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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. actually i will grow my pot in a pot which i have done many times before....works great
  2. All it takes is ONE juror in each case and he dodges a bullet no matter how big a pile of evidence is presented...take a look at the OJ case as a good example. No doubt all the jurors will receive direct and indirect threats spurred on constantly by trump to be carried out by his braind dead cult....it is the closest i can remember to a mafia boss or drug cartel situation....sugar or lead....if u guilty we will kill you and your entire family...vote not guilty and you will find a big bag of cash under the tree in your yard....how sad is it that so many people seem to cheer on these threats that undermine the very fabric of the country. Mike Pence and others are booed and yelled at simply for saying they will tell the truth as to what they saw and heard under oath. How much security and for how long would all the jurors have to have round the clock protection from these MAGA foot soldiers. Being a juror on any of these cases is going to take a lot of courage....and of course Trump will work every angle every lie etc to promote threats of violence against them. What would repubs do if dems started issuing threats against jurors of death and mayhem if they vote not guilty? It is disgusting how so many senators and govs and other officials do not go on TV right now and say cut it out with all the threats and attacks. I personally would like to see all the people making these threats including trump and others no matter who they think they are arrested and locked up if warranted.
  3. There are a bunch of agents on soi 13/2 so could go ask....it may well be they charge whatever they size you up as willing to pay and maybe some are more complicated that others? As said i do not know price for a fact....if you do follow up direct with agents please post on here for all to know what they said....there also seems to be a factor of how fast do you need it done.
  4. and if "someone" does testify that trump admitted he lost (already have) you can bet your glass of kool aide that it will be a republican who was appointed or hired by trump and voted for trump that will testify to that.....if trump or anybody still believes the big lie that the election was stolen that does not mean they are innocent.. .frankly it means they refuse to accept the reality that it was proven over and over with investigaton after investigation, recount after recount, court case after case almost all done by republican that the election results were accurate and there was zero evidence of signifcant vote fruad.... if you have any proof otherwise than i am sure the world is very anxious to see what you have found that nobody else has been able to find almost 3 years later....
  5. It is obvious that a lot of people have not yet taken the time to read the 45 page indictment that is really just trump appointed republican after republican testifying under oath as to what they personally saw or heard in interactions with fellow republicans...not a single dem witness is quoted ...so much for the big dem witch hunt... it appears to be his fellow repubs a few of which are willing to get death threats etc because they are willing to actually tell the truth...too bad that almost all of the republican "leaders" in the house and senate are total cowards as they know that the big lie is exactly that...a big lie takes a lot of courage as the "base" is loaded with nut cases, full of threats, loads of guns, and all fired up over and over by trump repeating the same old lies that have been disproved over and over by their fellow republicans....it's called a cult where the truth does not matter...only what the cult leader says is the truth....
  6. I had two different farangs in a soi buahkao bar tell me they paid about $1300...of course who knows but two different guys told pretty much the same story and no reason for them to lie that i could see...they seemed quite happy to pay it and get the one year visa and equally happy to brag about it all...know for fact? No just telling what i was told.
  7. but do you really want to find out? ...it is also possible that the cops might see u as a revenue source where for a nice fat envelope they leave you alone....why take a chance...anyway...Up to You. let us all know what happens please.
  8. Thanks for the tips./ Last year i was in a van for the dreaded cambodia visa run....we stopped at some place for restrooms/snacks...it was near xmas time and some thai had a christmas tree that was about a 5 foot female plant in full flower...decorated with lights etc...had a sign please don't pick flowers...kinda funny and amazingly it seemed the flowers were pretty much left alone.
