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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Turn off the money tap. Like moths. Turn off the light and they won't come. Anyone seeking asylum must arrive by air or official port of entry. ALL illegral entry will result in deportation to home country or detention until this is known. No supporting paperwork....no asylum. No cash allowances given until asylum approved.
  2. Indeed . But the locals don't exactly set a good example do they. Red Bull heir a case in point
  3. No. Not at our local one anyway.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14036069/Spains-underground-car-parks-flood-death-toll.html Death Toll now at 211 and rising An enormous search operation is underway in Valencia's biggest shopping centre after an underground car park was left submerged in the deadly floods – leaving what many fear is now a 'mass grave' with bodies being counted 'by the hundreds'. Close to 10,000 troops and police have been drafted into the region to help in the search after the nation was hit with its worst natural disaster in decades, with the death toll rising over 200 and 2,000 people still missing. Among those called in is a team of specialist scuba divers, who have been deployed in the flooded car park of the Bonaire shopping centre, after hundreds of abandoned cars were discovered by rescuers. Spain' s 'mass grave' underground car parks give up their errible secrets: As water is pumped out, rescuers fear disaster's true death toll is being downplayed and they are counting bodies 'by the hundred' - as floods spread to NEW holiday hotspots
  5. Beautiful asian women. Babushkas Free trade but not fair trade
  6. 2000 people still missing after flash flood : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14031323/Palma-LOCKDOWN-Majorca-braces-flood-horror.html
  7. A million years from now they will be finding fossilized babushka footprints in the lower sand strata, I think these women are asking a lot from the sun trying to get an all over tan.
  8. Death toll from floods hits 158. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-14010029/Valencia-Jose-Castillejo-killed-Spain-floods.html Storm now moving on to Majorca. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14031323/Palma-LOCKDOWN-Majorca-braces-flood-horror.html
  9. Scumbag. Why people still go to that place beats me.
  10. I am not sure that the NHS has its priorities right but now it will be getting more funding for such questionable spending. NHS to roll out six new specialist gender centres for children and young people 7 August 2024 NHS England will roll out up to six new specialist regional centres by 2026 to provide tailored gender services for children and young people, based on recommendations in the Cass Review. https://www.england.nhs.uk/2024/08/nhs-to-roll-out-six-new-specialist-gender-centres-for-children-and-young-people/
  11. That last is the second best thing to do. The best thing to do is learn Afghani , go to France , throw away your passport etc then come back in a rubber boat and claim asylum.
  12. Pouring money into a broken NHS without any serious attempt to scrutinize where all the leaks are is just money down the drain IMO. Hasn't worked until now and so a different result can't be expected.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/spain-declares-three-day-mourning-212851826.html Spain Declares Three-Day Mourning as Storms Kill More Than 90 Rodrigo Orihuela Thu, October 31, 2024 at 4:28 AM GMT+7·2 min read 9 (Bloomberg) -- Spain declared three days of mourning as heavy rains killed more than 90 people, in what is already one of the country’s worst-ever natural disasters.
  14. The world continues to witness extreme weather : https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c93qlpp5gxvo https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14022187/British-expat-living-Valencia-deadly-floods.html
  15. Hmmm. Chalk one up for the stork under the bush then. Although I think these storks must work the night shift because you never see one flying though the sky with a baby.
  16. I'd like to know why most Americans are currently foaming at the mouth over politics. I can't think of any other nationality that gets so worked up over an election. Such strong feelings from people who are supposed to be adults and act accordingly. People are losing their grip . Another example of a storm in a tea cup : Two women removed from BA flight ‘after altercation over Maga cap’ Two women were removed from a British Airways flight at Heathrow after an altercation reportedly provoked by a Make America Great Again (Maga) cap. The incident occurred on Saturday as the women, aged 40 and 60, were preparing to board a flight bound for Austin, Texas. Witnesses said that one woman took offence at her fellow passenger’s red Maga hat, worn by supporters of the former US president Donald Trump, and asked that it be removed, the Sun reported. Punches were allegedly exchanged between the two women, both booked to fly in premium economy https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/oct/30/two-women-removed-from-ba-flight-after-altercation-over-maga-cap And when this election is over will that be the end of it. Nope . They will rake over the ashes ad nauseum.
  17. Got a link or is that just hearsay ?
  18. Well there's the lucky lottery number...842.
  19. Correct. As other have pointed out,if it's not broken don't try to fix it. Terminal 5 at LHR is notorious for computer meltdowns because British Airways would not upgrade their system. When it happens travel chaos ensues. Technology is great when it works ' seemlessly' but when it doesn't you must have a back up system ready to take over.
  20. Somehow I forsee problems. The computers are down , no back up system to revert to old method so missed flights. But it's for your convenience and you will get to enjoy the kingdoms wonderful airports for a few hours or days longer. Amazing Thailand.
  21. He only lived 100 meters away but rode his Forza there ??
  22. Misprint. Should be : Putin wants a piece of Ukraine
  23. Maybe he meant his BTS rides up and down Sukhumvit during the rush hour.
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