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Everything posted by pagallim

  1. Latest on the 'Swift' option: "Russia being locked out of the Swift financial payments network has become more likely after Cyprus agreed with the proposal. There has been calls for them to be shut out of the system which facilitates cross-border payments. It is thought that doing so will increase pressure on Russian businesses and its economy. The move was announced on Twitter by the Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba, who has also spoken to Italy, Germany and Belgium – where Swift is based. While a smaller European nation, Cyprus’ backing is significant because it is a major destination for Russian investment."
  2. That particular one I got from Amazon.com I don't mind paying import duties etc if I'm getting exactly what I want, and usually delivered within 7 days. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YFYL4WD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
  3. Agree, Google Maps is as good as it gets. Although I have a large screen media unit with Android Auto, I inevitably just use a wireless charger type holder for the phone in a convenient location. I've had a few of these, but settled on a type that you fit into a cup holder as being the most secure (suction types inevitably fall off, risking damage to the phone, and air vent types block that precious fresh air. A few photos of mine in the Fortuner, and one of the after market Alpine media unit I had fitted.
  4. Go into Facebook and search "Premium Gems & Goldsmith HuaHin Thailand". They seem to have rings that might suit, though to be honest, unless you put another nought on your budget, you aren't going to get a serious diamond. https://www.facebook.com/PG.AND.G
  5. There's a shop in Bangkok, "My Cigar Corner", which you can use Facebook to access.
  6. Looks like more restrictions are being introduced into Phuket from today. Not surprising, with new cases exceeding 1000 each day albeit the majoritiy with mild symptoms.
  7. If a new car, best if its media is either Android Auto or Apple CarPlay (depending on your phone obviously), where your phone is effectively being 'screen mirrored' to the larger car media screen. After market media replacements readily available, had replacement units fitted to both my Fortuner and the wife's Accord. As someone pointed out, factory fitted units navigation systems are rarely updated, as opposed to Google Maps on your phone being up to date whenever you connect. If looking at replacement units, I recommend HongKee Auto Sound on the Bypass. They fitted both our units, good job. https://goo.gl/maps/htWSUseR9gR6m4YE6
  8. This place could do it, I've had some small paintwork done there in the past. Off Palai in Chalong. https://goo.gl/maps/JdJP2FbcMc4RAHma9
  9. Sure it's on WiFi, and obviously the same as my phone. As I said previously, I only use it to play music from my phone, and occasionally for Pulse TV again from my phone. There is no other connection. My wife uses it for YouTube music from her phone whilst doing yoga on an outside table.
  10. This is where I normally stay when in Kan, with my room right on the river. Never had a problem with mosquitos. Another photo of my favourite restaurant there, about 5km outside Kan, again right on the river.
  11. I regularly share my Samsung S20 (Ultra) to a wall mounted Samsung Smart TV in an outside kitchen/bar area, just using the "Smart View" app that's already loaded on your phone. There's only a power connection to the TV, and I use it to play music and Pulse TV from my phone.
  12. Should add that my previous journey experiences have been to Muang. Kanchanaburi is a very large province so obviously anywhere further north will add time.
  13. For me November 2021, returning from Kan. Flooding on Hwy 4 meant a diversion to Ranong. Nightmare, heavy rain and little chance of overtaking on virtually all single carriageway road.
  14. The only cobra reaching 4 metres plus is a King Cobra, and there would be no mistaking it for a python. "The Burmese python is frequently captive-bred for color, pattern, and more recently, size. Its albino form is especially popular and is the most widely available morph. This morph is white with patterns in butterscotch yellow and burnt orange. Also, "labyrinth" specimens with maze-like patterns, khaki-colored "green", and "granite" with many small angular spots are available. Breeders have recently begun working with an island lineage of Burmese pythons. Early reports indicate that these dwarf Burmese pythons have slightly different coloring and pattern from their mainland relatives and do not grow much over 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) in length. One of the most sought-after of these variations is the leucistic Burmese. This particular variety is very rare, being entirely bright white with no pattern and blue eyes, and has only in 2008/2009 been reproduced in captivity as the homozygous form (referred to as "super" by reptile keepers) of the co-dominant hypomelanistic trait. The caramel Burmese python has a caramel-colored pattern with "milk-chocolate" eyes."
  15. I've viewed the 400K minimum for retirement extensions as a means of ensuring 400K is available for medical treatments without actually being insured, as the minimum 400K medical cover required for O-A Retirement visas.
  16. Sigh.....OK, what you are saying exists in any tourist area anywhere in Thailand. I, and others are talking about restaurants, you know, those places where you sit down and are offered a menu etc, not some portable kitchen on the side of a motorbike that operates late at night. You live in Thailand yes?
  17. Sure, dual language menus pretty much standard, but in my 15 years here in Phuket, I haven't seen price differences. In these days of extensive social media use, any place that tried that would soon suffer.
  18. If you use the 800,000/year or 65,000/month (baht) requirement for a Retirement extension, that is a good measure of what should be considered a minimum for a relatively comfortable life here. If you own your home and are debt free, you can be very comfortable with that amount, certainly in comparison with the equivalent amount in the UK where the costs of local taxes, utilities, fuel for vehicles etc would leave very little left for 'luxuries'. Health and social benefits of course have to be taken into consideration, being expensive here for the former, and zero existence for the latter.
  19. Agree absolutely. However, the nature of his demise, not least the message he left, are circumstances that usually elicit a multi page thread. For clarity, he was 63, his wife is 60, married 21 years.
  20. I guess that a lot of people will have read the recent events in Kanchanaburi, where a German guy decided to burn his house down and hang himself. Extensively reported in both local and national media, and the coverage (though inaccurately) by a Pattaya news source was published in the Central Thailand local forum. My own initial thoughts were 'wow, this is going to be red hot (sic) in the Asean Now forums, especially as the guy had spray painted on an external wall of his house "21 years cheating.............." etc. This in reference to the length of his marriage to his wife with whom he had recently separated.
  21. Agreed, here it's typically galvanised steel frame and cement tiles. I had spray foam installed in our place some 7 years ago and it's proved excellent. We had no previous leaks anyway, but the foam has effectively locked the tiles in position.
  22. You need to tell me what others are telling me. I'm having conversations with people who were actually there, and whilst there is an element of doubt in these circumstances, what is not in doubt is that there was not a lot of noise that night.
  23. Contrary to your belief, whilst I don't really know the individual, because I go to Kanchanaburi every year and am familiar with the area and have met some great people. Yes, whilst not knowing this particular individual, I do know others with whom he is close. I am aware of his and his partners circumstances. Read your accusations against my posts. Are you for real? Why are you so disbelieving of what others are telling you?
  24. Don't disagree with you, however in context the man had just been released from hospital, having sustained fairly severely injuries including a fractured skull. Perhaps dark trousers and shirt were not the first priority in saying goodbye to his friend. Maybe it was not correct to have smoked a cigarettet in the wat. Maybe the emotion of having just escacaped death thought it was OK. Just saying.
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