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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Guaranteed that half the time, especially on holiday weekends, you'll find your space has been nicked by some uncaring swab or other. Either that, or someone's illegally parked so that it's impossible for you to get in, even though your space is empty.
  2. a half teaspoon of any instant coffee to give it bite, plus a heaped spoon of Arabica ground in a filter bag. Heaped spoon of Coffee Mate and that to me is perfection
  3. At 70 yoa? Regarding foreigners, there seems to be no respect here for age.
  4. Maybe the Thais giving us a little nudge towards using the online 90 day. Saves them work and cuts down the crowds in the office, making it a better working environment for the IOs. I've never had a problem with the online reporting, swift and sure. Plus, you get a reminder to boot.
  5. I think they just require foreigners to work as hard as they do.
  6. Bet you've made the goody goodies on here go into a deep depression. They thrive on being holier than thou.
  7. I'd rather return to UK! If you knew how I felt about my home country these days, you'd realise how profound a statement that is.
  8. Still doesn't fool anyone that he's cuffed. When I was in the British Army, another guy and I had to escort a prisoner who'd gone AWOL from Anglesey to Catterick. We weren't allowed to cuff the guy (a big Irishman) so it was a long stressful train journey for us in case he tried to do a runner. Fortunately, he was as good as gold.
  9. Pedestrianise Bua Khau except for ambulances and make a new baht bus route up and down Third Road. Make all fat falang regain the use of their legs.
  10. Maybe going into competition with that new place that that bolshy cretni Gordon Ramsey's opening there. I learned early on that in this country, the customer isn't always right.
  11. Their food is full of sugar. So much so that a lot of savoury dishes taste like dessert. My Thai wife agrees. Some "men's best friend" probably keep the people you're referring to up half the night with their barking like they do me and like me can live without having a pack of them on my property.
  12. I agree with a lot of what you say, but with the UK having so many young left-wing teachers and the country being the melting pot that it is, it's hardly surprising.
  13. Several years ago now a mate of mine jumped off a baht bus to help a Thai woman getting battered by a Thai guy. Both of them started in on my mate, quickly joined by half a dozen motorbike taxi guys. He's no wimp but he ended up getting beat up pretty badly, especially by the woman.
  14. Thailand is a signatory of the Hague Convention and as such are committed to carrying out the arrest warrant against Putin for war crimes. So were South Africa of course. If countries have no intention of carrying out their responsibilities unless it benefits them, then why sign the festering document in the first place?
  15. Agree with your observation "No sneakers = you never exercise. I wear trainers every other day to go for my jog around the golf course perimeter, however, after nearly seventeen years living here, my shoe size has gone from ten to twelve (UK). I put it down to walking around barefoot or wearing sandals most of the time.
  16. In UK we tend to call those things permanently parked a mobile home for some reason. Caravans are what you drag behind a car.
  17. You've never visited here either. Just exist in darkest Isaan wishing that you could, but the wife won't let you. So you take it out on those of us that love Pattaya. I've been here getting on 17 years and wouldn't live anywhere else in Thailand.
  18. If he's here dodging the draft, deportation's the last thing he needs. Better to have kept his head under the parapet.
  19. Tried driving through Bangkok twice using Garmin GPS. Got hopelessly lost twice. First time ended up in Monument Square. That was 16 years ago, it was luck more than judgement that I'm not still crawling around their now. Took me eight hours to get from Pattaya to Kanchanaburi!
  20. Well there is the small matter of Putin having an international arrest warrant on his head for being a war criminal, whereas Biden doesn't.
  21. Looks to me like a big guy picking on a little guy. Don't blame the shrimp from running away. Some of these ladyboys are built like the incredible hulk.
  22. I've noticed you being the Rottweiler in more than a few posts. Do as I do, post whatever it is you want to say and leave. I have a rule never to enter into a debate on this or any other forum. Life's too short.
  23. I gave up playing regular golf after I arrived here. Pity, because I thought with low land prices and wages golf would be dirt cheap. The owners must be coining it.
  24. Still very useful though I imagine, when people are being debanked left, right and centre simply for living overseas.
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