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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. TWO YEARS!!!!!! What the <deleted> is going on with the justice department that they can't sort it in a more reasonable period of time? IMO there needs to be an investigation into justice department tardiness. I hope he sues them for holding that over him for such a long time.
  2. While I agree with him about no loss with her going, I was wondering why he had a beef with her till I was reminded of his golf courses in Scotland. Seems female leaders throwing in the towel has become popular, with her following NZ's recent PM sudden resignation. I can think of at least one more I'd like to see cast themselves into political oblivion.
  3. I'd say the fighter jets was never a starter anyway. They cost huge amounts of money and with the back up and spares etc the cost could run into billions just for planes. I doubt Ukraine has the people that can maintain the computer systems on them, let alone the engines, and without them they are just expensive exhibits. Even America does not have an inexhaustible source of money, and Britain is already in financial strife.
  4. Listening to the radio it sounds bad for some areas that may have to go without electricity for some time yet, while other areas suffered nothing more than minor wind blown debris. For sure, it's shown up the lack of spending on infrastructure for many years in Auckland. There are going to be many investigations into such as why cell towers failed at a critical time.
  5. Never watched any of her movies but she certainly was a symbol of her time. RIP.
  6. As usual, talking about religion and ascribing human qualities to God. Why do you think God has a gender? NB the title of the thread isn't "do you believe in religion and why", in which case it would have ended about 500 pages ago.
  7. Reading many posts on here it's like someone blind from birth trying to tell sighted people what a sunset looks like. If one has never had faith, how can one even begin to understand it?
  8. Lot of people on here that don't even begin to understand how it works. A lot of regurgitated nonsense about things nothing to do with God.
  9. 555555555555555555555555 Apparently you think "science" has all the answers, when it obviously doesn't. Get back to us when non believers achieve something of real worth, like world peace or elimination of poverty.
  10. Why? Do you think that she should be tucked up in bed with her teddy bear by 10pm? OR do you think it's dangerous because of all the rapists looking to assault young girls? Whatever, the perpetrator got what he deserved IMO.
  11. Wonder what unintended side effects will occur? Eg apparently female pill can be inactivated quite easily, just by missing a dose or being obese etc.
  12. Only one I know enough to care about would be De Santis, and the fact Trump is trying to sabotage him leads me to believe he has a good chance. As for Haley, so insignificant that I wonder if she even has a base.
  13. Where is it government taking over parenting? It's about bad parents ruining children's lives. Otherwise parents are still raising their offspring.
  14. I agree with everything except Columbus- the bringer of destruction of an entire people. I do understand that if not him, it would have been someone else, but he was the first.
  15. Yeah, the war has been a nice earner for certain industries, and a huuuuuge loss for the ever suffering taxpayers.
  16. still the fact remains more warheads in one place that could be taken out easily with conventional means. You don't seem very informed with that comment. Not only will Russia have many nuclear missiles remaining elsewhere, but as the Russians are aware of the ships being easy targets, they will IMO launch the missiles at the first sign of an attack on them, before the ships can be destroyed. Ergo, an attack on the ships would ensure a nuclear missile launch. IMO the deployment of the ships is not a threat to use them, but as a deterrent to an attack by the allies. Whatever anyone's opinion on guilt for the war in Ukraine, the fact is that we are edging ever closer to nuclear winter with every escalation of the war.
  17. I was responding to your post that referred to "gently landing". My solution was previously posted, so no need to repeat it.
  18. Like I said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not my desired body size as not enamoured of huge mammaries. Thai women are the cheese.
  19. Thank you for that. My takeaway from it is "He noted that one example of this is how the waiting time for large-caliber ammunition has jumped from 12 to 28 months." Russia knows that the ammunition for the US provided weapons has to be imported and the allies are going to have a problem supplying Ukraine without reducing their stocks to dangerous levels for their own strategic requirements. Like you said yourself it's a dangerous situation for the Ukrainians. However, I think the biggest problem for the allies is going to be convincing their own populations that they should be financially penalised so the weapon manufacturers can make a big profit. Does the UK government consider bullets for Ukraine of more importance than the NHS? Missiles cost millions while ambulance drivers and nurses go on strike for a living wage.
  20. As pointed out, it was declared to allow resources to be sent, but it doesn't mean that all of NZ was affected. Where I live it wasn't more than a strong wind and a lot of rain. No power cuts, flooding or destruction that I'm aware of.
  21. Your link doesn't bring up that article.
  22. No matter how advanced our technology, psychologically, IMO, we are not long out of the cave. I reckon the first thing it will be used for will be to make money, and the inevitable casualties will be collateral damage. I won't knowingly be using such.
  23. Had they done such polls at any time in human history, IMO they would have found similar results. Young lives are full of imagined trauma, speaking as a former child. The only significant thing IMO is how many actually try.
  24. Be embarrassing if it really is a weather research device.
  25. Apparently you don't understand what "the pursuit of Happiness." means. It means that you can pursue it, but happiness is NOT guaranteed. If that means that even if children think it will make them happy, if the law says they will not be surgically or medically interfered with, so be it. If the founding fathers had even imagined that such could be done, when they wrote that, IMO they would have outlawed such. The law doesn't stop people having themselves surgically altered once they stop being children. BTW, an attack implies that something is being done, but in this case the law stops something being done so not an attack.

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