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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. Not necessary The chanote shows that your wife is the owner. The house book shows the address, her name doesn’t have to be in it.
  2. Your wife has to submit a TM30 to report that you are staying at her house. Everything else is optional and can be done when the time arises.
  3. Why would anybody want to be at the airport 3-4 hours before the flight, especially for a domestic flight without luggage... I agree with the other poster, that finding a taxi at 2am in general is no big problem, but finding a taxi willing to drive to Bangkok might be. But I never tried it, so who knows, just my feeling. I would book one in advance, then you don't have to worry about this.
  4. I just crossed into Laos there, went to the first window, told the Laos IO there that I want a visa on arrival and he gave me the form for it and the arrival/departure card, no charge. Completed the forms, went back to him, gave him my passport, the forms, a picture and 1700 baht (forgot to bring USD). A few minutes later I got my passport back at the other window.
  5. Are you sure that the stamps are legit? Afaik people who use an agent do at least have to go to immigration to have their picture taken... I would at least do the 90 day report myself if I were you, if the extension would be bogus you might have a chance to leave Thailand and avoid being blacklisted. If after a year you discover that the agent stamped the passport himself you will be banned.
  6. https://www.dopa.go.th/public_service/service_guide24/view436 These are the required documents.
  7. I want to park a car somewhere close to the friendship bridge in Nong Khai over night. I found some older posts which say that parking at the van station is possible, but they are a few years old. Does anybody have recent experience if parking there is still possible? Which alternatives are there?
  8. I doubt anybody will notice the difference in read/write speed, probably not even if you use both versions right next to each other in parallel. The only way to see the difference is if you run a benchmark. I would still suggest going with 512gb though, because 256 is indeed very little.
  9. I just asked them. They told me that everybody who is working has to pay tax, but the first 150,000 Baht income per year are tax free. They also pointed out that working without a work permit is illegal, but if somebody does he would theoretically still have to pay tax.
  10. Are you just trolling or are you serious? In any case, what you write is wrong.
  11. Of course she is allowed to work, she is Thai. In theory she could just ignore any visa related things, a Thai citizen can't be fined for overstaying. In the system her American passport would be flagged as being on overstay, but this wouldn't have any consequences, besides maybe a small discussion upon departing and explaining that she is Thai. If she want to stay 100% clean in the immigration system she can apply for a one year extension for being Thai, and then the next time she leaves Thailand depart with her US passport, and in the future use her Thai passport.
  12. Not really strange, because when you click on "send route to smartphone" it even explicitly states "Dragging does not affect the sent route". So it's supposed to be like that. If you want to go a certain way I guess you have to add a stop.
  13. Which extra paperwork? The extra nationality of the child is irrelevant, the child is a Thai citizen and thus can own land. I'd assume that it's just xenophobia. Your friend should go there again, speak with another officer, and just don't mention that she also has another nationality. Purposefully probably not many. But many mothers would use it to borrow money, and then lose the house in the process.
  14. I guess he misunderstood something, or maybe his GF had some connections that pulled some strings, what he described is definitely not the normal procedure. My girlfriend was in a similar position in the past, and I was involved in every step, I was at the police station every time with her, and my Thai is good enough to understand what everybody says. Step 1: Prepare all evidence, print chat logs, money transfer receipts, and also get a statement from your bank and highlight the transaction. Better get 2 copies or everything, and sign every page in blue ink. Step 2: Go to the police station and report it, there are actually two choices for a report "บันทึกประจำวัน", let's call this "A", and then there is "แจ้งความดำเนินคดี", let's call this "B" Option A is basically useless, they just record what you tell them, but there is no need for them to act upon this. They will probably try to talk you into A, simply because they are lazy, and if they talk you into A, you can be sure that after this nothing will happen. So you have to insist on option B, and then you tell them what happened, they write it down, you sign it and you hand over your evidence. When signing it make sure that the form doesn't say "บันทึกประจำวัน", they might trick you into doing A, but option B is what you want. Because if you submit the report according to B they are actually forced to act. Step 3: A few months later (if you get the press involved, have connections, or pay a bribe this might happen sooner) they will have inspected the evidence that you gave them in step 2, and if it's plausible they will call you, ask you to come in again, maybe clarify some details and you have to sign some documents again. Step 4: They will send a letter to the person who you accuse to come to the police station. The person has two weeks to do this. If they don't show up, another letter is sent, giving them another two weeks. If they still don't show up the police will contact the court to issue an arrest warrant, this will take another month or two. Step 5: If the person attended the police station on their own, they will then give their statement, and if they and you want you can do a deal there with them. If the person doesn't show up police has an arrest warrant from a court, and they will try to arrest him/her, then at some point take them to court, where a judge will rule the case. It might be that when an arrest warrant is issued the bank account is frozen as well, but I'm not sure. So in case of the other poster, I would assume that either his girlfriend has connections, or his time frame is not accurate. The bank account was probably never frozen. I'd assume that the girlfriend did the police report, police called the fraudster to the police station, and OP's girlfriend agreed that withdraw any charges if the person refunds the money, and that's it. If the girlfriend has connections, or maybe the police officer was somehow motivated, this might have happened within a week, but in normal circumstances expect this to take months.
  15. No An account will be frozen if a court/judge gives the order, police alone can't do it.
  16. It's just 100kg, no big deal to push it around a bit. If your physical condition doesn't allow you to do it alone ask a neighbor for help. If you are worried about scratching the floor put a door mat under it, rubber side up. If you don't have a door mat, some card board or a towel will also work.
  17. "Definition: A motorcycle is a vehicle with two tires or less, which is powered with an internal combustion engine or an electric motor. In case it accompanies a sidecar, it may have one more wheel."
  18. It doesn't matter if it has pedals or not. It has two wheels and a motor, making it a motorbike by law, requiring registration, tax, insurance, helmet, etc. You can't register or buy tax or insurance for them, so they are illegal to use on public roads. If police cares is of course a different matter. But if you should ever be involved in an accident, you can be certain that you are blamed, because you are riding an illegal vehicle, and no insurance will cover you.
  19. They are probably in Thai name, a Thai can can easily register a vehicle anywhere, same if registering the vehicle in the name of a company. Foreigners usually have to provide a certificate of residence of the province where the registration is done, so out of province registration is difficult. Of course there might be the odd DLT which accepts a certificate of residence from another province, but usually they don't.
  20. Phichit probably has a Big C or Lotus, inside there you can probably find an AIS shop.
  21. Your extension expires automatically, so you have to leave the country. You only get 7 days to leave if you apply for another extension but are denied. But immigration also wants to get a letter from your school which says that you finished your studies, and they will then specifically cancel your extension. If you fail to do this step you might have problems to get another extension.
  22. There is no way to assure a lease longer than 30 years, when the 30 years are up you have to negotiate a new lease with your landlord.
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