  9. So is there ANYONE that Garland can appoint to investigate hunter that would make the trumpers happy? Outside of George Santos, MTG, and other assorted nut cases? Hell maybe he could appoint that beacon of integrity clarence thomas? Funny how almost all the dems say investigate hunter and IF you find probable cause of a crime then by all means bring it to a grand jury and seek an indictment and then try him and if found guilty give him the appropriate sentence. On the other hand repubs who have screamed for hunters head over and over don't much want to investigate jared kushner who somehow got two BILLION from the saudis by playing off his trump connections? But it does not work the other way with republicans to whom it appears that any republican investigated and charged is all a giant dem conspiracy witch hunt. I have said many times before...if it is all a giant dem conspiracy then why are almost all of the witnessess named to testify against trump republicans most of whom he hired or appointed and all of which say they voted for trump....those sneaky dam incompetent dems have somehow managed to convince all these life long republicans to make up lies and participate in the giant dem witch hunt....that is truly amazing how they did that ...just as the dems were able to rig the 2020 election in seven states and leave not one shred of evidence behind for dozens of republican investigators to find.
  10. Geez sorry i did not comb the forum and then read hundreds of posts to try and find a simple answer to a simple question that i am hoping someone might just answer without giving me a lecture. thanks for the dream market tip...will check it out
  11. Listen to the very first response you got on page one to find out who owner is and bribe them to get rid of her....it will be $$ well spent...otherwise u could get reported as a pedo, rapist, peeping tom, or worse and end up with all kinds of very messy problems that may require hiring a bunch of lawyers and rest assured u do not want to go down that road. ..if you move and rent to someone else then how long til your tenant starts compaining about her to you and demands lower rent or moves out.. Maybe first meet the owner of the tenants property and tell her your concerns...if that does no good which is likely get out your wallet and end it...
  12. I feel a lot safer on the big bus....i have had a few minbus rides where the driver thought he was mario andretti....and scared the crap out of me. But to be fair i have had a few that were just fine.
  13. Try and imagine the "food chain" that participates in the big $$ that is paid to agents to provide false bank books showing people have 800 k baht which they never had....lots of people pay these agents around $1000-1500 usd for this service. That is a lot of $$....so then the fake bank balance is shown to an immigration clerk who no doubt knows all the agents and knows it is BS so I guess she gets a small percent of the "fee" ...and then her boss gets a little bit more and on up the chain to who knows who but it is likely the one driving a Mercedes and wearing a rolex at the top of the chain....all appears to be done pretty openly and you would have to be blind and dumb not to see it if you spend a few hours around immigration watching the agents as well as all sorts of farangs openly bragging about how they paid to get around the rules...and i do also think that some of the clerks may just be inclined to make it a bit more difficult/discouraging for people who do not use the agents and attempt to do it on their own by the rules to have all their various papers in order as if it were easy then the chain doesn't get fed as much.
  14. If this is illegal or not allowed i am sure mods will delete....but Can you buy a live pot plant pre flower but female and grow and harvest it yourself? If yes are there any special places where live plants are sold...i am thinking maybe 12 to 18 inches tall and healthy? Approximate cost? Does anyone sell seeds or is that somehow illegal?
  15. Here we go to GA...and yet another republican is set to testify as to what he saw and heard from Trump...wow one more amazing republican who has joined the big dem conspiracy and been convinced to tell lies about the man that he voted for....those incompetent dems are sure doing a pretty good job of getting all the republicans to join in the witch hunt. you might think that gee maybe donnie, hard as it is for trumpers to grasp, isn't tellling the truth as he threatens every prosecutor, judge, witness and media that dares to suggest that just maybe donnie boy broke a big pile of laws and his fellow republicans are ready to say that under oath...Send more $$ to the really really rich guy that does not need and will never ask for $$...(oh by the way that seems to have been a whopper of a lie if you are keeping count) Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) told CNN on Saturday that he received a notice to appear before a grand jury in Fulton County — which encompasses parts of Atlanta — on Tuesday morning. “I have no expectations as to the questions, and I’ll certainly answer whatever questions are put in front of me,” Duncan told CNN. “For me, this is a story that is important for Republicans to hear — Americans to hear. Let’s hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth about Donald Trump’s actions and the surrounding cast of characters around him.” “He’s got a chance to present these facts and say, ‘Hey, I didn’t know what was going on.’ Or what I think reality’s going to be is they knew exactly what they were doing,” Duncan said.
