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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The original varieties are native to tropical South Asia/SE Asia.....
  2. Imagine a world where no such make believe/invented enemies existed..... Paradoxical.
  3. A note to the wise. Don't purchase rice by way of the Western-style supermarkets places - should be applied to most every type of food stuff. Many [mostly Farang] don't get it. Never have.
  4. Another instance for the treasured Thai opaque rhetoric. Going through motions as if they really give a rat's <deleted>. More propagandized moments.
  5. These things should've been obvious decades ago. There is something highly disconcerting regarding the terminology of ruling party. Literally, less figurative.
  6. Military-run farmland. That might tell ya everything ya need to know about contemporary situations. [military this....military that]
  7. If you don't mind folks that all look alike. ???? Selected cultural inbreeding has it's moments, I guess. ????
  8. I'm suspecting that the promoted "24 hr testing wait" will be closer to 36-48 hrs. Meaning that one will be asked to pay for two nights accommodations. I believe that all of this is greatly dependent on what time your testing is done, which naturally corresponds with arrival time and the official check out time of the respected hotel - if your results are received at noon-2pm, technically one is probably charged for that extra day. Just a guess. Naturally, they're gonna attempt to squeeze as much deceived profit as possible with the initial confusion of the original intent. What they could've done to make all of this arrival testing nonsense much more streamlined might be to organise and conduct COVID rapid test right right there at the airport.......have an area where the test subjects can wait for their allotted 5-10 minutes for results - finished. Off ya go. Of course, this practice makes too much sense and less convoluted for the arriving individuals. And......it's not profitable for the system in place.
  9. Do away with the corrupt aggie mafias and associations? Novel concept.
  10. Traditionally, during these flooding crises, communities look after their own - they don't expect govt assistance, with the exception of the local level.
  11. Why stop at the policing systems. Mixed in with those directed crackdown and tribunes: the highly corrupted and criminal Ammat, military boys club, controlling ruling classes/side mafias and the political systems at large - nationally as well as provincially. A citizen cleansing, sort to speak.
  12. Should've been the case years ago. The sooner this cultural/economy weans away from this fanciful/deluded state of dependency the better off everything will be.
  13. ....and if ya hadn't noticed, everything covid related was used as an convenient excuse to impose the oddest and most repressive restrictions and cultural/economic changes [worldwide], most of which will remain in one fashion or another even though not necessary. It's all rather subtle.
  14. Some might be expecting this Thailand Pass program to be trashed before the year is out. Be much more upfront profitable to abandon the whole approach. Face saving measures.
  15. Continuing romance with English thespian and references thereof.
  16. Check with GammaGlobulin, as he might be able to straighten you out.
  17. Aside all of this, I'd be more curious as to what makes Pheu Thai an opposition as to their real existence among the establishment?
  18. ...and these aspects appear to missed so consistently [as do challenging/questioning] throughout contemporary journalistic endeavors. Real journalism has been dying for some time now. Don't know which is worse - the original pieces or those syndicates that wish to republish the stories.
  19. The system of a decades upon decades long corrupted class privilege system is in full exampled display.
  20. Part and parcel of the extending ruling class theatre. Activities of misdirection. Never mind what's going on behind the real curtain.
  21. Well....I can say what they truly excel in is the flowery and whimsical rhetoric of newspeak, Thai style - mixed with the effervescent Thai Magic Dust of misdirection and sleight-of-hand. They're very good at what they practice.......never ending.
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