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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. ...or someone else could have hit it before he even got to that point. ....or.....or......or
  2. Anyone who has traveled throughout SE Asia as well as living in Thailand would know that you always carry tissue with you. Chiang Mai Immigration has always been fine with me for over 10 years. The only problem was the long queues, but that has diminished considerably over the past years. From experience with only using 2 other IOs besides CM I can honestly say that Nan has been the best thus far.
  3. I think it was more than just the extra trip to the IO. Besides 400k THB isn't so much. Unless you are one of the poor ones that pay for an agent because you don't have 800k.
  4. As I have stated endlessly in other threads, my Thai wife and I were married in the USA and have never (after nearly 20 yrs) registered our marriage here in Thailand. Perhaps the reasons I needed to show those divorce and marriage papers.
  5. Only reasonable solution: Prohibit all Thais from driving!
  6. Below is a copy of what I posted on this recent thread: Maybe things have changed or are different but the last tie I did the marriage extension was in 2015. My daughter and my wife had to also go to the IO as my wife had to be interviewed each time. I tried going one year without them and I was sent away and was told that my wife, at a minimum, had to join me. I also had to go twice each time. The first to go through the application and interview process, then about 30 days later to get my passport stamped after Bangkok approved the extension. Yes, 2 copies of everything for marriage and only 1 for retirement, (Writer's cramp signing 2 copies of all the dead trees.) Here's the list of what was required for marriage and has never been needed for retirement. (Maybe things are different now or are different at other IOs): - Marriage cert - Divorce decree - Wife's Thai ID - Wife's house book - Daughter's birth certificate - An affidavit from the US Consulate stating that I was previously divorced, currently married to my Thai wife, and when/where my daughter was born. (NOTE: This affidavit came at a cost. If memory serves me correctly it was $50 USD). - Pictures of me and the family at our rental home
  7. I never said anything about having any problems, I was merely saying that from my experience the retirement route was much simpler.
  8. As it's been stated before, all IOs have different requirements and even on different days. The IO I used (Chiang Mai) wanted more than what you have listed. Having done the 'marriage' route 7 times and the 'retirement' route 7 times I will firmly stand behind my belief from my experience: The overall process of getting an extension based on retirement is much easier than doing so based on marriage!
  9. What do you expect, Thailand's roads are not constructed for proper drainage.
  10. A pic I took while living in China years ago. This was at a Pizza Hut where it cost an 'x' amount to take one trip to the salad bar. This girl was proud of her heaping salad she built. She made a well of watermelon pieces and then filled it with many other salad items. Afterwards I watched her carefully take it over to her table with 3 friends, request 4 plates, and then evenly divvied it amongst the 4 of them.
  11. Don't forget all the extra paperwork required for the 'marriage' visa as well as needing double copies!
  12. Bing.....LOL "And yes, you can get viruses and malware if you go onto those kind of sites." .....but yet you had to ask, too funny! Not all antiviruses catch everything. And just like everything in life, some are better than others. I don't need porn, I get enough of the real thing!
  13. I did the 'marriage' route for 7 years and never had a single home visit. Marriage involves much more.... I think you might recall our previous back-n-forth banter on the subject. 'Retirement' is by far easier!!!!
  14. Ahhhhhh, good ole DOS. I used DOS before any Windows was available. Along with my Hayes 9600 baud modem I could connect to many different Bulletin Boards (the days before the great WWW).
  15. Let me explain a great website that has tons of useful information and it's easy as well as free to access. Using it will perhaps help minimize asking dumb questions on public forms. It's called: GOOGLE https://www.google.com/search?q=Do+porn+sites+make+your+PC+slow&sxsrf=APwXEdfeEAxRJYm82zdFrOCnCJrbbNEJyg%3A1683887671713&source=hp&ei=NxZeZJP6KOm02roPoICaqA8&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZF4kR170u2zQcAUfdzgorUD526vCUhHj&ved=0ahUKEwjT8Yu0yu_-AhVpmlYBHSCABvUQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=Do+porn+sites+make+your+PC+slow&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgjEIoFECc6BAgjECc6DggAEIoFELEDEIMBEJECOggIABCKBRCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CwgAEIoFELEDEIMBOg0IABCKBRCxAxCDARBDOgcIABCKBRBDOggILhCKBRCRAjoOCC4QigUQxwEQ0QMQkQI6BQgAEIAEOggILhCABBDUAjoHCAAQgAQQClAAWKY-YKNCaABwAHgAgAHkAogB9iaSAQgyLjIyLjYuMZgBAKABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
  16. I changed from 'marriage' to 'retirement' at the CM IO back in 2016 and my wife wasn't present but I was informed that she needed to have the phone available if the officer was wanting to speak with her. He didn't call her.
  17. Stay away from the porn sites and your PC might not run so slow.
  18. Why do you think intersections will help? Folks will ignore the lights or stop signs like they do at current intersections. One particular intersection here in Isaan I frequent often always has vehicles continuing through the light after it has turned red. It doesn't seem to bother anyone even though there is usually a patrolman sitting in the little police shanty daily.
  19. "If you are really skint then there are chaps in Ban-Mo who re-wind the motors sitting by the side of the road!" Reminds me of my days working for Ampex where there were rooms full of women operators who sat all day looking under a microscope and winding nyleze wires around the ferrite video heads. Yes, it was a woman's job as men didn't have the patience for the repetitive and tedious work.
  20. I do believe New Zealand has some..... "We had NZ picanha steak"
  21. He will surely be missed, but not forgotten. One of the best members on his site who was always helping others. RIP Joe.
  22. I'm thinking everyone is different as well as everyone has their own standards and opinions. Sort of like dealing with certain Immigration offices and officers. My experience with the FBU Manila representative who contacted me was very good. She was NICE, knowledgeable, and very understanding. As for the process and being able to contact the FBU, that's a totally different opinion.
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