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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Signed up today and this is first post. It's a belter.
  2. To the OP. I would start looking over your shoulder. The headless chickens ( anti vaxxers ) will find out where you live , strap you to a chair and talk you to death. It is slow and agonising death but when it comes, it will be a relief.
  3. First class insurance is known as fully comprehensive cover. For people who can't afford that or for those that own cars older than 10 years there is third party fire and theft . The 10 year old rule is one of the insurance companies requirements , not a written law. With third party in Thailand it is the car that is insured not the driver so anyone can drive it. In the event of an accident the policy holder usually gets nothing. Only the thitd party is covered..
  4. Sorry to disagree but where we live there are new houses going up all the time. Some, on a low budget , are not built to the highest standards , but others are very well built and even after several years show no signs of deteriation. This is why I advised looking around at the nearby housing stock to find out who built what. If you just follow somebodys recommendation , that somebody might be a bad builder related to the one who recommended him. If you can find examples of three or four houses well built by the same person he is the one I would approach. Naturally , he might be charging more than others but as usual cutting corners can be more expensive in the end.
  5. No need to hire an architect. Your local land office holds many house plans on file. They should allow you to browse through them until you find one you like and for a small fee you can have a copy made. When it comes to construction some leeway is allowed in the design and it does not have to be exactly the same. You can change some details as long as the finished house does not exceed the originals dimensions by too much. To find a builder, talk to locals for recommendations. Drive around the area and see if there are any homes that look well built and structurally sound. You could then ask the owner politely for the builders phone number. There is a dedicated forum to building houses in Thailand. I would say it is a must read for anyone considering a build as it covers everything you need to know including plumbing ,electrics , legality etc. I can't post the link here as it is against forum rules but if you PM me I will send you the link. Good luck wish it. Phitsanulok is a nice city with all amenities.
  6. Third party , fire and theft comes to mind. Her insurance should cover the damage caused by the moron who sent the lantern up.
  7. Jeez . Tell you commanders this old proverb. He who fights and runs away , lives to fight another day. Wish you the best of luck and hope you make it until the leave you said you had coming. You brave few are carrying a burden meant for many. Stay safe.
  8. I drink a hot ginger infusion every day. Buy 5 bags at a time as you can keep in the fridge and re heat. Anti inflammatory so good for arthritis. Sometimes go for the hot patango while I'm at it but not too often. Delicious but pretty unhealthy. Also buy a khao klukapi sometimes if we can't be bothered to cook. Very nice.
  9. Jeez. Give it a rest and move on or write something interesting about Spanish flu.
  10. Lol. God bless mums. More loyalty than a dozen Labradors albeit a bit blind sometimes.
  11. No rich people in Thailand pay much tax. If there is one thing they all have in common it is tax evasion. Not like us foreigners . When it was announced that after 180 days in country money sent to us from overseas would be taxed we were perfectly OK with it.
  12. The Judge Jeffreys are out in force today.
  13. Bingo ! Had exact same problem. Too stingy to get a new chair and was sitting on a balcony chair with my legs elevated up on top of cabinet in a kind of V shape with the apex being the bottom of my spine. Many hours sitting in that chair like that over many months. Doctor in Uk said it was sciatica . So....back in Thailand got a new padded computer chair and from Mr DIY a large memory gel cushion to sit on. Stopped sitting with my legs so high up. A month later , more or less back to normal. The doctor advised me not to give up walking as this would help build muscle as additional support. Back then , to walk a hundred yards was agony with every step. But I put up with the pain and walked through it. After a kilometer it was a lot better. Within a week I was doing ten mile walks with no pain. The more I walked the better it got. Back to normal now ....lesson learnt. Maintain a good posture when sitting for many hours and rest frequently.
  14. Should have seen Wolf. He does a very good job.
  15. Around these parts this is the only time of year you can actually work outdoors for any length of time. In the hot season even taking the rubbish out has to be done at a sprint.
  16. Amazing Thailand .................. Yes Unseen Thailand .......................er....not really.
  17. Quick . Give them a furnished council house , a nice car and unemployment benefit . That'll learn ' em and will serve has a stark warning to others.
  18. Oh yes , I believe you The ' I think she fancies me , I'm on to a winner ' face
  19. Three pages not enough eh ? Want to shoot for 6. Yea why not. Push the boat out and go the whole hog.
  20. You write a semi plausible ficticious piece including dwarves and you can toss them all the way down Sukhumvit. Bound to run for three pages or more.
  21. We've had a two butch dikes and ladyboy thread , now two big guys and small Thai girl thread . I suppose we will be getting a two dwarfs and old milf thread tomorrow. 🙄
  22. Maybe a rocket in his pocket ?
  23. I used to start with the lips and work my way down. Never did get as far as the legs. Some girls don't like hairy chests or faces either.
  24. As you get older you become a higher risk . If you have a serious health issue down the road they know it could cost them a lot. As you get older they see the chance of making a profit from you diminish and the chance of making a loss from you increase. The big increase has two functions. One , to help offset the cost of any future expensive treatment . 2 ) To ' burn you off ' as a customer before the higher risk becomes more inevitable. Insurance companies are not benign altruistic friends. Their prime concern is their profit not your health. Just the way it is.
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