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Everything posted by bbko

  1. A good marketing campaign concerning Thai road deaths would be better served if it was written in Thai.
  2. In his drunken state, how do we know it wasn't 1-2 "normal" punches that caused him to stumble/fall face first to the ground, ala K.O. style?
  3. I was in Decathlon just yesterday here in Pattaya and noticed they have a discount section where items are returned and there were a lot of tents at a cheaper price than brand new. If the OP just wants it for a one time use, maybe this is the way to go. Check the Decathlons near you and see if they have a discount/return section.
  4. Call from the US to a cellphone in Thailand; First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. Next dial 66, the country code for Thailand. and finally the cell phone number without the first zero.
  5. It was the Brit that was looking for a fight.
  6. Old man? The brit is 35 y/o, he just looks like 50.
  7. You ran 7.5km barefoot ?!?
  8. The older you get, the less your taste bud work.
  9. The fact the orange con man is leading the GOP is a joke, and a sad state of affairs, it puts another nail in the GOP's coffin for future votes. To imagine the USA being led by the like of trump, mtg, gym jordan, bobbert, santos, lake, desantis, that Indian guy, cruz, pence; it's both a joke and a sad state of our American government.
  10. The Mrs & I have land that we bought that has a well, and it has cement rings and a cement cap, those photos look like trouble without rings and a cap.
  11. Num Chai Service Center on Sukhumvit has a 400 baht diagnosis fee, where for 400b, they'll examine your item, tell you what's wrong and how much more it will cost to fix it. Then the option is yours to have it repaired or not. In the past they've worked on my washing machines & Smart TV, solid repairs and never over the top prices. If you can't bring the item in they have a pick-up service (but I don't know the cost as I've always brought my items in).
  12. So you're saying the estimates are free, got it.
  13. Again; "How hard is it to say "I don't like this place, I'll check another"? Are you expecting a different outcome from the owner because you whined on a social website?
  14. How hard is it to say "I don't like this place, I'll check another"? If you don't like the place....MOVE ON! It's not rocket science.
  15. Why don't all you naysayers STHU and let Regan's promise of the GOP's trickle down work it's way down? Sure it's been over 40 years, but those tax cut for the rich will help the common folk eventuality, right? I mean the GOP wouldn't lie to us right?
  16. How much do they pay you to post inane subjects?
  17. More importantly, who gives a rat's arse?
  18. Wow, one of dead was a shop keeper just sitting in his shop, sad way to go.
  19. The headline says the raping of a 16 y/o, then the story mentions a 14 y/o, is the victim 14 or 16?
  20. Over the years whenever I changed out my phone batteries, I've always asked how much for a Chinese knock off battery and how much for a original battery. I've never had a place try to rip me off. Go to a few places and ask how much for original battery change.
  21. When had a problem getting a copy of my last years filed tax returns online with id.me, it was a 10 day headache trying to jump through their ID hoops. In the end I had to do a smart phone video call with them where I had to show two forms of ID, I literally had to hold up my passport and driver's license to the camera, took all of 5 minutes.
  22. So homeless dogs are non existent in Australia? Right.... Every year, thousands of dogs from all over the world are put into shelters or left without a home. In Australia alone, there are an estimated 80,000 homeless dogs and puppies that need a loving family to take them in. It is a heartbreaking reality that many of these animals will never find a place to call home. https://rescues4pets.com.au/blog/the-sad-reality-of-homeless-dogs-in-australia/
  23. Hopefully with the change in the moon, Thailand will get a change in the rain, it's been dry as heck the past few months in my parts.
  24. You're being facetious right?
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