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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Yes and No. Try applying to emigrate to USA, UK or Australia if you are a citizen of Somalia or Yemen or Syria. It is a fact that a percentage of people from certain countries are far more frequently in breach of their new 'western' country's laws. I know the stats in the late 90s and early 00s on the percentage of new Somalians that broke the laws of Australia - it was huge. There are several countries that do not allow immigration (and some tourism) from certain countries - and they are right in doing so, and they have the right to do so - it is their country. Japan, Hungary and Poland come to mind. And keep in mind that phrase I used - it is their country. If a large percentage of immigrants (legal and illegal) from any country refuse to adapt and aqccept the laws and culture of their new country, then they should be deported - and others from that country banned from entering. It is not about a person, nor is it about race, it is about who the majority of people from certain countries behave when in a new country. It is extremely hard to tell which are the good or bad ones, so the only answer is to ban all of them. It is only the woke PC lefty rubbish that stops the authorities in western countries from making it 'public' - but they all now do to some extent.
  2. OK - it sounded like you were on a rant about certain 'people' illegally entering countries and marrying locals. My Bad.
  3. You mean take the bullets out and check them by some means - exactly how does an untrianed and unqualified actor do that?? Remember some movies use blanks in old guns that look like real bullets as they roll into the firing chamber - not those ones with crimped heads in starting pistols. Get real mate - you obviously have an anti-gun bias and that is fine, but this media driven frenzy against Baldwin seems to me to have no substance and is all about the gun activists getting publicity for their cause - being to get banned the use of guns in movies. PS - the gun he was handed when he got into the exact position, and I mean the exact to the mm position for the camera angeles etc., was already cocked - it aint easy cocking an old gun - it takes a fair bit of effort. The armourer is in jail for not doing that correctly - and it is her job and responsibility to do that - not the actor's. Discussion over. PPS - I have been on TV and Movie sets - and it is amazing what they do and how they do it. Next time you watch a movie let the credits roll and read all the names and roles. The person delivering coffee does not get credit - but there are literally hundreds of people doing things on movie sets all the time - taking things on and off the set etc. Some people literally think is is just a few people involved - and that acting is easy. No it aint - and it is only when you see one working up close that you know what they go through to prepare themselves to be in the right mood and with all the right body and facial 'language' etc etc - again and again - really good actors are awesome to watch as they perform their craft - and they dont have the time to check what others have checked, nor to be distracted or lose focus by doing that.
  4. Another ignorant post that would have not been written if the writer had done some research. The story of the 'Rust' movie was was written by Alec Baldwin and Joel Souza - with the Screenplay written by Joel Souza, who was also the Director. The Producers of the movie Rust were - Alec Baldwin, Matt DelPiano, Ryan Donnell, Smith Anjul Nigam, Ryan Winterstern, Nathan Klingher and Grant Hill. And the Production Companies were Rust Movie Productions, El Dorado Pictures, Cavalry Media, Thomasville Pictures, Brittany House Pictures and Short Porch Pictures. The Armourer - the person responsible for weapons safety on a movie set - was Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and she was found guilty of involuntery manslughter and was sentenced to 18 months in jail earlier this year. On what planet are you people that blame the Actor for doing with a 'weapon' what thousands of other actors (and he himself) has done millions of time over the many decades movies have been made involving weapons. He was given the 'weapon' and used it in the movie take on the basis that it had been verified/certified as 'safe'. Or are you demanding that the necxt actor than drives a car with a passenger that has an accident in which the passendger is killed, due to a fault with the car, is guilty or manslaughter/murder. The Actor was not in any way at fault - it was and still is not any actor's responsibility to make sure that ANY item they are given is safe to use on a movie set. Anyone that thinks otherwise is not thinking properly. If Alec Baldwin had been shooting live rounds with that gun immediately before the movie scene, and the weapon was not checked by a professional trained armourer before he used it on the movie set - then and only then is/was he at fault.
