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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. Amendments number 47 and 48 in the PDF file which I posted above amended the sections covering usage of a foreign driving license.
  2. The law is from 1979, not the PDF file. The PDF file has been updated over time, the amendments are referenced in the footer of the relevant pages. As you can see from the last page, the latest amendments were made in 2019 (or at least the PDF was updated in 2019).
  3. The Vienna Convention is covered under "existing conventions and/or agreements between the Thai government and the government of the country", no need to call it by name.
  4. That's the law covering driving licenses: http://web.krisdika.go.th/data/law/law2/%C301/%C301-20-9999-update.pdf Section 42 covers driving using a foreign license / IDP. Google translate: As you can see, no 60 day limit.
  5. There is no such law/rule.
  6. What level of service do you expect? I had some moles removed here: https://goo.gl/maps/K4WJkaW48bVHAMmM6 Don't remember the details anymore, but had quite a bunch removed (laser), maybe 100 baht per mole or so. These are no doctors though, but I was satisfied with their work and it was cheap.
  7. These charges look like: Let's charge the foreigner 5 or 10 times as much as what might be reasonable.
  8. Did they only check 10 taxis in total? I've never seen a taxi meter in Phuket.
  9. If it's her condo (or she rents it in her name), she could just call police who would give him the choice to leave voluntarily or get arrested. But I don't see why she would have to ask you to ask here to be told this. So are you certain that it's actually "her" condo? Maybe it's actually "their" condo, for example both have been renting it together?
  10. I did all these things without a work permit after I had just opened my company. Bank accounts at Kasikorn and SCB. After having opened the company bank accounts I inquired if I can now also open a personal account with them… no, for a personal account I would need a work permit.
  11. Nobody cares if you have a work permit or not when signing documents (opening bank account for the company, tax, social security, visa, work permit, etc.). When a foreigner registers a new company and is the director from start, they usually don't have a work permit yet, so they do all these things without one, and often with a tourist visa.
  12. They usually don’t let you apply for an extension more than 30 days before your current permission expires. if they let you apply you won’t lose any days.
  13. To get a non-o visa at an embassy in another country a Thai bank account isn't required. Bangkok Bank isn't the only bank in Thailand, there are 10+ other banks. I doubt that this rule is applied in all branches, so probably it's the same as before, some branches will open an account, some won't.
  14. That's not how car finance here in Thailand works. Car finance here in Thailand is "hire purchase", the bank/finance company is the owner of the vehicle, and you rent it from them. After a few years of paying rent they transfer the ownership to you. From a legal point of view it's the same as if you would lend me your car, and I would not return it if you ask me to.
  15. That’s the problem of the guarantors, for the bank it’s easier if the guarantors pay instead of repossessing the car and selling it. Stolen might not be the right term, yes. I think it’s embezzlement, she is in possession of somebody else’s property and refuses to return it.
  16. Why should they print them in English? Nearly all of their customers can speak and read Thai, and the few who can’t bring somebody as translator. Having a tourist like you walk in, without any way to communicate with them in Thai, is surely a rare occurrence for them. As a tourist without any knowledge of the language you better stay in the tourist places at first, because the Thais there can usually speak at least some English. After you have been in Thailand for a few months and know some basic words you can think about staying somewhere more remote.
  17. Legally it’s the bank’s car, she is just renting it. If she doesn’t pay the rent the bank demands their car back and any outstanding costs. If she doesn’t return the car I’m certain that they will report it as stolen.
  18. They probably do both, look for the car and demand money from the guarantors, they will take whatever they can get first.
  19. They probably reported the car as stolen, so if she tries to pay tax it will be flagged.
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