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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I'm not America. For Americans what constitutes a foreign financial account?
  2. If I have any regrets I am still trying to think of one memorable enough to mention. ????
  3. Facts or evidence???? Rather than treating it as witchcraft.
  4. Trolling? Not at all the Fukashima water is infused with tritium. Tritiated water has a bioaccumulation factor of about one. This means exposed animals would have roughly the same concentration of tritium in their bodies as the surrounding water. Chemically identical to normal water, tritiated water passes through organisms like water does and so does not strongly accumulate in the bodies of living things. Cancer???? Radiation is used to cure cancer. All the fear mongers will looking for witchcraft next.
  5. Well, the Japanese are not. Again, fear of the invisible.????
  6. ^ ...and what harm does radioactive water do? I am also quite interested in homeopathic dilution.
  7. Bangkok Hash House Harriers on a Saturday????
  8. Human are afraid of stuff they can't see. Ghosts, electricity, nuclear.????
  9. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ir-de-controle-remoto-inteligente-wifi-universal-inframelho-tuya-para-casa-inteligente-controle-para-tv-aud-ac-funciona-com-amz-alexa-casa-do-google-i4567473753-s18621127606.html?channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3AAC%2Buniversal%2Bremote%3Bnid%3A4567473753%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A870525fb902e93c592ab7f59c4fd3403%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A4567473753_TH%3Bprice%3A425%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100179594189%3Bpromotion_biz%3A%3Basc_category_id%3A5527%3Bitem_id%3A4567473753%3Bsku_id%3A18621127606%3Bshop_id%3A991280&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=0&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=0&lang=en&location=Overseas&price=425&priceCompare=&ratingscore=0&request_id=870525fb902e93c592ab7f59c4fd3403&review=&sale=0&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.1bcb6eb8FuXV0R&stock=1
  10. Lazada has one for around 500 baht that works with a phone app.
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