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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. This guy is running out of money in Asia. Nothing back in the USA. Needs constructive tactical advice posted ASAP.
  2. Here we go again. Some people just don't get it 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. Everything is ultimately "you", not "me". The wild card is the people. Take people out and it's mostly just landscape. It's not "just me". I don't like being around Thai people much, so that made me not enjoy Pattaya. Relocate me to New York and it becomes Ok. The other wild card is money. Can afford to relocate or not? That makes Pattaya a net negative for me, not you. You are playing "word salad" with me here. Nothing I say is true for everybody. Also, I don't like Kenny G. I'm into hard metal, so that concert worked for you, not me.
  4. Strange how I avoided most of the festivals when I lived there. I lived right downtown too. Everything felt "overkill" (overdone) so I started disliking what celebrations there were. It was always too crowded, too loud, or too much. Extreme one way or another, never right. When I lived in Manhattan I liked going out, crowds and events, so it's not just me.
  5. I'm glad you're spending this morning trying to decipher my post and nobody can do it like you can. I will get back to you as soon as possible...🤣
  6. Look how much he is sweating. His shirt is soaked.
  7. I heard "somewhere" that it was being done in country, but it was via an agent.
  8. That would be a nightmare. Provide a copy of your tax return or we can't stamp you out...
  9. Depends on how much tax you're paying. It was worth it for me to cut ties. It even paid for my stay in Thailand. BTW I have a California Driver's License with an out of state address printed on it . You don't need to live in California to hold a CDL. Of course you can drive anywhere with it. The car can't be registered in California though, that's a clear residency and one of the first things they look for, DMV records. Also, voter registration records, that helps proves state residency as well.
  10. That is one factor that would determine residency requiring a return. You could challenge it at an audit using bank accounts abroad, foreign leases, time out of country, etc. It's probably easier to just close those accounts and get a bank account in a state with no state tax, like Nevada or Florida. You would need a street address in that state to open the account though and prove it with a state id, etc. Some banks even want you to show up in person to open one.
  11. You only do a state return if you are domiciled there. You might as well use the California address. Residency in California would be the deciding factor, not your address. I used to live in California. When I severed ties and got an address in Nevada I stopped filing a California return.
  12. How would they know? Bank records of foreign withdrawls? That could be vacations.
  13. Does not renouncing citizenship cancel Social security payments and medicare? Plus, having a fallback country you can flee to on a whim in an emergency is gone. Seems like an insanely dumb idea unless you are uber wealthy and have a tax advantage. Talk about burning your bridges...
  14. I use a US street address on tax returns. Mail gets re-packaged and forwarded to me using a new envelope. They don't know I live abroad.
  15. That was carefully scripted. Very similar to the pharmaceutical ads that always have someone outside exercising.
  16. I guys a few guys are really tired 🤣
  17. A lot of them are already on sex strikes. Women in the USA don't put out much. It's been going on since the 90's.
  18. Pattaya is very similar to Atlantic City, NJ in the USA if you're familiar with that. Kind of a low budget vacation destination. It does not qualify in my mind as a resort.
  19. I thought it had to do mainly with blood flow and blood pressure in the muscle. When I get excited it's not just my pole that gets erect, it's actually my whole body. I just see it more in my pole because it's smaller. People who lift weights say they get erections in their arms, chest etc from lifting.
  20. When you're single these things don't matter. The kitchen sink works too.
  21. Most guys in the USA won't pay for it even if it was available and legal. It's pretty degenerate behavior in the USA.
  22. That must be nice.
  23. How did you get a long term visa? Requirements?
  24. Did you move there, or just visiting?
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