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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Woopdee doo. IMO the only reason J pop and K pop are popular is because of the girls. They could sing "Ring a ring a rosies" and still be popular. It's all about sex appeal IMO.
  2. What you wrote may be true, but I wouldn't want to live in Malaysia, and Singapore is too sterile and expensive. For all its faults, Thailand is the cheese for many of us, though I doubt we fit the government's desired profile.
  3. IMO not true. I could do all that and more and never got hassled for it. I was even out digging ditches during a flood while the local officials were there, and after a storm I'd be out with the locals cleaning up. Did plumbing, electrical work, and repaired the roof in public view with no problems. If what you claim was true, no farang would be buying DIY tools at HomePro.
  4. Indeed, that is the million $ question. Personally, I can't see them changing for the better. Even if they made it easier for the rich, I can't see them making it easier for expats like myself.
  5. I can't see seriously rich people coming to live in LOS. It's just too dirty and decrepit. They might if they give a better deal re immigration and such than other countries in the region though. Depends on immigration changing it's "making it up as they go" policies, IMO.
  6. I wonder if in 20 years those new to Thailand now will be missing the "good old days" ( now ). Certainly IMO Thailand 30 years ago was far more interesting and fun than now.
  7. I've no idea and no interest in finding out as it would never concern myself, not living there. Google may help you though.
  8. 5555555555555555555 Most, IMO, of us western guys of my generation were sex starved, given the western women that we lived with. As for "are they worth it?", millions of western men have thought so.
  9. You assume too much. IMO most would be like myself with zero interest in "acclimatising" to the society. I learned enough Thai to get by and that was as far as I was willing to go. Never had the slightest interest in conversing with Thai males, and the females I was interested in all spoke excellent English. I was in Thailand because it suited me to be there, not because I wanted to be like them. Happily, it's not required for farangs to "acclimatise", so long as they don't want to become a citizen.
  10. Ah, I hadn't seen your post when I posted something very similar. Apologies.
  11. Indeed. It's a strange psychological thing. Girls wear very short skirts and then spend a lot of effort not exposing the knickers to view, and guys are turned on by very short skirts, but girls can put on a bikini bottom which is basically just knickers, and it's OK to look at them, and guys are not usually overcome by lust when seeing girls on the beach.
  12. Singapore (a place I find many posters on here mythologize) Can't say I've noticed that on here. I'm almost the only poster that comments about Singapore far as I've seen. Singapore was the cheese in the early 70s and then it went greedy, and puritanical. I'd have gone there to work if things had been different, but I'd never want to retire there. Waaaaay too sterile and expensive for my liking. I'd rather live in Thailand, for all its faults.
  13. That would require those in charge to give a <deleted>. IMO they don't. In the end, IMO they only allowed us to stay because it suited them at the time, not because they wanted a load of old foreigners about the place.
  14. You must have started after the pill was available. When I was a young adult, the nice girls I knew didn't, because they didn't want to get pregnant, ergo my sexual experience started much later than yours.
  15. Dunno about being better and broke, but when I was 20 I changed jobs and my pay doubled. I'd definitely prefer to be 20 and on the same pay than my present age even though I now have a decent car and some spare money. My first car was a clapped out Ford Consul rust bucket at age 24. Before that all I could afford was a clapped out Matchless 250 m'bike. Had to wait till I was 28 to be able to afford a decent Ford Escort on hp.
  16. Given the massive government debt incurred compensating people lost their livelihoods through lockdowns, I doubt lives will ever be "back to how they were" for many of us. Inflation and shortages are already in evidence.
  17. Back in the day I could run faster than they could in high heels.
  18. There used to be an hotel set up in Venezuela whereby a western guy could check out a selection of girls on a web site, book one and she would pick him up at the airport and take him to the hotel, stay with him for the duration and take him to airport at end. Prostitution is/ was legal there though, so can't set up same in LOS, but I imagine some could invent a package along similar lines in LOS.
  19. ???????????????/ If he's working in the west, he can stop paying to support her family and her adult son. I doubt any court would order that he has to. IMO he is only responsible for his own child.
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