I thought this site was about Thailand not some geriatric in the USA. Can we keep it to Thailand I am sure there are many sites that talk about the USA
I remember saying that about the Russians many months ago and being told I didnt know what I was talking about. Looks like I did know what I was talking about.
If you passport is with Immigration and you are out of the country, presumably you have more than one passport. In your case I have no idea what would happen in the event you didn't present yourself at the required time.
I have seen brand new Mercedes abandoned by the roadside, In Qatar you see a lot of Porsche, BMW even Rollers as well. I have never seen or heard of any of the locals buying a car that was not new and from the dealer in country.
If the police go down Sai Mai road near the market around 7 to 9am they will get a lot of motor bikes without licence plates and driving on the sidewalk. They very rarely go there at that time in the morning though.