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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Yet another story of farangs with few too many drinks thinking they are some kind of tough guys not realizing that they are not going to fight one guy but the guy and lots of his buddies. Fair or not the farang is usually going to be maybe twice the size of the thai and think oh i can whip this little guy....big mistake. Hint: When you are in a bar that has four or five thai guys there with T shirts that say "security" it is not a good place to get into any kind of confrontation. It will not generally work out very well for you.
  2. To each his own: I like having a fridge, some ability to cook, a TV and the basics. I do get the idea to unclutter your life as i have lots of clothes that i will never fit into again so finally loaded them all up along with a lot of other "junk" that i never used and took to salvation army..overall i find a pretty good rule of thumb is if you have not worn or used it in the last year or two get rid of it. I also have found that the bigger your house/condo the more junk piles up. It's like some kind of law of nature.
  3. Most airlines at least in USA that are overbooked ask for volunteers to give up their seat in return for often a very nice substantial payment in cash/credits as well as free flight if they go later. Some of the best trips ever are the ones where they were overbooked and i collected a very nice windfall for delaying til next flight...not for everyone but almost every time i have seen them ask for volunteers to take the compensation they have more people wanting to take it then they need...if not the offer keeps going up til they have what they need....so instead of having angry people on tight inflexible schedules they take care of them and the volunteers love it...please bump me more often.
  4. Rent a condo on a high floor with a low balcony rail...buy thai whiskey sit on balcony and comtemplate your life.
  5. pomchop

    Vape cartidges

    Do the weed stores sell basic screw on pot vape cartridges? What is approx cost? thanks
  6. Its called a cult, created by a very talented con man/grifter who has played to millions of disgrunteled people who are generally locked into some kind of pitiful life and want to blame anyone and everyone except themselves for their failures. It is all the fault of miniorities who have ruined their lives by taking all their jobs and working smarter and harder than they do. It is all the fault of democrats who consistently have provided them with benefits like health care, welfare, social security, etc that they gladly take themselves but do not want anyone else to get. It is all about being conned by an entertainer who spends every minute either bragging about how rich he is, how he can grab women, what a hot wife he has, and how awful everyone who is not named trump is and then whining about how horrible the usa is for "normal" white people. It is all about people who have gotten conned but whose ego will not allow them to admit it so they double down again and again and refuse to even consider that just maybe they have been conned. So they continue to ride the clown car, watch fox news, and send $$ to the grifter who constantly reminds them how very very rich he is and how he doesn't need anybody's money. Take a look at how hitler rose to power....everyone wants some group to look down on and blame for their own shortcomings. Who would have ever thought that Germans would have fallen for the entire speil that we will eliminate jews and take control of the entire world where everyone will look just like us. But fall for it they did until they were in so deep that there is no going back.
  7. Wow 10 posts and this is the best you got? Trump has done nothing wrong and is a fine example of patriotism?
  8. Congratulations: You have posted one of the most delusional cult posts possible. You must really be sure of your sources to say charges are all phony when all of the witnessess who have testified are republicans hired and appointed by trump himself....once again the incompetent democrats have managed to convince die hard republicans to lie as to what they saw and heard trump do firsthand....not to mention those same incompetent dems managed to rig an election in 7 states and leave not a shred of evidence behind for 60 court cases, investigation after investigation, recount after recount, mostly all done by republicans or people hired by trump to investigate. You are obviously privy to some very well kept secrets that you have found. Have a glass of kool aide.
  9. Could be they are awaiting the chinese to get the rules changed so they can buy/build entire buildings....go to shianoukville cambodaia to see what the chinese did to that once quiet simple area....bulldozed an entire community on the beach and replaced it with condos and casinos full of chinese having contests to see who can smoke the most cigs and lose the most money.... The companies buidling all those massive complexes in jomtiem area no doubt are well connected politically so it would not surprise me at all to see some movement of laws to entice more chinese investment and we all know that there are a LOT of chinese who might want to own a shoebox condo near a beach in Thailand...add in a few big casinos to further provide more fat brown envelopes and here we go.... Also i suspect that over time there could well be a lot more russians looking to own something on a thailand beach...before the war the russians were liking jomtiem more and more but the war seems to have cooled that a bit at least for now.
  10. Oh sorry I just beat my wife a "little bit" and I only broke into the business but i did not steal very much, just a "little bit" and I was only speeding just a "little bit" and the kid i hit i only hit a "little bit". So technically i only broke the law a "little bit". Great defense, if you are a high paid lawyer trying to defend trump. I agree that lawyer will soon enough get fired or quit. Then he will write a book and do the rounds on Fox and right wing media to see if he can make more $$. And of course trump will call him incompetent and an idiot and worse and later try to claim incompetent lawyers require him to get the trial delayed while his "new" lawyers get up to speed. I hope his current lawyer at least got paid up front in cash or he can line up with the dozens of other lawyers, and various workers, still waiting to get paid by the man who is "really really rich" but needs for the cult to send him more $$.
  11. Ok fair enough. Now let's see what happens when it goes to trial and goes to the next stage of reasonable doubt.
  12. Believe what you like...will not prevent smith from continuing to provide real evidence backed up by a mountain of testimony, texts, emails, audio and video to the jury. In spite of what a lot of cult members spew over and over with zero evidence the courts deal in hard evidence, not a bunch of BS from people who refuse to accept that the emperor has no clothes.
