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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. i didn't know there was a Costco in Thailand and with this being posted in the Isaan forum I have to ask, where is this Costco located? Not to hijack the thread, we feed our dog dry Pedigree food and occasionally toss him a steak bone.
  2. ...and where did you post that it was your INITIAL application? Hmmmmmmm....
  3. Have you not read the top title of a TM7? Hmmmmmmm... I see the word 'application' there! Maybe it's just deciphering the English language. Or writing it so that it clear for all. Do note: An application is required whether it's the first tine or any time thereafter.
  4. Maybe not immediately, but once it starts filling up with debris it could be a problem. The one near my house is always getting clogged up by trash, and I'm not talking about leaves and sticks. I am continuously clearing it out after it rains. Besides that, the one here is starting to somewhat fall apart. The concrete is falling down. I have reported this for the past few years but nothing gets fixed.
  5. An application is required for both, the initial extension request and any following extension requests. I just re-read your OP and you make no indication if it was the initial application or an application for a following year. Hmmmmmmmmm............
  6. All the IO offices I have dealt with over the years (3 different ones) all require: - 2 months prior - 3 months after - Cannot drop below 400k for the entire year
  7. ......and I don't like the point on top of your head but that doesn't mean I gave you any emojis.
  8. If a post has been closed for replies why not make it closed for emojis too?
  9. Wow, feels like I am in grade school all over again.
  10. I couldn't agree more. I didn't want to generate pages upon pages, but just note a few at the top of my head.
  11. For all you know his home may be like many rural Thai homes where there is no bedframe and the mattress is placed directly on the floor.
  12. Why is the USA so far in debt? I say, 'to h377 with other countries' and start putting the USD towards uses that directly affect the US citizens. Who cares if China wants to invade and rule Taiwan? Who cares if Israel and Palestine wants to kill each other? Protect the USA's borders and keep military expenses at a minimum. If public education is free and paid by the taxpayers then expel those that disrupt the education of those that are really seeking to learn. Stop paying disability benefits to those that are cheating the system. Stop aiding other countries when a natural catastrophe occurs. (At least stop the government spending for those occurrences.)
  13. Thai math? Is that an oxymoron? I am guessing their math classes in schools rank right up there next to geography.
  14. I wonder if something like this would be a deterrent? (NYC)
  15. Nice looking tumbler especially with the rough outer design to help prevent it from slipping out of your hand. Looks as though they did serve you a little bit of Mai Tai with that ice. At the Oriental I am guessing that set you back at least 700 THB.
  16. Cool story bro, thanks for sharing...... Do note: I never stated a requirement nor would I expect anyone to follow it, I was merely stating my opinion. That is allowed, isn't it?
  17. Sorry for posting my opinion with how silly it is...... Do note, when I'm on the ski slopes I don't eat ice cream..... <just say'n>
  18. Who cares if it closes, it's not like there isn't thousands more throughout Thailand. It seems over the past few years every Thai wants to open a coffee shop. Not hot enough? Hmmmmm..... maybe they are scared you'll be careless, spill it on yourself, and then sue them for burns. Besides who in their right mind drinks hot drinks (coffee/tea) in an extremely hot and humid tropical environment? I prefer a nice iced drink. The last time I had a hot drink was over 15 years ago at Breckenridge.
  19. I was hoping so... I usually do it around every 10k km.
  20. It's only 1 ranger...... perhaps focus more on the thousands that are killed on the roads.
  21. You mean to tell me you get the oil changed every 50k km?
  22. I find that most pharmacies have staff that speak English pretty well.
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