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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Soooo, you have no evidence and can't back up your opinions.
  2. Do you believe in "love"? There is no proof that "love" exists as it is an emotion. "Love" is just a chemical reaction to stimuli in the brain. Do you believe in "hope"? Likewise. If you really believe that God does not exist because there is no evidence, then how can you believe in love or hope?
  3. Nature is in the business of balancing. If a species exceeds it's allotted space on the planet it is doomed, and mankind IMO has definitely exceeded it's space.
  4. The only reason you can write like that is because you, personally, have never experienced "faith". If you have no faith the following applies ( substitute 'faith" for "charity" ) 1 Corinthians 13:1, KJV: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
  5. "My" God has no interest in "saving" humans, and likely is leaving it to nature to consign us as a species to oblivion, given what we are doing to the planet. Perhaps you can provide some "empirical proven data and hard evidence" regarding faith, to prove you have more than just opinions.
  6. If that is all it takes to win an award at the lgbt ceremony the bar is set rather low, IMO.
  7. My point that an investigation should be carried out with all speed applies to all such. If it can't be resolved in a year, perhaps it should be abandoned.
  8. Agreed. I'd like to see a three term limit and mandatory retirement at the national retirement age.
  9. That hasn't changed. Now, instead of god(s) they worship money, fame, celebrities, sports people etc.
  10. Stupid me! I lent a lot of money to a woman. Fixed it for you.
  11. I know why women throw themselves at aggressive men- it's genetic and for breeding children likely to survive in a hostile environment. We left the cave millennia ago, but our genes remain the same. However, when it comes to relationships, I'll never understand that.
  12. I love being retired. The freedom to do what I like, when I like ( within financial means ) is precious to me. Work was always just a means to be able to do what I wanted.
  13. Humerous and quirky people are always welcome, wherever. Unfortunately I believed the politicians lies that if I worked hard, was a good citizen, paid my taxes etc I'd been taken care of when it came my time to retire, but those promises were lies, of course. My house went to a scheming woman, my savings to a false woman, and one must get by as best one can, even if not in the place one wished to be in one's sunset years. I have no family, my friends drifted away over the years, and the activity I enjoyed most was found only in LOS, so I don't qualify on any of your points, yet I survive, and even get some enjoyment in life, so consider myself lucky.
  14. There are a lot on here that don't know the difference between God and gods; faith and religion, but write as if they do.
  15. Took me many years and much life experience to work out why otherwise attractive and sensible women give themselves to bad, aggressive men, in preference to a beta male that will care about them.
  16. I fully understood BGs as their motivation was money, not a relationship, and I was never in love with them, ergo rationality ruled. With relationships, emotion comes into it and emotion wins over rationality every time. Why else would I have stuck with bad women so long, when rationality told me to get out long before I did?
  17. Both genders can be aggressive, but IMO only women think it's a positive attribute.
  18. LOL. I no longer need to look at the poster's name to know if you posted it.
  19. The problem with many women is that they confuse being aggressive with being "strong" and when they alienate men, fall back on the BS that the men are being misogynist. I've known many strong women in nursing, but not one was aggressive.
  20. So, what makes a man street wise? IMO a BS generalisation that means sod all when it comes to it. I've "dated" women that did it on first date; would never do it till got a ring; nice women; bad women that were having it off with another guy at the same time; women that only dated me for a free dinner, or a movie; even a woman that got me to fix her car before telling me I was dumped; a woman that dumped me because I dropped in at her place of work; women that already had a boyfriend; women that took offence at the slightest non PC comment etc etc etc. The point of the above is that they are all different and what works for one does not apply to another. Women, the great mystery. I gave up and took the black pill.
  21. Ain't that the truth. My first partner I was as nice as could be, bought us a house, traded in my car so she could have a flash one, supported her children financially. So, what did I get for being nice- no sex, abuse, exploited till it got so bad I had to walk away. Even then I was nice to her in the seperation, but what did I get- even more exploitation and abuse. All I can say is I must have been insane.
  22. Before telling hard truths to a friend, decide if it's worth losing the friendship over, as that is the likely result. Been there, done that, lost friends.
  23. I can't believe that you are serious.
  24. Doesn't seem that you used the time to read any of the answers concerning proof, given you are repeating the same silly questions about why God didn't stop an earthquake ( a perfectly natural event that has happened countless times ) or other such things.
  25. Have they been able to ascertain what the payload was yet? Be soooo embarrassing if it was in fact a weather research device and did stray over the US by accident.

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