  13. Yes that is what we call a jury system where they sit and look and listen to all the evidence presented and they also sit and look and listen to what the defendant claims and look at any evidence that he may have...then they vote whether or not that beyond a reasonable doubt they believe he is quilty or they find a reasonable doubt and find him innocent. Nobody can ever fully predict what a jury might do sometimes in spite of overwhelming evidence of guilt...like OJ for example. My bet is that at least one jury in one of the several trials will indeed find donnie boy guilty....or maybe several will find him guilty of several charges but maybe not all. I do not think he will be exonerated of all charges by all juries. Based on the evidence thus far outlined in the speaking indictments and the defenses i have heard trumps lawyers blab about i certainly would not want to have to defend donnie...it is one thing to go on TV and blabber away about theories and quite another to have to answer charges in a court of law...trump has and continues to run his big flapping mouth and much of his statements will be shown to the jury. Trump will never take the stand in court as he would not last ten minutes under the brutal cross examination by lawyers who would pick him and his lies apart. It will also not surprise me if trump gets locked up soon for violating the judges orders about not threatening harrasing or intimidating witness...which it appears he is already doing with mike pence and continues to threaten prosecutors and judges...donnie is likely to soon find out that he is no longer president and he can't just do and say anything he pleases if it is in direct violation of court. warnings. Or as he loves to yell "lock him up".
  14. and cassidy was very specific in saying she did not personally view the grab steering wheel but one of the security guys who was in the car told her that happened.....and of course she was attacked for even telling the story but she was trying her best to share all that she saw and heard abd that certainly was worth relating what she had been told.........and we all know that a security guard or any older guy would never ever tell a pretty single gal like cassidy a few whopers to try and impress her with what an important person he was... .i also doubt it happened as trump is a coward and likely was terrified that he might get his hair messed up if he really went to the capital....
  15. From those almost all selected and appointed by trump as the "best and brightest" who served under him and knew him up close and personal.....42 of 44 cabinet members and various others in his orbit don't think very highly of "mr. perfect"....and yet millions who never met the man, never worked for him, never observed him except in rallies and on TV refuse to accept that he was a HORRIBLE president. When 42 of 44 of your closest advisors publicly state that he was bad news knowing full well they will be attacked by the cult you might want to listen to those people who know him best rather than a jesse waters, sean hannity,lydnsey graham, mccarthy, or internet trolls and biden haters. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/04/politics/officials-who-criticized-donald-trump/index.html
  16. Except the route they drove to the airport passed through none of the bad areas of town so trump had to even lie about what he saw out the window.......it's all on video.
  17. Donald Trump: "only guilty people plead the fifth"....from his mouth, on tape.
  18. Do you really think that jack smith would just make up a bunch of testimony from republicans and put them in quotation marks if he did not have that testimony nailed down with video and texts of the actual testimony? Do you think he would be stupid enough to make any allegation without having the receipts to back it up in court? Do you think the grand jury would have indicted on a bunch of theories? Do you think jack smith or the DOJ would go forward with something that they were not almost 100% sure can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law that would make it all look like a hit job? Take a look at Jack Smith. Does he appear to be a guy that just pulls stuff out of his rear end like the defendant? Read the indictment which does not even include all of the evidence he has, just the highlights. Unlike repubs who scream witch hunt and lock em up and rigged election with no evidence, Jack dots the i's and crosses the t's.....
  19. I don't want to ride in a tuk tuk regardless of who is driving and I sure would not ride in one that might rub other drivers the wrong way and in up in the middle of a baseball bat fight.
  20. That is why we have courts and trials and rules of law....rather than a bunch of screaming lunatics yelling lock her/him at at political rallies because they read some stupid conspiracy theory online or listened to some talking head tell lie after lie designed to increase their audience or online clicks. Present the evidence in a court of law, corraborated by republican after republican that saw and heard action after action and further corraborated by documents, texts, emails, audio tapes, video tapes, etc... Then let the jury decide if the case has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt (not a shawdow of doubt which many undeducated seem to think is the standard). Let the system proceed without death threats against witnesses, judges, lawyers, jurors designed to intimidate/delay/ and corrupt the legal system. Then accept the verdict without storming the courtrooms or resorting to violence.
  21. Speaking of Mark Meadows....can there be any doubt that he is certainly filling in a lot of blanks and could well be a very top level witness against donnie and the dumbos? He had already turned over all kinds of emails, texts, etc to J6 committee but then mysteriously stopped....you don't suppose he got a call from the don with a few threats? Meadows has no spine either but i suspect he did manage to figure out he better tell what he saw and heard or he would get charged and maybe end up spending a few years in the slammer. Will be interesting to see him on the stand telling all he saw and heard from poor little innocent never did a thing that wasn't perfect donnie. Rest assured that if that happens the death threats from the cult will reach new levels. How long will the various judges allow donnie and the cult to threaten judges, lawyers, witnessess, etc til they give donnie a sample of what prison life might look like?
  22. anyone whose avatar is a picture of clarence thomas surely is just a troll?
  23. Last time i checked stacey abrams was not and has never been the president and never tried to overthrow the government...but rattle on about how hard gop want to make sure results are on the up and up but then refuse to accept the results of 60c court cases, investigation after investigation and recount after recount done almost all by the GOP that found no significant election fraud. Got it.
  24. A scam as sworn to by republican after republican who were actually present for many of the conversations and testified under oath as to the various illegal activities done by the man who had hired them or appointed them and who they had voted for. Yep once again those incompetent democrats have pulled off a fantastic feat by convincing these life long republicans to lie under oath....almost as good as the incompetent dems who managed to rig the election in 7 states without leaving a shred of evidence to be uncovered by 60 court cases, recount after recount, investigation after investigation almost all of which were conducted by republicans who voted for trump. Wow that truly is the "ultimate scam" in history. Not bad for a bunch of incompetent democrats.
  25. and yet the fine "christians" of south carolina vote for the lying sack of crap again and again....I would love to see georgia indict his limp butt for trying to interfere in the georgia potus election...who knows maybe they have a few tape recordings of Limpy threatening a few Ga officials.
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