  16. here is an interesting tid bit i saw recently re Georgia law as relates to criminal pardons....assuming trump were to be convicted of a felony in GA neither him nor any president can pardon him of a Georgia crime....not even the GA governor can do that as it is done by a pardon board....BUT most important is that under GA law nobody can get a pardon until 5 years AFTER they have served the imposed sentence...not even a friendly GA repub gov or pardon board could legally pardon him if he is convicted of crimes there....i bet those GA prison cells are not what donnie boy has in mind... no wonder donnie boy is scared to death of GA Willis..........and to top it off they have donnie on tape in his own words pressuring GA officials to find him votes and also his pal Rudy is on tape lying over and over to GA officials re fraud that did not exist and they knew it was BS...in fact Rudy admitted it was all BS under oath in one of his other trials where he is being sued by the two black election workers that he falsely accused of all kinds of voting crimes ALL of which investigation after investigation proved totally BOGUS... How hard is it to get a pardon in Georgia? To qualify for a Pardon for offenses other than sex offenses which require you to be listed on Georgia's Sex Offender Registry: You must have completed all sentence(s) at least five (5) years prior to applying. You must have lived a law-abiding life during the five (5) years prior to applying.
  17. so 200 cops comb the beach and arrest two guys for illegally selling pot....i guess that was it as far as anything they may have seen or heard. cops prob pissed at having to go for walk at 1;30 am and were anxious to get it over with and say time to go home or maybe they liked what they saw....did they actually warn anyone that loud noise etc needs to stop or did they tell them as soon as we are finished with this photo op we will come back and join you in some karaoke, booze, pot and dancing til sunrise?
  18. You post crap like this with threat of BANG and smoke em along with threats to kill the president and then refuse to comply and allegedly pull a gun and then get shot by FBI....but hey he did it all for the glory of MAGA so he will go to heaven and get 72 trump virgins...
  19. that is why i used the word "allegedly" ...i have little doubt that we will get full videos released very soon and until then it is "alleged" that he aimed a gun at the FBI.... I do agree that very often with police raids that there could be a lot less force used where you use tactics like turn off power/water/etc and wait it out....but not sure if that applies very well to this guy who had posted pics of his aresenal online not to mention threaten to kill a bunch of high level officials....maybe the cops feared he would have explosives and blow up half the neighborhood or start shooting at random out his window trying to kill a cop or two not to mention that all his neighbors would likely be locked down for who knows how long. Bottom line: not a good idea to post death threats over and over along with pics of your arnsenal even if Trump has convinced you that you are a foot soldier.
  20. Hunter biden seems to be the only word that right wingers can come up with regardless of the topic...and of course now the law and order bunch thinks that the FBI should just play patty cakes with a guy who has threatened assisanations over and over has a house full of guns and allegedly pointed a gun at FBI agents....all the idiot had to do was comply to the lawful order of the FBI and just say one moment officers i am unarmed and i am opening the door......but he wanted to be some kind of tough guy and got himself killed for the glory of MAGA....and it is somehow either the FBI or Hunter Bidens fault that he got killed...before he could unleash his threatened death on others.
  21. yeah but if he rents and then she does same with his tenants they will be calling him as the owner to complain and maybe move or refuse to pay rent......i like the idea of find owner of her unit and offer him a bribe to get rid of her better...who wants to live next to a nut that accuses u of pedo....she may well call the cops and have her daughters claim u did something then u are in a world of <deleted> with lawyers etc...
  22. I suspect than just about any deranged idiot could sit in a car and pull a trigger.....to read some of the posters on here it is obvious that they want you to believe that the guy made some simple little off the cuff post on FB and the FBI decided to just storm his house for no good reason...this guy had been at it for a long time per below since at least march 5 months or more....the FBI had a warrant, he refused to comply and allegedly pulled one of his many guns and got his ass shot....so the party of "law and order" apparently sides with a guy threatening multiple murders over the court issued supeona and enforced by the FBI......everyone has a right to be an idiot it appears. The FBI investigation began with a tip about the Bragg threat from Trump’s own social media platform Truth Social in March, after Robertson posted about “waiting in the courthouse parking garage” with a suppressed weapon and wanting to “put a nice hole in his forehead.”
  23. Could he take an automatic weapon to a school or mall or a voting precinct and sit in his car and shoot random people?
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