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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. My father traveled the world and I was not born in his country, so I never knew any of them in a normal way. Only met my grandparents briefly when I was young, my one aunt on father's side died before I knew her and no desire to know her husband or child. Stayed with aunt on mother's side a while, and wished I hadn't. My cousin's wife had a nicer family, but I only met them a couple of days. I try not to think of them, but I do regret that I was born into a life without roots. I envy those that have strong family ties. Having none myself, I think that those that fall out with siblings are making a sad mistake.
  2. I did a google search on that place and it seems as if it's a high rise "slum" area for the undesirables of society. What did the planners think would happen if they corralled lots of poor people in that sort of area? Out of sight, out of mind perhaps.
  3. Was he arrested? Is there a court case? Looked to me like he was just being moved on for his own safety.
  4. You are IMO being charitable. I'd have mentioned something about gutters. Given certain elements of the press's desire to muck rake, anything, even innocent, that looked suspicious would be all over the headlines in large type. I take it that that was not so.
  5. From the vdo posted after that post: he was apparently lucky the cops "rescued" him. He'd have been really done if the cop hadn't moved him on. I'll refrain from describing him on here, but it wouldn't be complimentary. It wasn't just one shout- he was apparently ranting on and upsetting everyone around him that were there to pay respects to the Queen.
  6. LOL. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/princess-diana-prince-charles-royal-27821844 Princess Diana was 'more royal' than Prince Charles thanks to historic family Princess Diana was a member of the aristocratic Spencer family and could trace her family's heritage directly back to King Charles II - but what about Prince Charles?
  7. Where do you get that idea? A white flag indicates a "truce" ie no shooting and can be used for safe passage when negotiators are sent to talk with the opposing side. While it is used when surrendering, a white flag does not mean surrender in and of itself.
  8. As I said before, try talking about something you know about. https://www.rd.com/article/why-charles-didnt-marry-camilla-first/ The question was tackled in Sally Bedell Smith’s biography, Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life. According to Bedell Smith, right from the start Charles adored the then-Camilla Shand, who’s close in age to Charles (Diana was 13 years younger) and has always treated him as an equal rather than as someone she idolized. However, the royal family wasn’t interested in having Camilla as its princess. For one thing, she was perceived as an “experienced” woman, which was a nonstarter for the royal family back then in terms of a suitable spouse for Prince Charles. For another, she wasn’t perceived as “aristocratic” enough to be a princess, according to The Duchess: Camilla Parker Bowles and the Love Affair That Rocked the Crown by Penny Junor.
  9. While it would be off topic to discuss the points you raise, Ireland has a purely ceremonial figure head with apparently no political power, and I'm not aware of any complaints about that from the populace. I just don't want the poor taxpayers to be paying even more to elect another politician. The present system works for us, so don't change it if it isn't broken.
  10. I'd have given the first two paragraphs a like, but can't agree with your somewhat off topic anti God rant in the last, so sorry, no like given.
  11. Try talking about something you know about. He had a hard childhood for many reasons there are no need to expand on here, but getting his head pushed into toilets at school, simply because he was a prince, is not a good way to start life. How would you like to go through life being constantly mocked for almost anything the press could dream up? I doubt you'd trade places with him, for all the palaces in Britain- I certainly wouldn't. Even being denied the choice of a woman he actually loved to marry because of "protocol" does not make for a happy life, as is proven by the disaster that was his first marriage.
  12. Hopefully the pain will be felt by those at the top, as well as those at the bottom, but I fear not.
  13. Indeed. They used exploited Chinese labour to get loads of foreign cash to build up the country. IMO the peasants have suffered much to allow a few at the top to prosper mightily at their expense. Ask the factory workers living in barracks if it is worth it. Ask the farmers evicted from their land so apartments for the rich could be built if they think it was worth it. Ask the Uigers if it is worth it. Ask the Tibetans if it is worth it.
  14. Better late than never, as reported on the radio news from midnight NZers will no longer have a mandate to wear masks except in health related places, and rest homes. It's not as though everybody wore them anyway, so I guess the government is bowing to the inevitable. Whatever the reason, excellent news.
  15. Start with a mass of gas in infinity and wait a few billion years.
  16. Never trust a person who can clear their conscience of any immoral act by asking forgiveness from their imaginary friend……. Making stuff up? That's not how it works, but carry on with the misinformation, as it makes for a chuckle.
  17. Lets give him a few months to enjoy it, just so long as they don't have to issue new bank notes etc. He's been waiting 73 years for this.
  18. Grace is the place. All speak excellent English and different dentists specialise in different skills so no need for a name.
  19. I can only repeat the reaction my Thai wife had to such an idea- "are you crazy? Given that cheap resorts are everywhere, no need to be taking risks like that. Up to you, though.
  20. Fair enough. At their age, I couldn't afford an overseas trip, but luckily the military solved that problem for me. I went to Thailand in the 70s, but didn't see anything to make me want to go back for then. It did get better a couple decades later though.
  21. Only thing better about C M than Pattaya IMO was that the women were more attractive than in Pattaya, due in my opinion to Chinese genes. Most had very nice legs, which were fewer in Pattaya.
  22. A movie ( the movie was not very good IMO- the book was way better ) that seems to have increased the exact thing that Richard despised. Maya Bay only became popular after the movie came out, leading to its destruction. I always wonder if the people that go because of the movie realise that the ethos of the movie is opposed in every way to their very existence?
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