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Everything posted by LS24

  1. We, no. You have twice now quoted increase in turnover based on KSR. Yet you have not taken into account people who have chosen to not visit areas due to the free availability of weed. You have demonstrated confirmation bias. I am simply asking you to consider both the positive and negative effects to draw a more unbiased conclusion. That is just basis economics. Are you after an unbiased discussion or a biased one?
  2. One local near me has invested heavily in a weed shop, a cafe beside the weed shop and then a weed bar. All high end finishes and quite stylish. In speaking with him on pre-opening drinks night, he did mention that he was taking a gamble and that he was concerned that legislation will eventually catch up with him. He does have a plan to pivot. He seems like a smart operator. But there will be a lot of people selling cheap hydroponic set ups and others reneging on property leases. As regularly happens in Thailand, subtlety is not common. This could have easily just stepped into mainstream with no fanfare and existed happily in Thai society. But, no. Weed shops to counter the number of 7-11 in some locations ruined it for everyone.
  3. Why do you choose a stinky weed shop in such a place? There is a multitude of choices for stinky weed far away from the cum stained areas.
  4. Have you checked the transations translations from Thai to english regarding the what was actually said in native tongue? A large figure indeed. Now that needs to be offset by the loss of families and others opposed to all tourist locations inundated with neon and LED storefronts advertising weed. The vast volume of spliff shops in some areas have taken the soul from many tourist locations. With the loss of the previous vibrance also goes the revenue from high spending families and others who don't want to bombarded with stonehead shops and passive smoke. Find that figure and then assess the figure you quoted regarding KSR.
  5. Hi Brian, I just want to expand on what you have said. In general, you are correct. But cold galz comes in a lot of different varieties. and has some drawbacks. OP, you need to ask the question of what the "G" rating is of the galv steel. You want a minimum of G275 (275 grams of zinc galv per metre squared of surface. That is the SI metric which most of Thailand should use. But they may use imperial like they do with plumbing for some reason. One thing to watch out for is the internal of the post. I have seen far too many posts rust out from the inside to the outside. Make sure the base of the posts and weled with a cap and a flange to bolt to the floor. Brian's photo looks to have an angle bracket to bolt to the ground and a bolts to the post. Unsure if there is an end cap. An end cap that covers the bottom of the post and extends out to bolt through into the ground is a much better method for a variety of reasons. If water will get access to the top opf the post, make sure that is also capped.
  6. All you can really do at this stage is to use packers / spacers in between the wall and the wardrobe and then seal the gaps with silicone or another sealant. Without packing and relining the whole wall you will just have something not square.
  7. I understand that re entry stamps for Non B visas can be arranged at Immigration at BKK airport on day of departure. Could someone please advise exactly where the immigration office is. Do you need to go through standard immigration (passport / finger print scan) before you get to the immigration office that offers the reentry stamp? Or Is the Immigration office on the public side of departures? Any guidance such as near what ticket counter etc would be great. Also, Do you only need to show passport with the Non B or is there other documentation needed?
  8. https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/search?srct=polyurethane
  9. Ben, HDD tend to fail quickly if they are going to fail under normal operating conditions. What you may not know is the life that the second hand HDD has led. It could have been cooked in a case with little to no ventilation and cooling, or been repeatedly thrashed with read - writes. It could have been dropped. If I did happen to buy it I would give it a low level (as opposed to a standard flag change) format before putting it into use to check for bad sectors. What is your CCTV camera recording format and how much data per hour dies it record on high quality? Is it running 24/7? How long do you need to keep footage for? Answer those questions and make a simple calculation then you have your answer to the size you need for your usage. Is the CCTV critical. Do you actually need redundancy? HDD aren't as sophisticated as SSDs in where they share their location of storage usage so having a larger drive won't nessessarily share the wear. Main failure that I have found is on the read / write head or the arm actuators or their electronics, not on bad sectors on an HDD platter. I used to look at the Backblaze data when it was important for me to know that information. It isn't now. But back then Seagate had a much higher failure rate consistently and it seems that they still do now. What reason do you have for preferring Seagate Skyhawk HDD? Is there data to help you come to that conclusion or is it just a personal choice with no technical backing? Either is fine. It just helps others understand your reasoning.
  10. I was just starting to get my groove when the lights came on. Had a couple of drinks but nothing illicit.
  11. Penfold's Bin 2 is reasonably priced over here considering.
  12. Yes, but it is incomplete. It doesn't have all the existing stations on existing lines. It also does not show the Pink Line.. The pinkish line on the nippon map is actually called the light red line. And the purple line is actually the blue line.
  13. A part of the idea for the free service is to do a 'shake down' on the system. A shake down is used to find issues. I have seen staff working on different aspects of the stations. Do you think it unreasonable to highlight a few more things to adjust / nip up?
  14. A perfectly logical explanation could be that there had been reports of a whitey who had done something nefarious in the area. Boys in brown were asked to conduct stops under the guise of a license check so as to not raise suspicion. Another is that the sample size you chose was just too small and by way of statistics, you just happened to be one of two whiteys pulled over at the time. Check for confirmation bias in your post.
  15. I've had that pop up on a couple of my bank account apps. TTB is the strictest of the Banks I use by far.
  16. Nice one, Crossy. Thanks for sharing. I've travelled on the Pink line a few times now. I noticed a few things like loose grab rails and the like on the trains etc. Is there any formal way to advise on things like that?
  17. Can't help with your question. Let us know if your package requires customs fees before it is delivered to you. That will assist others in future.
  18. Sounds like something Berkshire Hathoway owners would do. Do all the rich people horde most of the sun and refuse to share it with other less fortunate? Now where is that irony emoji?
  19. It seems the link was missed in last post. Here it is: https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/helmets/
  20. Most helmets have different shell sizes. The better brands usually have 3 shell sizes. Many only have 2. This forum generally falls into generalist heresay in a short period of time for subjects that needs specific responses. Not all modular helmets are good and not all modual helmets are bad. They vary. Here is one of a few web sites that I use when choosing a new lid. Sharp also note how many times modual helmets opened on impact. A very useful metric. I have 6 helmets in use and still in servicable condition at the moment. 3 here and 3 in my home country. One in each country is a full face that will eventually be replaced by modulars when the time comes. I only get a couple of years, maybe 30 months out of a helmet in this climate. The foam compresses and deteriorates as does the removable padding and wicking layers. I've found that modular helmets from the same manufacturer often have vastly different locking mechanism and hinging quality.
  21. Agree. I regularly eat some thai seafood but I'm not overly fussed on its regular overcooking methods to gain more texture. I prefer my crustaceans to still be translucent after a gentle saute or direct / indirect heat. The bouncing rubber texture of seafood diminishes so much flavour and subtly for the senses.
  22. My money will always be on Will B Good as the culprit from now on no matter who was being stalked.
  23. I am aware of that Berkshire's timeline. I quoted the first post and the graph started at 2014. That is what I referred to.
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