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Everything posted by Pattaya57

  1. No, I reviewed the T&C's thoroughly and these 3 year exclusions are not there (the 2 year prostate exclusion was there). I talked to a broker and he was shocked by the exclusions I received, until I said that I told them I had 15-20 light beers a week. Big mistake on my part as the 15 light beers are probably only 10 'standard drinks' anyway as only 3% alcohol
  2. So I guess that means we need to not drink to get decent insurance cover in Thailand (or lie on the application and say only 7 drinks a week). I just have one wine with dinner I swear... 😉
  3. I've gone through the application again and the only thing I didn't say 'No' to was do I drink. I said yes with 15-20 drinks of light beer per week (I tried to answer honestly) I'm now wondering if this triggered all the extra exclusions? Drinking 3 days a week having 5-6 light beers is not a lot to me as I only drink Singha 89 which is only 3% alcohol. Insurance may have a different opinion though and treat that the same as if I drank same number of high alchohol spirits?
  4. How are all those exclusions sensible? They are not excluded in the policy document, just in the offer letter. There's also so many of them I'm not sure what's left that they do cover. They are also not lifted after 3 years, they are re-assessed. If they are assessed as excluded now for no reason I can see, then why would the re-assessmemt in 3 years be any different and they'll just exclude them again?
  5. I've just been recommended Macallan brokers. Anyone use them?
  6. Pacific Cross also gave me a prostate exclusion for 2 years in the offer letter. Again not in policy doc and to be re-assessed after that time so may never be included. Totally useless policy.
  7. Thanks, I'll try them. I did go to another broker and they also recommended Pacific Cross policy but I didn't apply with them to see extra exclusions in the offer letter
  8. The worst thing is they exclude all these issues and say they'll be re-assessed after 3 years. They never assessed them in the first place as I answered no to everything. All I can think of is my age at 59 triggered all these exclusions as my 58 year old mate doesn't have them with same company
  9. Now that I'm on a non-imm O retirement I thought it was about time I got some health insurance. I applied at Pacific Cross as read great reviews and what I think is a good price, 32,019 baht for 1.2 million baht coverage with 20k excess. But I was shocked to find their offer letter included many exclusions that were not excluded in the policy document that I applied for. See below for many items excluded for 3 years with a "will be re-assessed" after so they may never be included. I am 59, in good health and answered 'no' to all their health issue questions in the application Except for accident cover, to me this policy seems worthless with all those exclusions.
  10. So crazy to use an agent then. I did mine myself for 1900 baht and it took 40 minutes at immigration.
  11. Good advice unlike OP who arrives at 10pm on arguably the busiest night of the Pattaya year and then make a thread complaining about no taxi as his first impression of Pattaya 😉
  12. This makes no sense to me. I'll give you Lazudi as one example of many large Pattaya real estate agents with multiple offices and a website full of properties. They hold the keys and all buyers need to go to them to show them property
  13. On soi bukhao and two noisy Motorbikes just went past. I'll now stop having my fun day and immediately report these noisy bikes like the OP is insisting 😆
  14. So 2 weeks in Thailand and you've posted threads to say your BO is gone and you now sleep much more than before. Sounds like you've found your dream spot 😆
  15. You stated it had been quoted on this forum that people have done first time reports online. I said it has not. So where is your link to say it has? Whole thread is BS
  16. Never seen it stated on this forum but if so you should be able to link it. And what's a telegram group?
  17. So as I said, move condo!
  18. Every post OP has made on this forum is complaining about Motorbike noise. If it bothers him so much why not just move? I have same condo for 15 years in central Pattaya and never had any Motorbike noise
  19. Not an issue in Pattaya. A sign on the 90 day report desk says it may take up to 1 hour wait, I got mine done in 40 minutes
  20. You can also book easily on 12GO app
  21. How does Australian immigration know someone is on the OAP in order to tell Centerlink everytime that person leaves Australia?
  22. Thanks, I'll get in touch. Their jobs on Facebook look pretty good
  23. Yeah, I realise I have to stay to check work done, I was just hoping I didn't have too. I've bought 3 properties off the plan including this Condo so sort of looked at it like that where I just checked at the end if I could find a highly recommended contractor
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