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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. So the solutions I skimmed are: Have Thai buy tickets using QueQ app, selecting you as Thai. (Long Stay Residents) Be prepared with Thai Drivers License, photo of Passport Main, Last Visa Extension stamp page. Try using Multiple Thai documents/ID demonstrating you are long stay resident. Tell them you can't afford foreigner price and have to buy rice for her parents. Hike through Jungle. Not advisable. Hide in trunk/boot of vehicle. Accept one time foreigner fee and make most of the day. Thai National Park entrance fees are competitive to many United States Park Fees adjusting for currency and aveage income.
  2. The story states Drug test to All Staff and Patrons. Might stop in. Highlights that their are quality patrons visiting the Club and staying in Pattaya. Hope the process was fast and not to burdensome for them.
  3. The post about assaulting the angry tourist denied boarding shows a lack of knowledge of Thai Style and Thai Culture. The man clearly required help. Thinking assaulting someone at an elevated agitated and emotional state is a last result. Your contribution is not welcome or helpful on this topic. This is eastern culture. Causing the Asian person to lose face or assaulting him at a large airport with international people sends the wrong message to the world. Thank You RTP, you achieved a positive outcome in Thai Style.
  4. Quick way to tell if it is refrigerant. With unit running for a few minutes does the exterior unit exhaust air feel very warm? Low refrigerant and generally little difference in exhaust air temp. Also check if one line is frosting up or sweaty.
  5. Wow 14 pages of replies. I viewed it as big foreigner was asked to leave a private establishment. Possibly after too many drinks he felt the need to challenge security, Not management. Foreigner maybe unaware of Thai culture and customs did this in front of his co-workers and the public along the road. This causes Security to lose some face, maybe felt disrespected, threatened by the size of the two men that when struck over reacted as did the foreigner. You are a guest in a foreign country and want others to think this is how people in your country behave when being told No. My advice is mandatory counseling session for both.
  6. Yes one known case out of over 60 million people. It is difficult when presented with this situation and definitely takes an organized, dedicated, and capable group to support someone disabled.
  7. Not sure about Luck. They are impressive with their ability to track, predict and intersect another bugs path. They can also move in many directions quickly. They do eat mosquitoes.
  8. If it is latex paint you can use very warm water, dish soap and test a small area with the scouring part of the Scotch-brite sponge. The remaining should be removed by wiping with warm soapy water and using an old plastic credit card. Those old plastic credit cards are quite handy and generally allow you to remove stuff like paint off of laminate floors, tiles, or baseboards without damage.
  9. I left the key in a rented motorbike inadvertently 4 times before Thailand was fully back open. Needless to say I purchased a transponder key motorbike that beeps when I leave it not fully turned off.
  10. Maybe because even in the US there are reports of Law Enforcement, and other public servants taking items from people's homes. I saw the one video when the camera was left on by accident and they were going through draws and boxes. I do Not think it is common but would understand if Police were alerted of valuables missing.
  11. As a landlord I use the Maintenance card to access and inspect my properties. Especially after a month or two. Sorry but if the house has little importance or value to you then others will certainly pick up on this and take advantage of you. It is in the lease they are to maintain the property be keeping it clean.
  12. Yep, Thais believe foreigners are walking ATM's. I have loaned a family military officer money that I thought I would never see again. Months past repayment deadline I gave him one month before I went to the base to talk with his CO. Debt was repaid. Another paid back 15%. I told them they are a fool that I am going to be with her a long time and they will never see a baht from me again. Another payment was made after a couple weeks. I am going to tell them I can always take her to the US. Good Luck with any money then. I would rather teach them how to fish instead of keep buying fish. I keep hearing the house thing and buy lottery tickets, if she wins lottery she can build house. I will tell them if they are not happy with the situation then they need to do what I did. Work hard, save, invest, compound the money, and continue to live below your income.
  13. Cheap Massages Affordable transportation. Scooter cheap to buy, maintain and run. Affordable Restaurants Efficient modern tech appliances. Inverter cooktop, R32 Inverter Mini Split Affordable Housing. Thai people. Seems in the US finding someone that wants to work, will work hard, and will help a customer is becoming more and more difficult. Most Thai people are not Narcissists.
  14. Jomtien immigration has improved. You need to look at it from Immigration view point. They deal with endless clueless people, some getting angry with them. First couple times maybe stressful but good to take a Thai and try to understand paperwork and process. I will smile, thank them and do my happy dance for the life in Thailand I'm allowed.
