I had to explain to my Thai family that throwing all that plastic out into the fields where it gets plowed under year after year was not a good idea. "Where do you think it goes?" I have got them to throw it in the trash where it goes to the landfill and gets burned😔. One step at a time I guess.
Let us not forget that Melania got H-1b for skill in A camel's cigarette and posing with a blowup whale. After citizenship, she got her parents in on the family plan.
Yes, that seems to be what has happened, but there is still a problem, I have a Skype number but can no longer send SMS, only receive. Since you can't buy credits anymore there isn't any option for sending.
Almost 50 years ago, I got a hamburger at a mom-and-pop store that had glass in the minced onions. I brought it back, they thanked me and threw out the onions. They had no idea how the glass got in the onions. To me it looked like pieces of a broken light bulb.
While researching the findings, I did find one article that mentioned "occupant." However, as the above article states, it may be that the drivers of these cars are becoming less aware of their surroundings and not that the cars themselves are less safe.
Yes, what you say about the tactical weapons is true, but we have never had to face Russia on a battlefield where they could have been used. And with attacks happening on Russia itself, it is a bit different than cold war1.
The big difference is that the nukes were all big and single. Now we have battleground size and missiles that carry numerous smaller payloads that can be independently sized and targets set in flight. A lot easier to start off on a smaller scale as a "Don't push me message"