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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes there is no decent choice but to fight him. He will not stop. The appeasers have lost the plot.
  2. Doctors, you know the trained professionals that actually know a lot about gender affirming medical care, push back against the ignorant right wing bigots. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3672270-medical-groups-call-on-doj-to-investigate-threats-targeting-gender-affirming-care/ Leading medical organizations are asking the Department of Justice to investigate a string of recent online attacks against hospitals that provide gender-affirming health care to transgender minors. Right-wing commentators and social media users have accused children’s hospitals that provide gender-affirming care of abusing children. Research has shown that access to gender-affirming medical care improves the overall mental health and well-being of transgender people, including transgender youth.
  3. These laws aren't really about protecting children. Like abortion, these personal decisions shouldn't be for politicians. The laws are more about protecting the ignorance of anti trans bigots and promoting the careers of right wing demagogues. Whether to take hormones or not is a decision that should be up to the parents and SPECIALIZED doctors of the people under 18. The right wing demagogues are such hypocrites. They talk about wanting total freedom but only for their fetishes like owning assault weapons but in a case like this that involves LGBT civil rights, no, we can't have that. Aren't there much more important things to legislate on in these backwards red states? Of course there are. But this garbage politics gets votes of the ignorant bigots.
  4. If puberty blockers are banned until 18, you haven't blocked puberty. Which means the person in adulthood if they do transition is never going to be as convincing as someone who started earlier. These are decisions for medical and psychological professional, not neofascist demagogues trying to gain popularity by scapegoating hated minorities. Of course these are difficult matters by definition. Don't make them worse with political games. I think banning related surgery for minors is less controversial.
  5. NATO troops are not necessary for Ukraine to win. If nukes are to come, that will be on Russia. The world can't cower to his threats. It's stand up now or game over (China).
  6. Perhaps the best way to prevent WW3 is to arm Ukraine well enough for them to WIN and that includes Crimea. Putin wants the west to be afraid of his threats. If it turns out he isn't bluffing we're headed to WW3 anyway (including China) as if Putin wins there is no way he stops at Ukraine.
  7. She's a very sick puppy and her district voters that elected her are sick puppies too. Marjorie Taylor Greene accused of ‘screaming and cursing’ through private China spy balloon briefing | The Independent
  8. I like Bill Maher but I don't agree with him on everything but that's how it should be. It's fair game to make fun of / criticize "woke" but in my view the US faces much much more serious existential problems. Now it looks like the Trump party will be running mostly on anti woke. That's insane.
  9. For awhile I was paying 500 baht at a place catering to Koreans. I used to have good luck at similar places in the US (with similar language barriers). I can tell when a stylist is trained in Korean methods and these guys were. This was very good the best I've had in Thailand the first two or three times, and then it went downhill like my business was taken for granted. It had better be better than average for 500 in this market!
  10. Yeah, no doubt, but face it, Canada is less xenophobic than the US, the people really are nicer, they aren't gun nuts, their politics is less crazy, and don't forget they have nationalized health care. I see the U.S. as more of a draw for the true believers in the American dream dogma myth that has its charms but isn't actually realistic for most. Differences Between How the US, Canada Treat Asylum-Seekers (insider.com)
  11. I love the guy both as a person and politically. This is good publicity for him.
  12. I looked into this and have concluded that Roger Water's anti Israel demonization does bleed into antisemtitism. Of course not all criticism of Israel's policies do that but consider the case of Waters displaying a black pig onstage with a Star of David. Leaves little doubt. It's also worth noting that a lot of pro Putin, anti Ukraine sentiment is tainted with antisemitism because of world democracy leader Zelinsky being a Jew. I think Waters could have been much more effective with legitimate criticism of Israel without the baggage he has introduced, but introduce it he has done.
  13. Canada does seem preferable except for the weather.
  14. The fact that they don't serve in the IDF and participate only in a limited way in the greater economy is troubling to the majority of Israelis. It makes sense that in the one and only Jewish state that the most extremely religiously observant Jews should have a haven and indeed they do ... but there do need to be limits. If the ultra orthodox were the majority, I don't see how Israel could work as a state and in it's now very important place in the global economy.
  15. Yeah it gets worse. I had picked the good one but then asked for a shampoo before cut which is included in the price. So the girl did the shampoo and by that time the competent one was busy. Bait and switch.
  16. Seems so at 34.52 <record_date>2022-12-31</record_date> <country>Thailand</country> <currency>Baht</currency> <country_currency_desc>Thailand-Baht</country_currency_desc> <exchange_rate>34.52</exchange_rate>
  17. Carville is an advocate of democrats growing some balls. He walks the walk.
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