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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. pomchop


    Bs...so you are lazy if you don't want to read pages of fine print....are you also lazy if you can't read a full tv screeen of fine print in one second? Who wrote all that fine print knowing full well it would be difficult if not impossible to read and then they can claim you were told? Lawyers.
  2. pomchop


    Written by lawyers for lawyers to protect the company from more lawsuits from lawyers. It never ends. Don't you love the TV screen that flashes a full screen of fine print that nobody can even see much less read in the one second it is on the screen? If judges had any gonads they would throw out cases brought regarding fine print disclosures...but judges were also once lawyers so they are part of the problem and not part of a solution.
  3. So if you are 5 feet tall and 135 lbs and you get attacked by a 6 foot ++ 250 lb guy you would not want any help from your friends even when the attack happens in your yard? It's not exactly a fair fight to attack someone half your size so don't be surprised when the tables can quickly turn. It is rare that i have ever seen any report of a Thai pulling a gun on a farang.
  4. maybe because it seems many of them ignore the carry on bag + one personal item and haul on all sorts of junk to cram it into overhead bin space depriving later arriving passengers of "their" space....generally very little enforcement of the rules except ironically on the very cheapest airlines who will enforce the rules mostly so they can collect extra fees for having them check their extra bags...
  5. pomchop


    i have never used any of them here in thailand...so are they all out of china or ?...Lazada seems to send lot of stuff to my current condo building....no idea re shopee...I just want a decent company with decent products and no hassles. Thanks for info
  6. Danny the dumb dumb....dumber than a bucket of mud.
  7. With no rent I would have some trouble spending 20 k a month in chiang rai....assuming you are only supporting yourself and not a few young ladies in which case forget about it.
  8. Loads of americans are head over heels in debt on credit cards where interest rates are aproaching 30%....but of course little johnny absolutely has to have the newest i phone every year. Sadly most americans do not understand the difference between what they need and what they want....And i suspect applies to most other countries and the "flauntin" of "wealth" for many people. As of the second quarter of 2024, the average American credit card debt was $6,329, which is a 6% increase from the same time in 2023.
  9. when flight attendants tell you to return to your seat over and over and you refuse the next step is to actually enforce the penalties and have offending pax arrested and charged upon arrival...but like so many times there are plenty of rules which mean nothing without enforcement...why did the captain not announce to follow flight attendants instructions or face consequences on arrival...and of course if the plane hits turbulance while people are roaming the aisle and refusing to sit down the airline may well get sued by the idiot passengers who did not follow the rules and got hurt when their thick heads bounced off the ceiling a few times... https://versustexas.com/interfering-with-a-flight-crew/ makes no difference as to nationality of pax...the rules should apply to all passengers on all flights.
  10. Ha. I remember when i used to think 60 was old. Now 60 was the good ole days. Enjoy those "youthful" days while you can.
  11. many want to live for ever but don't want to get old...doesn't work that way... Getting older? 1. I don't spend every waking moment like i did from age 13 thinking about sex. Amazing all the other things your mind can examine when the sex fixation slows and allows other thoughts. 2. Can use a calculator and figure out that i have plenty of $ and won't end up working at walmart because i learned long long ago to live within my means and know the difference between what i want and what i need. 3. Get to listen to younger people tell me how smart they are and how they have getting old all figured out. Some are better than stand up comedians as they have no clue what's ahead. 4. Take a nap everyday with zero guilt because if feels good. 5. Care less and less what anyone else thinks of my life my habits etc. 6. Hopefully get a tiny bit wiser with each passing year. By the time i kick the bucket I will know a lot more about what is really important in life...hint: it is generally not $$ as so many seem to think. 7. The girls still tell me how handsome I am and i have learned they never lie...(that is a joke fyi)...just laugh and enjoy the joke. 8. Actually maybe better health and bit safer as I have learned not to ride motorbikes, look six ways/times before you cross the street, beware of tall gals with big hands and deep voices, avoid drunk bellligerent farangs, be home in bed by 10 pm or so and miss most of the nasty stuff that happens at 2 am..... 9. Enjoy sitting and watching the steady parade of funny stuff and laugh more. Go out of your way to speak a bit more thai and joke around with Thai people. 10. Recognize the clock is ticking and whining won't slow it down.
  12. Maybe some of the "tough guy" farangs that seem to love to try and get into a fight with a Thai that is half their size might want to try that with some of the locals in samoa and hawaii....lot of those locals end up as linemen in the NFL with heads hard as concrete and arms and legs like tree trucks and would quickly show the "tough guys" what happens when they pick on somebody bigger than them.
  13. you probably need to decide if you prefer being in the middle of all the action in south pattaya near central festival mall and all the activities and restaurants and often weekend festivals along beach road....OR do you prefer to be quiet place with way less restaurants shopping etc but better beach like Jomtien...really two different places and experiences...research is your friend...tons of you tube videos to show you the options...not sure how you define "good hotel"...south pattaya has a huge range...try agoda.com
  14. pay cash no taxi...problem solved...next?
  15. maybe soon all the thai security guards will have tazers to zap drunk idiots twice their size....
  16. If not a troll then he sure has a way of appearing to be a person who has lived or read all of the various posts from idiots that fell for some of the oldest most documented thai girlfriend scams ever tried on farangs. Hell even if not in thailand how many young hot gals are going to fall in love with some guy several times their age without expecting a big big payoff?...as mark knopfler sings.."shake your moneymaker"... Could not have been written as if more clueless about thailand or girls around the world if he tried.
  17. pomchop


    Never used them. Any problems re delivery to condos or other issues? Or would you say they are basically more or less same as amazon? In other words do you recommend them or have better choice to use?
  18. so they were supposed to just let the idiot russian threaten people and not defend themselves ganging up? on a russian who was likely twice as big as one of the thais, seriously drunk and causing a huge commotion in the bar? Got it vlad.
  19. Just as soon as they begin to enforce helmet and one way street laws...then i will 'worry" aout their ability to track and enforce the money of average farangs in thailand. Until then i will ignore it all. I suspect if you are some sort of biz guy bringing in big sums you "might" show up on somchai's radar.
  20. and whoever things a good ole funny emoji is funny ...go visit their wives and see if they think you're "funny"
  21. If you plan to write fiction books for a living I would suggest you don't give up your day job.
  22. Real world story: Two old high school buddies both in excellent help and very active. They sit and watch fox news and T when covid started and decided that it was all a big hoax. Both refused to get the vaccine. Both of their wives got the shots and tried their best to get husbands to get it but they refused. Couple months later both men in same hospital with tubes stuck down their throats and in couple of days were dead. Both wives alive and fine to this day. So go peddle all the it's a hoax BS somewhere else as i miss my friends who i am pretty sure would still be around except for all the crap and lies and BS spread about how it was all a hoax and getting vaxed was stupid etc.
  23. meantime mr red bull still thumbs his nose at all of the committees and cops and judges who just can't seem to find him to stand trial for killing a cop?
  24. If you have enough money there are plenty of politicians than can be bought to give you mostly anything you want. Musk has enough money to buy a lot. I am pretty sure that is really not a great idea for the ultra rich to buy off country after country to expand their empires or desire to rule the world.
  25. As proven over and over by the massive numbers of farangs who do have the $$ and should know better but still ride around with no helmets...and these are grown adults not kids.
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