinical programs are ralinepag (formerly APD811) in testing for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) Oh wait, is that a conspiracy ... strange that they started the process of buying Arena Pharm. in 2021, before it was public knowledge the vaccine caused pulmonary arterial hypertension. Conspiracy or just a coincidence ???
  6. This is home. I just happen to have a USA PP. 1/3 of my life has been here, and about half of my adult life. 69 and 23+ years in TH. Last time in USA, was also 18 yrs ago, to sign for a check, and only stayed for a long weekend, because the airfare was cheaper. If not, it would have been shorter.
  7. If they don't have anything interesting in their display case, go over to the meat counter, and pick up something from there. I usually find 2 for 1 items, for a nice value. If you have the M card, (get 1 if not) no charge for cooking. If timed right, you can pick up cold beer, pay for it, return before food done. Salad bar in the area, and soup counter there also. Large bowls of soup, and partial to the chunky vegetable. That, soup and steak is a major pig out. Couple people recommended the pizza kiosk there, but haven't sampled.
  8. Man ... you are obsessed with that pork burger, which I probably haven't had in quite some time. Maybe 5-10 a year, if that. Might want to pick on my pastry diet, as surely more unhealthy than my rare 7-11 diet. We have Solar, rarely, if ever use the grid (powered by fossil fuel). We have EVs only, powered by excess solar at the house. We compost, have garden & greenhouse for some food items. Rarely by packaged, processed food, so very little trash. Total control and healthier real food eating. Think we're doing more than most, though TBH, not for the planet, but for us. Planet doesn't need any help. What are you doing ... don't answer, as probably know already, and the word 'hypocrite' comes to mind. If not part of the solution, you ARE the problem. But keep talking, as I hear that solves all the problems. HAVE A NICE DAY
  9. That's how they release some heat from, or a good bird bath, fluff up wings and let air pass through.
  10. I didn't have shoulder issues while doing. Couldn't lift my arms pass my shoulders the next day Had to lean over to shampoo my head, and my buddies got a big chuckle out of that. Basstards
  11. Yea .. .I let my ego get in the way one day. After talking to some work buddies (body builders), and they were all talking about how much they press. So stupid me, on beach break and hotel had a gym, so stupidity kicked in. Usually press <200 lbs. So off I go, 200, easy, 225, OK, I can do the, 250, not so easy, 275 .... once. Damn I'm good ... next day, I couldn't shampoo my damn head Think I pulled every muscle there are in my shoulders And at the wrong time, as I was getting certified for diving the following week. Which required 4 laps in an Olympic pool. And yea, I finished, but the last one out, and more than a lap to 2 on my back just kicking my legs They took a long time to get back to normal, and lucky nothing serious.
  12. If I couldn't do a pull up, I'd have to join a gym or something, till I could, as a simple pull up is a pretty low bar for me. Sit ups is a different story, something I really could never do. Not that I would, since one of the worst exercises for you back. I prefer simple stomach crunches. Hold them for as long as possible ... feel the pain. Good for only about 5-10
  13. If birds start dropping out of the skies, I think humans will long gone by then. Humans seem to drop over in 100F and birds core temp is like 106-109F. Constant temps of 105F ... don't think most of the humans would make it. Sooner of later the elite would have to tend their own fields ... the horror
  14. Agree, exercise isn't much of a challenge, just goal toward better health. Unless of course, you have a phobia of ...
  15. That didn't work, as just back from the park, and not one piece of equipment there or an overhead bar I could use. Only 1 there was too big, and I couldn't get a good grip. Not about to slip off and hurt myself for a stranger, telling me what I can't do. Did pull ups get cancelled ? Maybe too many oops or torn rotary cups Or just banned as misogynism, since women have a hard time doing them. Could post a vid of me doing a bunch of push ups, or bench press more than my weight. But sure that wouldn't satisfy you. You'll just have to keep on telling me & others, that you don't know, what we're unable to do, simply because you can't. Go figure ...
  16. Pull up .. can't remember last time I did 'em. Have to get back to you that
  17. I do my 'floor' exercises after my aerobic (stationary bike), as loosens and warms up all the muscles. Not trying to build muscle, just maintain. If building, then do weights and push ups/pull up before cardio exercises. Like warming things up first, so I don't pull / tear any of these older muscles, again, not trying to build any muscle mass.
  18. The made in TH, badged autos from JP auto makers really are crap, compared to what arriving from CH at completive pricing. After owning 3 of those POS (2 Toyota/1 Mazda), I'm surprised anyone buys them.
  19. Do miss the change of seasons ... especially fall. The colors are amazing, along with the temps of fall & spring. No more or less than jeans & flannel shirt necessary.
  20. Really ... are you bench pressing at least your body weight, or close to it. Push ups are great, as work a range of muscles (arms chest, shoulders). Do as many as you can, rest, then do another set after working your legs or whatever. Keep increasing the number per set, without tearing anything, and you'll eventually build up those muscles to be able to do 10-25 at a time. Which will take time, 6 months to a year. Nothing happens over night.
  21. They haven't been dropping out of the sky, though temps would have to go up quite a bit for that to happen. Their core body temps are a few degrees (C) higher than us humans.
  22. It shouldn't be, and I'm 69 I also only weigh a couple kilos more than when I was 21 yrs old. Being active and healthy choices helps maintain a fairly healthy strong body. Muscle atrophy ... use it or loose it. It not rocket science.
  23. Yes, same with chin up/pull ups. Everyone should at least be able to lift their own weight.
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