  5. That was an illogical irrational post. Did you read my post? Obviously not because I stated that actors have been pointing guns at other people for decades in westerns. IMO the movie amourer (person responsible for weapons safety) was at fault and the movie producer/company who hired her. Judging by your responses to both mysef and others like @transam you have nothing remotely useful to say = blocked.
  6. Mike - you are talking about a western male and a Thai woman? You think your and mine 'inter-racial' marriage successes, mean all inter-racial marriages, including from males in 'less than desirable' countries now approved for Visa free entry are good? Or did you mean from 'desirable' countries - like those previously approved - in which case, then I agree with you.
  7. You are clearly locked into this delusion and refuse to think outside your own cognitive bias. I love good western movies - have you seen how many times a gun is pointed at another person and fired. Movies are not real mate - all those car crashes you see in the movies are 'faked' and some people died doing that. Just ask Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious movies. Unbelievable. Go get a life - maybe find another cause mate - go save some soi dogs.
  8. I read in the original Khaosodenglish.com story :- Medium-term measures: It will be implemented from September to December 2024. Restructuring and reducing the number of Non-Immigrant visa categories from 17 to 7, starting in September 2024. Adjusting the criteria and conditions for the Long Stay visa for elderly people who wish to spend their retirement in Thailand, starting in September 2024. Reducing the health insurance requirement for Non-Immigrant visa (O-A) from 3,000,000 baht to pre-COVID-19 levels: 40,000 baht for outpatients and 400,000 baht for inpatients. Expanding the e-Visa service from 47 to 94 Thai embassies, consulates, and trade and economic offices worldwide by December 2024. I wonder what changes they are comteplating regarding Long Stay Retirement Visas - anyone have any ideas??
  9. There are many ways to avoid/evade that will not cause you many problems. But if you do ignore and get caught then there are some very painful lessons to be learned about why 'I should have .......'. They wont send a letter - they will either ban you entering (and that goes on your EPassport record to all countries) or they will nab you on your next visit. You been to Sweden lately? Got a mate who is leaving this year forever. He has 2 male friends who have already left last/this. There are many Scandinavians in Thailand who will tell you you are wrong. Pop over to Hus Hin and talk to them about the difference between your 'progressive' views and reality.
  10. I have said thisa for a long time and I will say this again. The Family helped him escape - by both paying off people and by organising him to leave the country - and they have been paying for his continued living overseas. They should all be arrested and charged with aiding and abetting. The Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters and anyone else in the family house that he escaped into and hid in, and from where he escaped and left the country. They should all be charged will aiding and abetting a criminal evade capture and charges for murder. If they can prove they did not help and assist him, and have not helped and assisted him over the years, then and only then find them innocent and let them go. No Bail. Thailand is seen by the world as a corrupt society and this one example, amongst the many thousands of others, is the proof for most that Thailand is corrupt. If Thailand wants to be seen on the world stage as a country that is just a nit noi above Nigeria or Somalia as a corrupt country, then deal with this issue once and for all. If the Father wins his case, Thailand will forever be seen as a corrupt country and the stink will never go away.
  11. You have a serious problem with guns - clearly. Anti-Gun activists like you are lacking reality checks. It was an accident on a film set that resulted in the death/injury of people - it happens. If anyone should be getting charged it is the film company and then the gun armourer - not the actor. But the anti-gun activists want as high a profile as possible - so they go for the high profile person. Baldwin will be found innocent - but he is and he will continue to go though Hell - and you activists will be happy. For God's sake - she was his friend !! That tells me what sort of humans anti-gun activists like you are.
  12. I certainly hope so George - but even more I hope they realise the value that 300-400K western long term retired/married Expats bring to the country and its people. It would be nice of there was a single organisation that 'spoke' on their behalf, like the about 80K Japanese Expats have.
  13. Thailand bureacrats dont think like that. They put down their phones and react only when something that comes down the line from their superiors/betters. When the 'bosses' said we need more visitors to Thailand for their money - then they do that and only that. The 'thought' of doing a complete review of the entire non-immigrant Visa system, just does not enter their heads - especially regarding the need to attract more retired/married long term Expats. And one thing they will not do, is ask foreigners for their advice and/or opinions.
