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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Good, stealing money from those who worked hard to give it to the useless lazy masses is definitely the way to achieve economic recovery. But yes these idiots will reelect you, unless the army takes care of the country, once more.
  2. At least they are candid now. They admit they want to hit foreigners living in Thailand. Always good to have us around when it is time to look good.
  3. Yes, what amazes me is that someone who claims Thai nationality doesn't see that the "loophole" was there by design. IMHO they can remove it now simply because the younger generation of "rich Thais" tends to spend less than 179 in country. And that includes those at the very top.
  4. You may disagree if you wish, but you should look up the definitions of "tax evasion" and "tax avoidance", it is clear cut.
  5. Absolutely not, tax evasion implies illegal acts such as hiding assessable income. Since it was a loophole deliberately inserted in the rules, using it was avoidance. In the strict legal sense. The simple fact that they have to change the rules demonstrate that it was fully compliant with those in force until December 31, 2023.
  6. Yes I paid my taxes when I was tax resident, and also gave some years of my life. And feel good about as I know I keep the right to settle there, in the country of achievers..
  7. Who should therefore be proud to contribute to their country. But a lot could be said about that, I agree. Not on this thread anyhow, but it could be a good topic for another one.
  8. Let's hope that these searches reveal that Thailand isn't, will never be, their dream destination. from now on I'll go to neighbouring countries anyhow.
  9. So, prices going up was bad last year, now prices going down is bad this year? Maybe this is more BS to justify the PM's corny, inflationary, eWallet thingy.
  10. You may have to prove that that money wasn't earned in 2023. While you could have transferred, as I did everything you've earned last year after January 1, as per PAW 162/2566.
  11. Transferred USD 100,000, 100,000 got credited on the 4th. Read they'll apply the 35% withholding tax only from February 1, onwards. They expect what's being transferred now to be mostly 2023 earnings.
  12. Fairy nuff. But "empirical evidence" isn't overwhelmingly convincing. My guess is that they wrote that just to be fashionable. I wonder why? What does anyone have to gain from such "normal deviances"? At at time where it is understood that being deviant doesn't always make one a criminal.
  13. Where did I say this? I wanted to say the Heterosexuality is the only "normal" sexuality. Anything else is "different". But feel free to "differ" as much as you want. I "differ" too occasionally, going to the wrong orifice, not the wrong gender, mind you.
  14. Since you have used the word I'll tell you: there is nothing normal about homosexuality, heterosexuality is the foundation of life and evolution. Now should we tolerate it? I'd say yes, unless it become militant to the point where our society is at risk.
  15. Why would Israel not be allowed to defend itself? Antisemitism?
  16. @OP, You know that it would be better to wait until mid July to move to Thailand if you transfer your deposit(s) anytime this year. And why on earth this place? You and your wife deserve much better.
  17. This teacher should be terminated and prosecuted. Wether the victim presses charges or not. One doesn't leave a psychopath in a classroom. What a retard place.
  18. Dunno, looks primitive to me, with a crossbow I could shoot a razor bolt through their balls, if I was in a compassionate mood.
  19. Yes, that's some proof. Thanks. But they also tried to frame some British idiot, who was heard saying similar crap... I guess you you know that Thai politics are just one giant excrementstorm, where what you see (hear) is definitely not what you'll get.
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