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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Well I have read the article, and unless I missed it I couldn't find any reference to the number of people that apparently this growing movement to have old sleepy Joe Biden's name removed from public property such as roads and other government property seems to have compared to the population of the USA. Do you have a number or a percentage of the population? AI Overview Learn more As of January 7, 2025, the population of the United States is 346,386,627. The U.S. is the third most populated country in the world, making up 4.22% of the global population. The population density is 98 people per square mile, and the median age is 38.5 years.
  2. Did changing down the gearbox not work or was it not even tried? In my old Ford Ranger pickup, I always double declutch and go down through the gearbox to use engine braking before using the footbrake I double declutch and change up the gearbox as I accelerate. I learnt that method 60 odd years ago on an old truck with a 5 speed gearbox and a 2 speed rear axle.
  3. I agree with you 100%, I joined TVF back in 2003 and way back then it didn't matter if your opinion was different as you could have a discussion and at the end you both agreed to disagree, and that was the end of the matter. There were no insults or bad feelings. What I have seen over the years is that with every change of ownership the quality of posters has got poorer, the insults started and got worse and my poster on ignore list got bigger. Like you I am reading less and less posts as the quality of posts get poorer, many of them seem to be nothing but click bait and are not, IMHO, worth opening, let alone reading.
  4. Nor would it be too difficult for the military to pull yet another coup, or would it?
  5. Yet the military leaders of that illegitimate government were NEVER punished or executed for treason against the state. In fact not 1 general or leader of a military coup has ever been punished.
  6. Once again, people generalise. NOT all teenagers are in gangs and not all teenagers are irresponsible. I agree that many are, but they are not the majority. That is saying that all the problem farangs in no particular order are Russian, Swiss, Americans, Brits, Germans etc. Again some of them are, but not the majority. Are they all tourists or longer term expats? How about Cambodians, Lao, Cambodians or Thais?
  7. I used Thai visa Express to renew my UK passport last year. and I found them very reliable, efficient and not that expensive. They were even able to pay my fee to the passport office in the UK. Back in March 2024 the passport took about 3 weeks to be replaced. Paul Aslett was the person I dealt with and he kept me informed all the way. I am afraid that I cannot help you with the second part of your request as I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet and I use a completely different office. The only comment that I can offer is that most likely his new visa will expire on the date that his old passport expires, as mine did. I have no idea if Thai.visa.express could or would act as an agent for your husband. though they may be able to do so, or perhaps refer you to an agent who can do it. I hope that you are successful.
  8. So the government wants to lower the voting age to 16 or 17, Yet at the same time the minimum age to drive a car is 17 and the legal age to drink alcohol is 18. However you can join the military at 16, but ONLY with your parents consent. Currently in England you must be 18 to be on the electoral roll.
  9. And what are you supposed to do when a country attacks and invades your country? Do you turn the other cheek or do you fight back? Israel has not only invaded Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iran and now Syria.
  10. Hopefully I will make a simple traditional lunch. Welsh Rarebit in 2 slices.
  11. Very true. Mine waits for me to feed her in the morning and the ignores me for the rest of the day.
  12. More whataboutery. If he was not in Thailand it would not have happened. If it was in a different place it would not have happened. Perhaps if it was a different joke it would not have happened. If he was a different nationality it would not have happened. More pointless whatabouteries from me. You have no idea WHY it happened, so why bother to post in the first place?
  13. And what did Trump achieve about terrorists during his 4 years in power. He discussed with the Taliban in Afghanistan but never even talked with the legal Afghan government. Then he pulled the US troops out of Afghanistan and left that mess for Biden to clear up. That is a result of appeasing evil!
  14. I have been using an Accu Chek Active for about 18 months now. I do a blood sugar check every Monday morning first thing. Most of the time I am in the pre diabetic stage with the readings between 5.6 mmol/L or 101mg/dl up to 6.8mmol/L and 123mg/dl, but sometimes it goes past that into the red area of 7.2 or 130. It normally goes back down a week or 2 later. The lancets are mostly common but the test strips can vary from model to model of the tester. I am fortunate enough not to need or use insulin.
  15. So why do you care? It is not your country, you don't even have a voice or a vote in Thailand, and there are far richer people in Thailand, but I don't see you taking a pop at them.
  16. So can many other rich people and not only in Thailand.
  17. Including many other Thai families who actually live in Thailand, yet nobody here seems to be complaining about them.
  18. Good idea. Just blame the victim even though it was not her fault, but the fault of the idiot who sent the lantern aloft without thinking about the damage it can do.
  19. And naturally you have the proof of this and will hand over that proof to the NACC. Of course if you don't have any proof of your allegations, why did you bother to post in the first place?
  20. I sent my passport to an agent last year, who did all the work for a reasonable fee, including the payment to the Passport office in the UK, and it was back along with a new one in 3 weeks. If IIRC the charge was about 5,000 baht and far less traveling time. My travel costs were the 6km journey to the Thai post office and back once instead of getting my wife to drive me 350km each way to BKK plus an overnight stay, twice.
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