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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. I have been in restaurants and had bad service but I would never go online to complain. I raise my concerns with the company not the world.
  2. Is Abdelali really his name? Would have thought Abdel Ali it would be.
  3. It is illegal to have red hands?
  4. I use an agent but never go myself for a 90 day report
  5. Many people are unable to string two or more words together so for those people it is wonderful. Makes idiots look intelligent.
  6. When I am very relaxed my heart is down to around 46 and my heart is totally trouble free. The top tennis players have heart rates around 35 when at rest.
  7. Of course they will try to undercut competitors, it is called business.
  8. Very serious. I believe it carries a mandatory life in prosion
  9. And for how long have you been having these fantasies'?
  10. That is less than 80p a pint. What is so expensive about that?
  11. Just taking into consideration the taxis and that figure would drop to 50%
  12. Because how can you run the country into the dirt and blame yourself?
  13. Everyone has their own ideal life
  14. Ever thought of giving KFC a rest and trying some good Thai food, assuming you like Thai food that is?
  15. For me, my life has been fantastic. Travelled the world, which I love doing, worked in a great industry and made money. What more could anyone ask for?
  16. Sounds like the bank account was compromised by hackers. Contrary to the publicity the banking system is not as resilient as it should be. This is a major problem for people who buy using credit cards and NFC. Within the world of hacking, Thai banks are not considered to be a difficult target. They are improving apparently but still not there yet. This is one reason I refuse to buy anything at an outlet that does not accept cash.
  17. You need to book an appointment and on the day you and your wife must present yourselves at Immigration.
  18. Bob, Are you sure this is correct "motorcycle driven by his assailants."? Assailants? Really
  19. Whilst all the technology exists banks still live in the stone age. I remember in the UK wanting clearance of a cheque. The bank wanted 7 days to clear it but for a small fee they would phone up and get immediate clearance. You can give banks all the latest in technology but unfortunately the people like in the stone age.
  20. It isn't WISE that is the problem, it is the banks. Buy technology then do everything by hand. In a strange way it may make sense
  21. You could get an agent to see if they can do it for you.
  22. I guess that sums up the thinking of Apple. Infantile video for small mined people. I very much doubt if Steve Jobs would have let this garbage go out. I wouldn't just say it is insulting to Thailand but is insulting to any sentient being.
  23. Ít is amazing how long banks take to credit you. They spend a fortune on computer networks yet it takes forever to make a transfer.
  24. As long as it conforms to what they want you to say
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