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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Most interesting to follow Voice TV [Thaksin underwritten] of late. Their harbouring agenda has a different take on most everything current affairs.
  2. Shouldn't come to any surprise for some that numerous book fairs are packed in attendance - an example might be the annual [week long] Bangkok Book Fair sponsors by PUBAT, in which a wide variety of Thai publishers are promoting their wares and the daily crowds are wall-to-wall. Suspending the stereotypical ideals of Thais and their reading proclivities. I suspect that most outside observers have extremely limited exposure and experience as such applies to the generalizations regarding Thais acuity of reading whatever.
  3. In which I suspect the Thais around you???? fashion to construct their own items....as is more commonplace - instead of "online shopping". Many Farang could take lessons to what might be construed as self-sufficient and cleverly independent.
  4. Only deriving from the fanciful pretense that currencies [anywhere] are reflective of real physical wealth/value......which of course doesn't exist. We could easily be trading rocks and leaves, in comparison, as a valued and accepted median - as the official worthiness of what wealth might be.
  5. And few take notice....with the exception of the odd and insignificant protest here or there. Lots of talk, yet no real direct action or taking a firm stance as a greater collective. And the dictatorial oligarchy will continue on it's path as it's always done.......for ages. Same as it ever was.
  6. This obsessive consciousness and paranoia regarding everything Shinawatra has become terribly wearisome. ....and yet, the continuing scheme seems to work quite nicely within particular circles.
  7. Savages. Barbarians. Those that don't comprehend the English.
  8. Most particularly, because their corrupted activities and policies have little adverse effect on the general population - which remains largely independent and self-sufficient. Most Thais have conditioned themselves to be rather indifferent about the usual and historied shenanigans and skullduggery.....unless such delves into their everyday lives [which it doesn't]. Pay attention to the average Thai community and one will find that the local political comings and goings are much more important to their lives and concerns. It might be extended local mafia, but it's their own extended local mafia.
  9. Clever misdirection and sleight-of-hand on their part. Things are never what they appear to be.
  10. The dream? Even facetiously. Are you suggesting their might be limitations as to living the dream might consist of? A singularly designed definition?
  11. Nonetheless, it all works out in the end. Win-win for everyone. ????
  12. Indeed. Might be hard pressed to find any country that doesn't apply such hidden/surface "extensions".
  13. That's right. It's all about the health and well being of the good people. Priorities Thai. ????????????
  14. These ideals should be brought into consideration when referencing non-Farang cultures as well, which is usually not the case. Perfectly satisfactory to harbour the usual and conditioned stereotypes towards those people, yet convenient when such doesn't apply to Farang -
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