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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. I'm so unlucky in love. I once dated a blind girl, but it turned out she was seeing someone else.
  2. I started a pessimism jar. It's like a swear jar where you put money in if you have negative thoughts. I've only had it a couple of days and it's already half empty.
  3. The missus brought home a tub of ice cream and asked if I wanted some. "How hard is it?" I asked. She cheekily replied, "As hard as you are when you're thinking about me naked." I said, "Ok, pour me a glass!"
  4. I just can't believe how rude the guy manning the suppository helpline was.
  5. I've started a business selling prayer mats which double as trampolines. Prophets are going through the roof!
  6. My mate had two watches stolen from his hotel room in Spain… Adios Omegas!
  7. I saw a bloke by the shops dressed as Henry VIII. He was sitting in the doorway asking people for money. I thought, that can't be right - Beggars can't be Tudors?
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