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Everything posted by bunnydrops

  1. I don't know if it is true or not but my wife says there have been fights between ambulance staff of different hospitals that get to an accident at the same time.
  2. A few years back a farang I know ended up in the government hospital with no funds to pay his bill. They would not let him leave until the bill was paid. They moved him out of the room he was in with multiple other patients into the hallway with minimum care. His wife put their house up for a loan and got him out. As I understand it they were still adding a little every day for his hall stay.
  3. A father keeping his young daughter from leaving is holding her hostage? Who was he holding her hostage from before the police arrived?
  4. If you look at the video, he was turned facing the direction of the shooter when he reached up to his ear.
  5. Not theory, look at the overhead photos. The shooter was on the far side of the gable roof. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-security-warned-gunman-four-021520167.html
  6. First of all, it wasn't a flat roof. It was a low-pitched gable roof. The witnesses on the ground who saw the shooter first said the shooter couldn't be seen from where the SS were stationed. The witnesses said they kept pointing to the shooter and the ss kept looking at them with binoculars but would not be able to see the shooter.
  7. Are the rafters wood? Maybe you can upload some pictures. I am not sure if you are talking about the rafters or a soffit built under it collapsed. If they are wood rafters, it sounds like the termites have gotten to them. You then need some professional help. There is a house near me (North of Korat) that was built in traditional Thai style about 20 years ago. The termites ate the floor joists so badly that it is not safe to go upstairs anymore. Termite trails look like brown dirt lines going up the walls, they make dirt tunnels to travel in since they don't like light. Once into the wood, you don't see them until the wood breaks through and there is wood dust on the floor below. If everything is good structurally, the method shown in the video should work. Just put new valley flashing over the old roof and under the new metal roof.
  8. First would need a bit more info. Is the house built on piers, floor slab on the ground, or raised? As for the roof, I had the same problem with the valleys leaking during high wind and rain. I had to remove the tiles and put in a wider metal valley tin. How steep is your roof? In the video, the tiles were put on a roof that was too flat for tile. I think you would need a 20-degree slope roof minimum for tile. Back to termites. I am surprised that there is not more use of metal termite shields here. I have a friend who even though he built his house with a 1 meter-high crawl space under his house and concrete floor, termites found a crack and ate away most of his wooden drink cabinet before he noticed them. Just a side note on the video. Metal needs to be washed down with vinegar or a product I have seen sold here to remove the oil before painting. The workers should have known that.
  9. Of course, I am spending more as the price of everything has gone up. But many of us get cost of living increases from our home country that more than make up the increase in the cost of living here. I do know a Brit who has been here for 20 years without a cost of living adjustment and he is feeling the pain.
  10. I don't really know but I would think that if they will accept the Thai driver's licence as proof of identification then they would give you the discount. But I am not sure they would accept that alone.
  11. "Mr. Tom cooperated with the police and warned the public to be cautious of foreigners' behavior." That was very nice of him.
  12. A month ago they did ask me what was the name of the holder of the account I was sending to and what was my chief source of income. Transfer still go through in minutes.
  13. Here is also an article about the peace talks that were held in the weeks after The Russian invasion where Ukraine agreed to most of Russia's demands and why it failed. I hope there isn't a paywall. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/15/world/europe/ukraine-russia-ceasefire-deal.html
  14. Would you really agree with this? Russias terms for negotiation from the horses mouth
  15. I have made traps with a small box. Put clear plastic over the top with a slit in it. Put a battery-powered light inside. Lightly dust the plastic with talc. They are attracted to the light and slip down the plastic through the slit into the box. Works better outside since the insects are attracted also.
  16. Where is this march going to be? I want to put up a snack stand.
  17. Lord Almighty is now using the "we" pronoun?
  18. The story behind cornflakes and masturbation. Yes there is a connection https://www.theguardian.com/food/2023/dec/26/breakfast-cereal-history
  19. There is no need to bring up more dirt on Trump. Those that follow him don't care and those that don't follow him already know he's a scumbag.
  20. I've used dryer sheets. the stronger smelling the better. The Thais' sell these bags that they hang under the hood, but I don't know where you would buy them.
  21. My hair is about 4 in long. I tried very short but didn't like the look. My hair is unruly and sticks out all over the place if I don't have a little length. I also think having a bit of hair on top protects your head from the sun
  22. Married, no children, Live 2 k from town, house and car paid for, I don't drink. I added up all the money I brought in last year and it came out to 24,000 a month. No big medical expense bought a new AC.
  23. If one looks on Facebook one will find these Thai women who have a great following telling everyone how horrible their farang husbands are. Romantic love is said to have started in the Middle Ages when a class of people no longer needed to plow the fields. If you get a Thai girlfriend from the rural areas they have been brought up thinking more practically when it comes to relationships. If he has money and can take care of her and her family, they can look passed the looks and bad smell. Here is a good read for anyone thinking about getting involved with ANY woman. https://markmanson.net/history-of-romance
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