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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Can they be paid off with boom boom, just deducting a set amount each time?
  2. Suggestions for a place that has same cost, medical and visa options??
  3. He wants a USA breakfast. For example, pancakes, bacon, eggs etc. with maple syrup and butter like you would get at a Denny's Diner in the USA. Not beans and weird sausages or hot dogs.
  4. So have you decided not to come? Where are you going instead?
  5. So why post, to state your decision to not arrive? It's clear what the requirements are and not everybody will agree znd comply.
  6. So get a letter from your insurance company. If that's too much of a hassle, how do you arrange a flight ticket?
  7. Just figure you will be over charged for everything with a gold chain around your neck (or around your mind and attitude). So there really is no upper limit to the amount you will need or will require. You will be scammed and over charged either until a). you run out of money, or b). it makes more financial sense to move elsewhere.
  8. And maybe an easy early lesson learned about bragging in Thailand if he's smart.
  9. Then use your existing insurance. All you need is a letter Covid is covered. If you don't have that already you are either very foolish, or you should not be traveling at all.
  10. Pretty easy, just ask for the western breakfast. It comes with a hot dog ????.
  11. JimTripper


    What do you do up there, just sit in your room or stay in the buildings facilities or resort enclosure, like gym, fitness room, pool, etc? Personally, I need to "live in the neighborhood". That means exploring, hiking around, finding new things, etc. and it cannot include only driving out of the area each time or taking a bolt taxi into town.
  12. JimTripper


    Because it's one of the very few streets out of the Buddha Hill area if you are on foot and don't want to get eaten by a dingo. Let me know when it becomes a great area and I will rent there. I have no problems with that.
  13. To answer your question on the ladies weird behavior. It's a face thing, but I prefer the term PRIDE for non-thai's. You just give quickly and walk away. They appreciate it, but don't have to show in public they are poor or needy. Remember the motto for Thailand: HUMBLE on the OUTSIDE PRIDE on the INSIDE See you on the flipside ????‍♂️
  14. I can't believe that is still around. Old school.
  15. What do tourists from india do in Pattaya? Where do they go when they are not walking or standing around? I see them standing in front of 7-11's and walking on beach road and walking st and kind of just hanging around in small groups, but never at bars or restaurants or established places off the street. Do they only goto the restaurants in the little india area just behind walking st?
  16. Can you provide an example of a broker? I insure through Pacific Cross directly. How would I do it through a broker?
  17. JimTripper


    I hated fratamack hill area. there were packs of wild dingo's in the park area walking in on katesin. the kind you need to cross the street to avoid, not nice soi dogs. you would get bitten sooner or later if you are coming home at night, especially if you had a couple beers and like wearing shorts and sandals. live there and sit in your room all day and think about what a great deal the room was.
  18. I tried that once as a newbie with some old lady who was asking to share at the end of the terminal. The other person got out at their stop and paid nothing. The trike continued to drive and demanded payment for two people at my final destination, and also the diversion taken to drop the first person off. There are skint travelers who hang around bus stops and the like who want to share rides in this manner. I paid it since I was the last man standing, but I don't share transport anymore.
  19. JimTripper


    If you don't like walking, say 20 minutes to transportation, or down the beach path 20 minutes each way for reasonable eats and markets, I recommend avoiding the area. Arranging a ride each time you go out the door is too much of a hassle. The area with Katsein (sic spelling) Street going in is just a no-go at all imo unless your nuts healthy and don't care about wild dingo's etc which from your post does not sound like you are. A better recommendation is to go there and walk out while you are looking for a place, that's part of finding an area you like. Renting sight unseen is a fools game in Thailand.
  20. Your right about the listings. A lot of them are just bait hooks, meaning they are not updated. When you inquire you meet with an agent and fill out a questionnaire about your needs and they take you to view units in person. Big timewaster as you can't disqualify units beforehand and save time by looking at photo's, etc. The end result is you just pick something in frustration, because what you want and what the agent (or their questionnaire) thinks you want are very different things.
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