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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. It is optimal for cost of living and quality of life. Who needs more than that?
  2. Photo is a classic. Clearly shows a mentally unstable mind.
  3. Very nice but who is going to buy them? All the Thai's I have spoken with on the subject of EV's all say the same thing, No Way.
  4. The guy winning is a disgrace yet casinos are being considered to be constructed and opened? Really?
  5. How can you tarnish the image when it is already in the gutter? Its reputation extends far beyond the area as we all know.
  6. First came on holiday. Love the country and people so I can back the next year (1983) and stayed. I have travelled and lived in many countries and everyone, including Thailand, has positives and negatives. For me, Thailand has far more positives than negatives.
  7. Not unexpected. There is a considerable amount of jungle in that area so will get more chance of getting Malaria
  8. Probably because you know the culture better back home.
  9. If that is the way you feel then it is probably time for you to leave and go back to your home country.
  10. They do it because they are idiots with no sense of reality. They actually believe they can drive safely after a drinking session which obviously is not the case.
  11. Probably save money by buying any items outside of the airports.
  12. Rayong to Bangkok is not far. Take them yourself. Safest way.
  13. It is if you are an entitled moron
  14. No idea as I Have no intention of leaving. I like living in Thailand.
  15. Bought many things from JIB and never had a problem. I consider them to be very reliable and honest.
  16. Works fine for me but it depends on the individual. Everyone has different ideas of what they want..
  17. If that is what you want then fine. Obviously it doesn't appeal to everyone and what some may find uninteresting others with fully enjoy. It comes down to the individuals own requirements.
  18. It may not be. Today where I am is cool and wet
  19. True but usually there is someone at reception. Obviously no one was in attendance on this occasion.
  20. When a bar is their best friend, and for many expats it is, you cant expect much from the individual
  21. How come the key was in a place that he could get it? Where is the security of such items?
  22. How do you know that? Currently they cant tell you with any degree of certainty what the weather will be like tomorrow. Predicting next year is 100% guess work
  23. Banks don't seem to be interested in scammers. I gave full details of a scammer to a bank and the bank never put a watch on it. They just ignored it.
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