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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. In the uk neopolitan is ice cream 555 Made by walls! Lets see the useless pizza people make that.
  2. Getting upset over £11. Amazing.
  3. No choice really. Had to travel pattaya to chaeng wattana to get it setup. My 1 year extension took longer than everyone else's extension because 'big boss have to sign'.
  4. Dear god. Fancy forgetting you used to live next door 555
  5. Yours was the exception to the rule! 90 day reporting- don't be so idiotic.
  6. Do you use a VPN and youtube thinks you are in russia? Click on the russian searches and maybe its your videos.
  7. The answer is 2. But the stupidity of people's questions is apparently infinity.
  8. At least no washing up!
  9. So far (1.5 years) the only people i would like to never live amongst is anyone from middle-east countries. Some of the most inconsiderate people i've had the displeasure to experience. Of course, many are fine. I would up my rent to 30k to avoid these types.
  10. Type CAD in the search bar. The things you find
  11. I don't have any commodities but envisage its used as a hedge rather than investments. Or a 'diversifier'.
  12. For someone who arrived here with very little, you seem critical of others doing something similar. £120k gbp at age 39 ??? what a success you are. Did you get a call from dragons den? 555 1/10/23: "I come to Thailand at age 39 with barely 200k CAD in savings"
  13. Yep i'm so insecure i want to impress a load of crackpots on here 555
  14. He doesn’t have either (too young for pension)...otherwise he wouldn't be playing the big i am role on his teeny weeny canadian dollars 555 Third marriage in your early fifties though. Maybe not so bad after all. The purpose of his post was to mock. Lets not forget that.
  15. You start these sad topics to bait people. I'm pretty lazy work wise and definitely the poor one in my peers ...but you think you're a hotshot 555 Half a million canadian dollars! Not even 300k gbp 555 Used to save £30k a year when i was a kid. If you're going to play the big man role as least lie 555
  16. Just during covid years i invested more into my equity funds than your 10 years savings. Then there's the other 45 years i've been alive 555 Debt free house sale after covid. Not a small house either. I think you can keep dreaming about the jealousy bit ...to be honest
  17. Your prime earning years and all you've banked is <£300k. Yikes!
  18. You gave it a go, but it didn't work it.
  19. Hello ...what would you like to know?
  20. Do you find that cars and bikes give cyclists plenty of room and patience in general? I guess its going to be proportional to the time spend riding - eg. 1 hour every day is going to create some skirmishes.
  21. Its a slightly dumb question ...but 20 years? 555 How about venture capital trusts or enterprise investment schemes. There you go. Took me 2 minutes. They use business property relief. Now run to google.
  22. I have an emerging markets fund that uses a segregated mandate approach. Done well - top quartile. Its not available to buy direct though.
  23. This is the mentality of people who never made any free money from the stockmarket. Suddenly everything is a conspiracy. Its so easy to make money from it - you put a lot in, you leave it a long time and never sell (just draw down).
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