  14. We have travelled a lot around Thailand this year. It seems to me that some Thais in Bangkok are not doing as well as they hoped after the pandemic and are not smilling as much. They are the same in Hua Hin and I hear the samne in Phuket etc. But in Isaan they are pretty much smilling as much as they were before the pandemic. My Wife's smile always brightens up my day, and the same thing for most of the family and people people I meet in Isaan.
  15. They were taken/robbed when they stopped for a 'honey pot' - Dopey, Bashful and Doc are still at the Police pleading their case, and the others have disappeared. Snowy is looking after me right now, and then I will be Happy (again).
  16. The UK tabloids do cater for the lowest common denominator - and I guess that is the type interested in parts of Pattaya. There was a bounce-back in Thailand tourism 23/24 - but no where near as much as other places 'bounced' in percentage terms. Plus a lot of that total number was the 'loyal' Chinese and those who are banned from going elsewhere (Russians/Ukrainians). Next year will be the decider - if it is not as much as 2019 and/or the other SEAsian destinations, then the TAT will hit the FAN.
  17. 100% Innocent until proven guilty. And even then, if it is a business matter of merely over-estimating an asset, then .... meh - no more than a DUI or Speeding offence. And will it also mean every businessman in USA will be charged for doing the same?
  18. This 'clean energy' khrapp is just like the Covid mask and stay home rubbish that was forced upon people - and ended up being all wrong as proven by Sweden. Stop the burning of crops and bingo - huge reduction in CO2 by Thailand. Unfortunately, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia will still burn baby burn - and the wind brings a lot of it over here.
  19. Nuh. Equality. Plus being abused and/or criticised if it does not work out as they want.
  20. IMO Smart TVs are total rubbish. I use an old laptop and android device (Shield TV) connected to TV via HDMI. Set them up and you never have to worry about the idiot smart TV and its constant updating and changing of things and poor functionality. Once you have the devices setrup that were designed and meant for internet use, then 'delete' the smart TV khrapp. Turn it off completely - uplug - then factory reset and start again - do not connect wifi - skip that step and all the other 'setup' stuff. Youtube has plenty of vids how to do it - look it up for your model (on laptop or phone).
  21. People in Thailand are the most likely in Asia to be deceived over the phone (88%), followed by Malaysia (82.7%), Hong Kong (81.3%) and Vietnam (80.2%). Asia Scam Report 2023: Thailand highest in Asia for phone scams (nationthailand.com)
  22. So I believe. I think of that issue and laugh whenever I read yet again another Falang stating that Thailand needs a better education system, in response to whatever problem happens, as if that would solve the many problems and faults here.
  23. In this country, if you are a young male and likely to defend yourself/wife in such a situation, then you should have a lawyer's number in your phone and call them immediately. Additionally, you must never admit you did it or hit them - you say nothing til the lawyer arrives. If the POlcie push the matter and demand an answer (they can here) you state that you defended yourself/wife against sexual/assault. You dont say you hit them, you say you defended yourself against assault - and state that you/wife were assaulted and that you dont recall clearly what happenned because you were so scared for your life. The guy is an idiot (obviously), but he doubled down on his stupidity by admitting it and aplogising. As an 'old guy' I would defintiely be walking away with the wife and leaving the premises - and not saying anything to offend (especially not to a Thai). If I/wife was atacked physically and we could not walk away, then and only then would I defend my/ourselves. And I would never admit any wrongdoing - but at my age more likely I would wake up in hospital/on floor (if I did).
  24. I am sure you are being facitious - and that you already knew Thias are not at the top end of the evolutionary pole for IQ. That is why there is no Mensa branch here (despite the prestige available if someone was a member) and the Thailand Facebook site for Mensa members is open to all people residing/working here, and still has less than 100 members (86).
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