  15. I renewed back in January 2023 via online option and send passport via EMS it took 3 weeks to receive
  16. A good amount of Thai people do not know how to swim. I taught girlfriends child so hopefully this will not happen. Additionally he can now teach other friends how to swim. Condolences to family and friends of the deceased. Man probably came for Holiday and good time and the worst happened.
  17. Definitely need to understand the hierarchical structure of road traffic. Motorbike is just above bicycle and pedestrian. But below everything else. Having high self preservation and awareness will help a lot. I generally am always checking looking for what is the greatest threat to me on a motorbike. My condolences to the friends and family, always sad to read when someone passes suddenly.
  18. Yes I noticed the vendors gone out front also. They removed the ping pong on floor 6 after the light remodel also. I believe an executive visited recently and these items didn't present a clean, organized, and aesthetic pleasing image for the mall.
  19. As someone mentioned talk with a trusted lawyer. My understanding is if the owner of the house or condo dies the Usufruct remains in effect till the expiration. I read the post about trust but my understanding is trust are not recognized in Thailand. Definitely see the value in hiring qualified lawyer to help and guide you through making sure the correct, process, paperwork and procedure is followed to assist with achieving the desired result.
  20. I am no expert but looked at if someone died without will and it would be dispursed to the owners statutory heirs. There is an order like children, parents, brothers/sisters. I'm working on having us make wills that specifically detail what is to happen with the property. My understanding is you have take the completed wills to the local amphur to record. The will should be made according to Thai law and standards.
  21. Sadly the table tennis on 6th floor of Central Festival Mall has been closed. It is a seating area with paddles removed from wall and Beach Play painted over. They were remodeling the mall and the table tennis area looked dirty, and did not fit the aesthetics of the surrounding area.
  22. Funny story, borrowed girlfriends daughters car and neighbors Chicken attacked the bumper with a bunch of light scratches. Took it to care detailing shop with high speed orbital polisher and they charged me 500 baht for whole bumper. It came out great. Unfortunately the bumper showed how much Work the rest of the cars paint needed.
  23. I have a simple solution. Ask your landlord to draft a one year lease. Only one copy that is signed in person that you the tenant keeps. You would of course have informed your landlord that the 3 month lease is the only binding agreement and that the 1 year lease is only to fulfill the requirements of local immigration to extend your stay in Thailand. Just focus on getting the result you want, give them the documents, smile, say thank you and move on. It is usually only a couple of hours a year you spend on fulfilling your Immigration stay requirements a year. To many people want to be lawyers, point at an Immigration document and challenge their statements, become offended, start with the theatrics, become emotional, threaten to contact Big Joke. STOP. There is a problem and many ways and solutions to solve that problem that is your goal. The OP not knowing his place as a guest in this country is concerning. We have zero rights to long term stay here. Play their game, be polite, respectful, do not get angry or loud and do Not challenge an Immigration officers authority around their co workers, and superiors. Walk away, get a Thai person to submit the paperwork while you sit down and only respond if needed. Get an agent. Go to another Immigration office. Then thank Buddha and God you are able to afford to live in one of the greatest countries on Earth with some of the greatest people.
  24. I know nothing about this man or his dealings in Thailand. Regarding Russian citizens. It shows a basic lack of understanding when you blame the citizens for a War they did Not vote for and many do Not want. Plenty of Russians in my city that I play tennis and frequent there restaurants. The ones I have contact with are accepting, helpful, friendly, and I believe just want to get back to living a normal life without fighting. The leaders decide if a country fights with another country or people. The citizens wear the burden for another person's actions and agenda. I am from the US a country with one of the largest military budgets but also A country with a crime problem, high housing costs, high deductible and premium Healthcare, high food costs, high labor costs for Plumbing, Electrical, AC technicians, and a society of people who mostly think of themselves first, and act with few morals or values. So now the perspective is a little clearer on reality.
  25. Distorted perspective. It is about more variety, selection, styles for consumers. Taking some power, money and influence from the biggest companies and spreading it amongst more people, maybe? Alcohol is available close by to a large part of population now, already. I have worked in the business, seen, experienced and understand the impact of alcohol on our health, especially when it is over consumed and abused. There needs to be better education on others less or none harmful resources available to provide a similar result or when using alcohol to attempt help or fix a problem for which it is not designed.
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