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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Deport him back to Australia and let the police there deal with him.
  2. Could be the new thing in gambling (if it was allowed). Guess what vehicle will crash. Get the right answer and win a proze.
  3. True he does have a great reputation, unfortunately it isn't a good one
  4. Are you sure he can read? Kind of questionable I would think.
  5. I did experience it once. There was a price list but only in Thai. Unfortunately the guy didn't know I could read the Thai. He cut for the real price.
  6. I cant believe there would be anything untoward with this plan. Must be a mistake.
  7. Yes I did. Those are the charges but in reality what is happening to him. We all know what they say and what actually happens is different in many cases.
  8. If you have a bank account, which I assume you do, take the coins to your bank along with ID and your bank book and they will take the coins and update you book. I wondered this and I contacted the banks head office who gave me the information I have just told you.
  9. The cost may be prohibitive but access probably quite easy if you move in the right circles.
  10. Safety is standing well away from anything being constructed.
  11. What is going to happen to the bar owner? Slap on the wrist or jail time?
  12. It is the entitlement that some people feel they have. Everyone is entitled to their opinion irrespective if you agree or disagree. I think psychologists say the attitude comes from low intellectual persons who feel they have to try and be superior to everyone else. Ridiculous but if you think about it there is some truth in it.
  13. When you havev situations like this how can you expect other road users to obey the law?
  14. Supposedly it defines a safe swimming area not from sharks of the marine variety but of the ski jet variety.
  15. Why would the airline even bother about the post? They followed international standards for safety, end of story. These things are crazy.
  16. I would thing a perimeter garden wall is a shared facility between yourself and the people on the other side. Doubt if there is anything you can do about what they are doing.
  17. I agree. Food is a killer. Lets all stop eating that will make us healthier.
  18. It is all to do with the Chinese. Do you know one of the women there has been labelled a spy by the Government and the UK intelligence services MI5 / MI6 have been watching her for several years? I suggest if you don't want to ever be photographed, stay home I am sure everyone would appreciate that.
  19. Photographers are used to morons performing such acts.
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