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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Even the naive deserve protection, don’t you think? What you’re doing is victim blaming.
  2. Why do you keep telling people they need to go home? Can’t take a little honest criticism of your country? As far as I’m concerned, this sentence of yours says all I need to know about your attitude towards foreigners: “Thais only look down on foreigners who are miserable losers.”
  3. ‘It doesn’t try to impose its culture on others’: I’m pretty sure the hill tribes up north and other minorities in Thailand would strongly disagree with you. ‘It tries to be friends with all countries in the world, recognizing nuances in international relations’: Being friends with oppressive and murderous regimes like those in Myanmar and Russia, to name but a few, is not something to be proud of. ‘It isn’t ashamed to be patriotic, without being xenophobic’ : You claim to be Thai, so you should know that many Thai look down on foreigners. When something bad happens, the knee jerk reaction is often to either blame the foreigners directly, or say that a Thai could not have done that. Even Anutin, as then health minister, made some very questionable claims and remarks, and he was by far not the only one among the Thai cabinet members.
  4. If the election results had been honored and Pita hadn’t been railroaded so he couldn’t become PM, then probably yes. With Shretta (i.e. Thaksin) at the helm, not so much.
  5. No doubt the authorities will be ‘closely monitoring the situation’, or maybe even setting up a committee or two. But actually doing something about it seems to be too much to ask. Probably too busy thinking of new ways to get even more kickbacks. Anyone wants to hazard a guess what will happen when the burning season starts? My money is on nothing, zip, zilch, nada, not a damn thing.
  6. What’s amazing to me is how many Putin fan boys there are in this thread. Must be a busy day at the troll farms in St. Petersburg. The one in Russia, not the one in Florida.
  7. I think you’re mistaking Sleepy Joe for Sleazy Don. How many indictments again on Trump and his cronies? And how many on Biden?
  8. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so much BS in one single post. Maybe you should ease up on the Stoly there, comrade.
  9. He (and/or Kushner) also brokered a deal between Israel and Morocco, but by doing that they threw the Sahrawi people under the bus, because the US acknowledged that the Western Sahara belonged to Morocco, thus denying the Sahrawi the right to an independent state. I imagine the Sahrawi are no big fans of either Trump or Kushner, to put it mildly.
  10. Just one more obvious sign that his cult fan base has gone completely down the rabbit hole and are living in a made up, fact free universe which is light years away from the real world.
  11. So a bit like Thailand, then? The army (i.e. the elite) have stacked the deck against real democracy as well. They’re just a bit more subtle than the Tatmadaw. But their intentions - to protect their interests at any cost - are exactly the same, make no mistake about that.
  12. That very much depends on what family they belong to and how big their bank account is. Quite simple really.
  13. Birds of a feather. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/republican-who-posted-about-underage-sex-backs-jim-jordan How people like that can be voted into office is totally beyond me.
  14. Famous last words…
  15. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House judiciary committee, which in itself is already a huge joke. The man knows jack sh!t about the law (just how to break it), and has illegally tried to interfere with legitimate investigations by DA’s Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis, and basically got his @ss handed to him by both. Especially Fani Willis’s clapback was hilarious. And this guy, who know nothing about nothing, wants to be speaker of the House. Only in America.
  16. There is a huge difference though, between what these MAGA idiots think the country needs, and what the country actually needs. Which is responsible leadership. Which is something the Republicans are utterly incapable of providing.
  17. This was never about Israel or Hamas or whatever, this was about Trump himself. Because for Trump, EVERYTHING is always about Trump. The thin skinned crybaby man child’s ego got hurt, so he lashed out, as per usual. And tens of millions of people in the USA still see this douche as their new messiah. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-attacks-israel-and-calls-them-weak-they-let-us-down
  18. With 91 indictment (and counting)? Dream on.
  19. Didn’t Trump turn the entire USA into a disaster zone during the pandemic, with hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths as a result?
  20. It doesn’t matter one iota where the virus came from. Trump did everything he could to dismiss the seriousness of Covid. Had he taken it seriously, and had his administration taken the appropriate measures, hundreds of thousands of American lives could probably have been saved.
  21. With Trump, team USA (well, team Trump) would have trounced Europe 28 to zip for sure. MAGA!
  22. Not just Trump. The RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel describes the attack on Israel as a great opportunity for Republicans. And of course she blames Biden for the attack. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/rnc-chair-describes-horrific-attack-on-israel-as-a-great-opportunity-for-republicans
  23. What? Slaughter all the native Americans? There aren’t many left.
  24. Seriously? You should probably read up on American history. European settlers slaughtered most native Americans and then put the rest of them in reservations where no one else wanted to live anyway.
  25. Fairly normal? So people should just accept it when someone wants to grab their land and make them second rate citizens? How do you feel about Russia invading Ukraine?
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