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Everything posted by bbko

  1. There's many sensational news stories were after the 1st few days there are no further updates, or we never hear the outcome.
  2. Google "Baby Shark Swim Club Pattaya", they are over in Nong Pla Lai and did a good job teaching my son in their group swim lessons.
  3. Online visa application through their website. Due to Covid, I don't think they are doing in person visa, it's all online.
  4. After I submitted all the proper paperwork to the Thai Embassy in Los Angeles I had my COE in roughly 24 hours.
  5. Have her give the Pattaya Call Center a call @ 1337. She probably won't get the Pfizer or AZ but can get the Synovac. Over here at the stadium on the Darkside they are doing mass vaccinations (I think every morning). https://www.google.com/maps/@12.8839448,100.9211025,3a,75y,11.52h,105.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scDyriYOKzwVYumPTi-cyyA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  6. I remember a cheap beer in Thailand starting with an A about 10-15 years ago, you talking about Archa?
  7. Bit of trivia, the Indian to English translation of the word Nasha is "intoxicated".
  8. Always get a dashcam, maybe even two and know how to play back the vids at a moment's notice. My wife was running errands in our truck when an older lady on a motorbike somehow hit our truck from the side rear while the truck was standing still at a stop light. The older lady tried to bully my wife yelling it was my wife's fault and there were going to be hospital bills to pay. Luckily we had dashcam, and even though it was recording only to the front of the truck it showed everyone (police/insurance/lady) the truck was not even moving at the time of the accident, all we saw was the truck stopped at the light and then my wife walking around the front of the car looking to down to the side rear where the lady was laying down. Once the police watched the video the lady changed her tune and miraculously didn't need to go to the hospital anymore, paid my wife 500 baht for the scratch and that was the end of it. Dashcams are not expensive, not having one is foolish.
  9. My wife wanted to surprise me and went out and bought me a new Aerox, it's nice looking and good size engine, but I'm tall and like to sit back while on my bike but with the Aerox's two tiered seat I can't stretch out.
  10. My wife has a cousin that's a mia noi for a high ranking army officer and he has a side business besides the military and let's just say his side business does very well.
  11. My Thai BIL bought a pitbull, then after a short period he didn't want to take care of it anymore so he passed it off to his elderly parents, they keep it chained to a tree in minimally fenced yard 24/7. Then after a year of this they asked my wife if we would be willing to keep the dog in our walled garden, I quickly said NO, it's like asking me to keep a lion or loaded gun in our yard, just waiting to go off and injure/kill someone.
  12. It's official, this is another sign of Pattaya's obvious impending apocalypse. Famine (for the homeless/out of work), flooding, plague (Covid), ocean opening up and swallowing up Jomtien's Beach Road, and now fire.
  13. The Youtube vids are starting to come in, just search "Walking Street Fire".
  14. The area has also been hit by motorbike thieves lately and some residents speculated that potential thieves were also killing the dogs to stop them from barking and alerting owners That is a valid concern.
  15. I have back-up copies of my passport but none of my current visa/90 day stamp, I guess this is a good "learn from other's mistakes" moment. I hope the agent/passport show up.
  16. Everyday we hear of the number of newly infected, but we don't hear the number of newly vaccinated? Or am I just not getting my info from the right sources?
  17. If he can make it to starting position, woo hoo. There's been plenty of NFL players that have been questionable, let him play and if he's over the hill, I'm sure management will handle it properly.
  18. "No mention of Non-O retirees with homes, condos, apartments, etc." So you're thinking we'd have to move out of our residences and stay in those SHA+ hotels?
  19. 33 y/o overweight topless Go-Go dancer/sex worker with two kids? ???? Must be one of those daytime bars on the small sois that I've only "read about" (cough).
  20. Is Central's Sizzler open these days?
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