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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. It's playing a corrupt game, however. Is that who you are or want to become? It may seem like nothing but baby steps do effect you over time. 🤔
  2. Personally, I would skip CM (and everywhere else in Thailand) for an implant and have it done at a top facility in Bkk (can't name it). I am quite familiar with both locations as well having lived in each. More expensive places seem to attract better doctors.
  3. Lake living has been a part of white culture. A second summer home by the lake. Typically there are strong values placed on generational ties, including generational wealth and passing down property.
  4. A lot of the agent positive is dealing with as few Thai system people as possible. If the agent is passable pleasant you are only dealing with that one person (hopefully quickly and briefly).
  5. Clean it yourself.
  6. I can't. They could have just used dummies. Nobody would know if they were real bodies or not.
  7. I think in Vietnam they would just take the dog tags if it was unreasonable to retrieve bodies. Makes sense to not put others at risk.
  8. That's something it took me years to realize. Under expatriation usually lies a money issue, or it's something weird like needing prostitutes and what have you. It's rarely admitted, however, the usual reason given to friends & family being exotic locations and caviar dreams (Robin Leach). Success is retiring well in your country of origin.
  9. You can relax on a decent beach between scams.
  10. I think the no man left behind strategy was due to the possibility of being subjected to torture interrogation if captured alive. They make it sound like a moral compass decision in the movie, but I don't think that was the true motivation. You don't know if personnel are alive or not if you don't do a retrieval.
  11. I think you can be superior and still lose a fight. How about morals, intellect, compassion, etc. Combat is just one area that a superior race would likely not be involved in as they could manage to avoid it.
  12. That's true in any cheap country. You are not being invited in just to be nice or for magazine photo's and giving the country what it wants is not optional. Get real.
  13. Use your brain. I'm sure you will think of something.
  14. I don't want to die on foreign soil. I want a proper Catholic funeral. I don't want a Buddhist ceremony or a foreign language ceremony (although any religious ceremony is better then nothing).
  15. The question is what happens if he does not like you. Do you prefer a gentleman's duel or a pack of strangers (or a gang) coming in for a beat down. White culture is much more individualistic. They would tend to respect a gentleman's duel.
  16. People of color are disproportionally lower income. The more people of color move into a neighborhood the more likely it is to have lower income people there. An area becomes less affulent when lower income people live there, even if well off people don't move away. It turns into a vicious cycle. Businesses start expecting theft, put up deterents like cameras and sketchy security guards, well off people stop shopping there because they don't like being perceived as poor, etc. etc... Some would take it a step further and believe that when you live around the less well off (disproportionally the colored), you actually become less well off yourself. People are like a sponge, slowly becoming what their environment is and who they live around. There is also the well known modeling issue with children. Kids take after role models and who they see. You can try to educate them, or isolate them, but if you have the money it's easier to just move. Then there is the issue of inter-racial marriage and extended families...
  17. White Dating Culture
  18. I would check to make sure the owner can't walk away from the lease, if you want that kind of security. It feels like in Thailand they usually have that option, at least for rentals.
  19. Other countries have a lease to own, but it's more for vehicles, at least in the USA. Meaning, you are making payments like renting but you can end up buying the property if you make payments long enough (although you would be paying much more then simply purchasing outright). Conversely, you can break the lease and walk away. I don't think Thailand has many of these lease setups. It's just rent or buy.
  20. Thai supremacy has that weird sneer aspect that they seem to have perfected. I don't see it in other cultures. It's a particular way of looking down on something I have not encountered before. One could call it passive-aggressive I suppose. It seems to be almost a perversion of the smile, exhibiting a particular facial gesture. To me it's more repulsive then a white guy mouthing off or shouting slurs, or that sort of thing.
  21. They guys I have heard talk about it don't seem to care what other people think at all. When the subject came up they just say it's great and are unwilling to accept any possible negatives, including walking away if I persisted. It's not about convincing other people a small ratty room or crappy building is great. I can give Nirun in Pattaya as an example. With guys getting drunk down at those corner bars. One mention of the living situation and it's all hunky dory with no drawbacks whatsoever (even though everyone knows those rooms suck and that building sucks).
  22. That's nice, but I'm not really interested. I want to see some other users posting some small dismal rooms. Anyone here living in a shoebox want to post some pics and what you are paying?
  23. You were on the bottom floor? No view probably made it feel much smaller. What facing side were you on? A lot of the problem with VT2B for me (other then the shoebox room) was just felling like it was a dead end. It felt like a last stop for some reason that I can't quite put my finger on. Probably because of the older guys around and not many young people in their 20's-30's around.
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