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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Indeed. Who makes up these fallacy "news" items with the obviously false accompanying photo?
  2. What should be more disconcerting are the ever-dodgy test kits that are being employed - none of them were ever fail-safe.
  3. I was of the understanding that any/all dirty infected foreigners were to be held at secret detention facilities where they might be processed for a future date of public hangings.
  4. And these events have occurred in numerous instances within earth's historical cycles.....with or without the human's proposed influence.
  5. It appears that the universal memos were not distributed nor everyone not on the same page.
  6. There's never a real story that most will accept nor be comfortable with. Conditioned in this manner.
  7. Hope springs eternal...... I see the day when we escape the ever-toxic and make believe elixir of tourism and put it to rest.
  8. I believe one should be expecting the lovely and twisted Thai-inclined rhetoric to continue on it's journey for the short coming. You know that is - all about misdirection and slight-of-hand. The principle of existence.
  9. I believe you, and others, might be missing any point or picture.
  10. Becoming? Perhaps they've always been of this manner........the sh*t holes that you speak of. The deluded matrix panes are cracking exposing the reality.
  11. Giving too much thought towards most everything of trivial consequence. Bigger pictures are being missed. Which shouldn't surprise.
  12. What is clearly not understood or comprehended is that natural cycles exist - good, bad, indifferent. All this expected Occidental fundamentalism is sheer fancy and nothing less than a grand distraction.
  13. Well constructed. Though, sadly, will fall on deaf ears and the usual mind numbing sense.
  14. Quite the organised criminal syndicate that goes on here - and very deeply connected. And no one's the wiser.......apparently. ????
  15. They truly shouldn't bother until at least the greater general population of vaccinated has reached 60%-65% They should've been working on a schooling vaccination/protocol plan months ago, where at the least there was some sense of uniformity.
  16. We could easily start [and cast blame] on the ever expanding U.S. military empire and usage, who might be singularly guilty of the greatest consumer of carbon-based fuels in the history of human kind. As it spirals out of control.....no one touches upon this.
  17. In real practice, the world could've completely gone over to alternative energies years ago, as the knowhow has been in place for quite some time now. The obvious and largely rhetorically inquiry might be to ask why aren't these things a way of life contemporarily? We're not shifting in the right direction because they really don't care to have it this way. Their oligarchical control, influence and grotesque profits margins contradict any dreamy change that's fashionably spoken of. Another base instigator: mindless and unnecessary consumption, accumulation and waste.
  18. Slightly facetious, Mr Coleman? ???? I believe it's expected to have all the obvious snafus resolved. Yet, it will be later than sooner.......in the very Thai convoluted and deluded bureaucratic fashion. I wouldn't expect any such decent amendments or modifications to be rectified before the year is out. January sounds about right.
  19. Indeed. Also applies to a wide variety of sources. Seems to be the talk of the town in particular circles - and not a good talk, whatsoever.
  20. Tens of thousands leaving. Can't be enough. No loss......actually, much more beneficial in the long run.
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