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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Phuket stopped being on my list of places to go in LOS about 25 years ago, because it isn't worth it when so many far, far better places in LOS. Anyone goes there should not complain as the problems have been known for decades. I suppose it's quite good if the horde goes there though, as it means they aren't ruining somewhere else.
  2. IMO Harry is looking pretty bad in all of this. Apparently being led around by the <deleted> by a domineering and rather unpleasant woman. One wonders if he is going to wake up one morning and scream "what have I done"?
  3. I did mention some time ago that Charles should either not accept the crown, or abdicate shortly after. IMO Charles is not popular and such as this is just the start of attempts to remove the Crown from many countries. William on the other hand is popular and IMO the only one that can rescue the Crown from being disregarded. I know Charles has waited a long time for his chance to sit on the big chair, but IMO he is doing more to ruin the public perception of the Crown than he realises.
  4. To be pedantic, there may have been an intelligent species before the Aboriginals in Australia, but they were not humans. I've seen the genetic map that was made of the journey of humans from Africa to colonize the world, and the aboriginals arrived many thousands of years ago as part of that journey.
  5. Given what is going on that unfortunate region, I think peace is a word I would not use to describe it. Perhaps you don't watch Al Jazeera to see what is actually happening.
  6. WOW, he really lives in your head! I probably dislike Hillary more than you do Trump, but I don't spend my time listing the bad things she did on here.
  7. Ah, but was it he that made it worse, or the opposition's continual attacks that did so. As an outsider, it seemed that Trump consumed the opposition so much they forgot that they were supposed to be making the country better for the people that lived in it. BTW, "opposition" applies to all that opposed him whether Democrat or GOP.
  8. IMO fascism became popular and was supported by many millions in Europe as a reaction to the "establishment" politics. Are you surprised that present political establishments from Italy and other European countries to the US are so unpopular?
  9. Thanks for that. I feel quite flattered that you should take such a personal interest in my on forum comments, rather than just passing them by. Have a nice day.
  10. While wildly off topic, you mentioned it so I should respond. I care about life on planet earth, but humankind has destroyed the environment and will pay the price for doing so. IMO it's about far more than climate change, and more about overpopulating and over exploiting resources. Likely to be wars over water to come in the future. If it should come to the worst for human kind, the planet will survive quite well without us destroying the environment.
  11. I doubt they care whether he says truth or not, but he is a stick in the eye of Washington, so they'll support him for that alone. I assume those that vent their hatred of Trump on here support Washington politicians in preference, but those that support Trump must really hate that establishment and all who reside in it.
  12. I have no interest in listing the good things that happened to the US while he was POTUS lest I get the usual but, but, but response, but good things did happen during his time, admit it or not. Majority or not he was hobbled by continual yet ineffectual attacks from the start of his term, the worst of which was caused by that <deleted> <deleted> sessions recusing himself instead of resigning. Whatever he may be, he didn't make up lies about another country and invade it with the deaths of many American soldiers resulting, like another president did. In fact, the only "war" involvement he had was to set in motion the withdrawal of allied troops from Afghanistan. BTW, the only point of him being a Washington outsider was that millions of people hated Washington enough to elect him over a politician that was the very essence of a Washington insider.
  13. Let's wait and see if he actually comes up with something, rather than assuming he will find something indictable.
  14. Do young people know who R. J. Mitchell was? Without him Britain would have lost the Battle of Britain. Do they know what the Battle of Britain was?
  15. I always checked my hotel rooms for such, including the mirrors. Sometimes it pays to be paranoid.
  16. In that case I hope someone makes him see sense. Even if he won, the opposition would stop him achieving anything, IMO. The amazing thing during his time as POTUS was how much he did achieve, despite the political BS being heaped on him. If anyone believes the Washington establishment is for the benefit of the populace, ask yourself why they did everything possible to stop him doing any good policies, instead of co operating with him for the benefit of the American people, like Clinton did with the GOP after his impeachment?
  17. Actually, as an outsider I see no difference to the Dems and the GOP. The problem is Washington, which IMO is a fatally flawed institution. I doubt any government is capable of governing for the benefit of the people over the benefit for the wealthy that pay the millions it takes to win a seat. When lobbyists run rampant one knows something is rotten. My support, such as it is, is almost entirely based on a "dislike" ( being polite ) of Hillary and Biden. I also like people that irritate politicians, and he certainly does that. I said it before, that had Trump been against Bernie, I'd have supported Bernie, given his attitude towards Wall St. Sadly the Dems sabotaged him, which left only Trump.
  18. LOL, that's exactly how I felt about Hillary Clinton. I'm not at all surprised they voted for him when he was the only credible alternative to 4 years of her. I said at the time that given a choice between her and a rock I'd vote for the rock, given that a rock wouldn't make things worse.
  19. You are looking at it all wrong IMO. Don't look at them supporting him personally, but hating Washington so much they''ll vote for an outsider, even if they wouldn't have anything to do with him as a person. I'm sure you've heard the term "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I'm pretty sure they still hate Washington.
  20. The CDC disagrees with you, in part. They do, but only the part covered. https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/the-facts/genital_herpes_508.pdf Condoms can reduce your risk of getting genital herpes if used the right way every single time you have sex. But a condom protects only the area of the body that it covers. Areas the condom doesn’t cover can become infected.
  21. So what. Everyone knew what he was and still voted for him in preference to her. It's a bit sad that he still wants to put his family through the media BS for another go at it, but perhaps he's just playing a bad joke on the opposition. He knows they hate him so he' s just getting in their face to annoy them, and it's working. Personally, if he is serious, I hope he doesn't get enough money to try again. That might split the GOP vote and allow a Democrat get the White House again, and I certainly don't want that to happen.
  22. It's going to get worse, not better. The rise of AI and robotics means that corporations can dispense with masses of people in an insane pursuit of profit over everything else. Economic growth will happen, but leaving millions in poverty. Do those masters in their glass towers looking down at the minions below believe that they can consign millions to misery and suffer no consequences? THE fundamental question of our age will, IMO, not be global warming, gender identity or whatever social media fixates on for 15 minutes, but who benefits from society- the people or the rich.
  23. You are talking about the past. The present sees a stagnation in the lives of the citizens while the rich get even richer at the expense of the many. Such situations don't end well for the rulers and so called "elites". French revolution, Russian revolution- remember them? If not that, remember the fall of Rome when the citizens became soft and lazy. IMO western culture is going down that hole with it's idiotic fixation on gender and other such irrelevances while the world burns around them. Even in the last century, the USA needed a world war to unite them following the depression.
  24. While ignoring the rest of your post, I understand he never expected to win the first time, and was taken unaware by the level of antipathy for Washington which saw him in the White House. The book, Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff explains it far better than I can in limited time on here. Put simply, enough people hated Washington enough to vote a tv reality show host into the most powerful position on planet earth.

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