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Everything posted by bbko

  1. Where are you walking? There's pharmacies all over Pattaya.
  2. We also have TPM and just got our renewal notice last week, the wife wants to cancel and said she needs to stop by their office with the house book, ID card and officially sign cancelation paperwork. If you didn't do that, you might be getting a bill in the future.
  3. Agree, you can't control others, you can only control your reaction to others.
  4. bbko


    Why not pop into a TMN shop near you and ask in person?
  5. Keep evidence of those messages, they are evidence she's trying to extort money from you.
  6. What is it then. brown hot water?
  7. Aren't we only allowed one extension per visa stamp? As in once an extension is given for that visa, you're not allowed a 2nd extension.
  8. So you object to non friend Thais calling a farang looking stranger "mister"? 555. If the "mister" calling is limited to only strangers, I'd say you're being petty and pedantic. If your so called "friends" call you mister instead of khun, I'd say it's time to get new friends.
  9. Could it be the OP was born in another country, became a Thai citizen and is now upset he isn't instantly treated the same as a 100% born citizen by any and all Thais he interacts with? Get off your high horse, you became a citizen in a country where a foreigner becoming a Thai citizen is an abnormality, deal with it.
  10. I often wondered how those Turkish ice cream or donner kebab guys were allowed to peddle their stuff around Pattaya, surely handing out ice cream or a chicken sandwich can be done by a Thai, am I right?
  11. Reminds me of the time when I was riding my motorbike and another motorbike coming from the opposite direction wanted to pass a slow moving car in his lane, so he jumped the yellow line into mine, now we are on a head-to-head trajectory and we almost hit (in my lane) and as we pass, he has the nerve to give me a dirty look as if I should of gotten out of his way. F these low IQ drivers.
  12. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the 2 victims inside a swim safe zone? Meaning the boat entered a cordoned off zone?
  13. This thread reminds me of another post a while back when the poster didn't like it when he entered a supermarket and the security guard saluted him. He actually got offended being saluted, 555. Some people will find the negative in the smallest everyday things.
  14. Doesn't bother me
  15. The videos of this wreck are all over the net, why not here?
  16. Loving embrace or the start of a battle?
  17. If it were me, I wouldn't say anything, just keep filing online and see if they say anything on your next extension application. OP, are you 9 days late for the actual 90 day date or 9 days late from the extra 7 we're allowed?
  18. I'm from the US and had to get fire extinguisher training every couple of years and they always taught me (us) to aim at the base of the fire.
  19. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/ear-plugs-for-swimming/?spm=a2o4m.home.search.1.11257f6dxKo5Xi&q=ear plugs for swimming&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--4307644042984216821__abId--345271__Score--0.0054328364200349625__pvid--9381afd0-6c22-4221-aa7e-88169b761430__matchType--102__matchList--2__srcQuery--ear plugs for swimming__spellQuery--ear plugs for swimming__ctrScore--0.11812533438205719__cvrScore--0.00346497748978436&from=suggest_normal&sugg=ear plugs for swimming_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  20. While I've never been inside the place, the vid looks like it's a nice looking condo;
  21. Still one way, but there's always a motorbike or two running the wrong way.
  22. bbko

    Decent sausages

    Give this place a try, much better than anything in the chain supermarkets, and they ship nationwide. https://meatstuffpattaya.com/
  23. Here's a shop on the Darkside, that makes custom wooden furniture, I'm sure they can handle making a storage cabinet; https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9187862,100.9284256,3a,55.4y,140.04h,84.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJquSb8maugyZy08FGS27tg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  24. The letter was written in Thai, I assume they used the year 2566.
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